Looking for an opportunity to continuallylearn and strengthen your optical design skills? Come work with an exceptionalteam of engineers from whom you can glean all kinds of knowledge and insightinto optical design! We are currently recruiting opticalengineers with a passion for problem solving and a proven ability to climb thelearning curve quickly. The idealcandidates will be outgoing and enthusiastic with an extensive knowledge ofoptics. Job Description As an Optical Engineer with the EngineeringServices Team, you will provide technical support across a broad range ofapplications and optical systems, including space telescopes, biomedicalinstruments, illumination systems, lasers and more. You will interact with engineersand scientists who are the foremost experts in their fields. Your trained eyewill be able to spot and balance aberrations, know how to set the PSF grid forimage simulation calculations, and quickly and accurately tolerance an opticalsystem for manufacture. While sometechnical support requests have a straightforward solution, many are complex,requiring a strong background in optical theory and design. In this rewardingposition, you’ll get to know people all over the world and hear things like“{Your name here} is AWESOME!!!” or “I really appreciate the prompt help andfollow through in resolving my problem. Great customer service!” These are realcomments we have received from real customers. In addition, you get the challenging job ofinvestigating potential bugs in the software and testing new features in eachnew software release. As you grow intoan OpticStudio Master, you'll be given the opportunity to teach trainingcourses, where you will develop other OpticStudio Masters. You'll also givedemonstrations to potential new customers, and interact with customers at tradeshows and conferences. Eventually, you may even have opportunities to take oncustom work, like writing DLLs or macros for customers. Required Qualifications Tobe considered for this opportunity, at a minimum you will possess: B.S. degree or equivalent in Optics,Physics, or related field Experience with optical design software,Zemax OpticStudio an advantage Fluency in English and Chinese languages Exceptional written and oral communicationskills Experience presenting to and/or teachinggroups of other optical engineers and scientists Strong problem-solving skills with theability to distill problems down to their simplest form Experience with CAD software such as SolidWorks,Creo Parametric, or Autodesk Inventor is an advantage This position includes a competitive salarythat consists of a combination of base salary and bonus. Location This position is located at Zemax ChinaOffice in Kerry Center, JingAn District, Shanghai. About Us Zemaxis the leading brand of optical and illumination design software used bythousands of professional optical designers and engineers worldwide,OpticStudio is the latest edition of Zemax software. Our company, Zemax LLC isa dynamic, tightly-knit organization that is growing rapidly. A key benefit ofjoining us at this time is the ability to carve out a niche for yourself anddefine what your next job in the company will be. Our optical engineers go onto do great things within the company, from leading teams of other engineers todeveloping the physics behind our software as a part of the development team.Regardless of which direction you head, opportunities abound. 若您对职位有兴趣,请发送详细的中英文简历 至 邮箱:eva.zhou@zemax.com 请注明邮件名:应聘Zemax光学工程师+您的姓名 简历投递截止日期:2015年5月13日 [ 此帖被zemax官方在2015-04-28 11:32重新编辑 ]
zemax官方 2015-04-20 11:37有意者请发送中英文简历哦
swoptical 2015-04-20 11:44上海啊~
510016832 2015-04-22 07:48很有兴趣。但是。。。。
zemax官方 2015-04-28 11:32工作地点在上海 静安寺 嘉里中心,有意者请发来简历
小凡 2015-04-29 12:27想去,但是。。英语能看不能说
zemax官方 2015-05-04 14:46Zemax原厂还将招聘一位市场经理,详情请查看:http://www.opticsky.cn/read.php?tid=83430&ds=1&page=1&toread=1#tpc
phoenixzqy 2015-06-28 15:53你们搬家之后我还没去过呢。