机械专业英语词汇 !9u|fnC9
陶瓷 ceramics 8qY79)vD4E
合成纤维 synthetic fibre YNLV9.P6
电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion I3=%h
车架 automotive chassis =+/eLKG
悬架 suspension 9*2[B"5
转向器 redirector H;?{BV
变速器 speed changer /,89p&h
板料冲压 sheet metal parts fRrvNj0{V
孔加工 spot facing machining )jU)_To
车间 workshop u5O+1sZ"6
工程技术人员 engineer I
气动夹紧 pneuma lock '[U8}z3
数学模型 mathematical model j K!Au
画法几何 descriptive geometry bHPYp5UwN
机械制图 Mechanical drawing I, -hf=-
投影 projection ||T2~Q*:y
视图 view ~;QvWS
剖视图 profile chart ?{\nf7Y
标准件 standard component 4zASMu
零件图 part drawing )hd@S9Z.Y
装配图 assembly drawing ]=.\-K
尺寸标注 size marking ;o^eC!:/%
技术要求 technical requirements !;EjB*&
刚度 rigidity P<PJ)>
内力 internal force B\<Q ;RI2;
位移 displacement , R'@%,/
截面 section 9:fOYT$8
疲劳极限 fatigue limit @x9a?L.48
断裂 fracture 6BY-^"W5`
塑性变形 plastic distortion wmk
脆性材料 brittleness material 3!3xCO
刚度准则 rigidity criterion 3 j!3E
垫圈 washer kQ4dwF~
垫片 spacer BHd&yIyI
直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear 6Se?sHC>
斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear b^ L
直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear ]Oh@,V8
运动简图 kinematic sketch sC27FVwo
齿轮齿条 pinion and rack {_b%/eR1
蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear =CK4.
虚约束 passive constraint z3`-plE
曲柄 crank ~u)}ScTp
摇杆 racker +~'865 {
凸轮 cams QBtnx[
共轭曲线 conjugate curve `D>S;[~S7
范成法 generation method So{x]x:f
定义域 definitional domain j;']cWe
值域 range >C7r:%
导数\\微分 differential coefficient Q<z_/j9
求导 derivation @'YS1 N<
定积分 definite integral n/DP>U$I&
不定积分 indefinite integral ,O.3&Nz,c
曲率 curvature A&s:\3*Kh
偏微分 partial differential /4t j3B,
毛坯 rough y@ ML/9X8q
游标卡尺 slide caliper j H19k}D
千分尺 micrometer calipers VK}fsOnj0
攻丝 tap |B.0TdF
二阶行列式 second order determinant t/ +=|*
逆矩阵 inverse matrix tDSJpW'd
线性方程组 linear equations '=[?~0(B
概率 probability M54j@_81pX
随机变量 random variable Ks=>K(V6
排列组合 permutation and combination .9R
气体状态方程 equation of state of gas zEs>b(5u
动能 kinetic energy |\QgX%
势能 potential energy Tg!i%v(-t
机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy ([
动量 momentum eyefW n&
桁架 truss ki [UV
轴线 axes < XP9@t&
余子式 cofactor JmPHAUd
逻辑电路 logic circuit ;w:M`#2
触发器 flip-flop MG[o%I96
脉冲波形 pulse shape ;epV<{e$q4
数模 digital analogy 1=#q5dZ]
液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism ElS 9?Q+
机械零件 mechanical parts Is]aj-#r
淬火冷却 quench !xP8#|1
淬火 hardening EG0WoUX|
回火 tempering -M%_\;"de
调质 hardening and tempering HOw-]JSP2
磨粒 abrasive grain )_{dWf1
结合剂 bonding agent RMd[Yr2e
砂轮 grinding wheel gT$Ju88
s >e=?W
后角 clearance angle ;FBUwR}
龙门刨削 planing hfnN@Kg?B}
主轴 spindle ]d,S749(s
主轴箱 headstock .7i` (F)
卡盘 chuck n3}!p'-CC
加工中心 machining center @Gx.q&H
车刀 lathe tool )ap_Z6
车床 lathe /3eKN
钻削 镗削 bore $rz=6h
车削 turning !6s"]WvF
磨床 grinder mocI&=EF2X
基准 benchmark JAAI_gSR3
钳工 locksmith Q>/C*@
锻 forge Ynp{u`?
压模 stamping Jj,U RD&0R
焊 weld d*A*y ^OD
拉床 broaching machine 4D['^q
拉孔 broaching 4!+pc-}-
装配 assembling <,3^|$c%
铸造 found xZ|Y?R5m
流体动力学 fluid dynamics Hu.t 3:w
流体力学 fluid mechanics 0@G")L
加工 machining WA]c=4S
液压 hydraulic pressure G2t;DN(
切线 tangent 2kdC]|H2?
机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 5m?8yT}
气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure <@}I0
稳定性 stability Sp7ld7c
介质 medium |;.o8}
液压驱动泵 fluid clutch CamE'
液压泵 hydraulic pump BZud)l24
阀门 valve PUo/J~ v
失效 invalidation F#5B<I
强度 intensity %CS@g.H=_
载荷 load Zm=(+
应力 stress OR}c)|1
安全系数 safty factor 356>QW'm
可靠性 reliability {]E+~%Va
螺纹 thread K$ M^gh0
螺旋 helix N@O8\oQG
键 spline L:_bg8eD#
销 pin 1AG=%F|.
滚动轴承 rolling bearing e=4+$d
滑动轴承 sliding bearing 7<%<Ff@^)O
弹簧 spring |tv"B@`
制动器 arrester brake R,9[hNHWGs
十字结联轴节 crosshead iXjo[Rz^C
联轴器 coupling F)s{P Cl
链 chain D8>enum
皮带 strap qZ}P*+`Q
精加工 finish machining {e+-vl
粗加工 rough machining 1Ab>4UhD
变速箱体 gearbox casing = M]iIWQ@`
腐蚀 rust yY[<0|o u
氧化 oxidation ]8icBneA~'
磨损 wear ~zSCg|"r
耐用度 durability p98~&\QT
随机信号 random signal (9<guv
离散信号 discrete signal <Q?a=4
超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor &^}6
集成电路 integrate circuit vG;zJ#c
挡板 orifice plate &Y
残余应力 residual stress _)]+hUwY
套筒 sleeve q EP
扭力 torsion 1Wm)rXW[x
冷加工 cold machining AJSx%?h:6
电动机 electromotor cs1l~bl
汽缸 cylinder +T=(6dr
过盈配合 interference fit 7\f\!e <
热加工 hotwork *^RmjW1I
摄像头 CCD camera $ &P>r
倒角 rounding chamfer '=1KVE^Fk
优化设计 optimal design (y?ITz9
工业造型设计 industrial moulding design p=C%Hmd5E
有限元 finite element W-.pmU e2
滚齿 hobbing 6I!7c^]t
插齿 gear shaping I! > \#K
伺服电机 actuating motor }';D]c
铣床 milling machine ;zYqsS
钻床 drill machine `ORECg)
镗床 boring machine UK1_0tp]x
步进电机 stepper motor -s|}Rh?Y
丝杠 screw rod )u/H>;L P
导轨 lead rail UN%Vg:=
组件 subassembly esHQoIhd
可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC "Ae@lINn[y
电火花加工 electric spark machining ^-rfvc
电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting MY/3]g<
相图 phase diagram hSK;V<$[Z
热处理 heat treatment rQEyD
固态相变 solid state phase changes RPIyO
有色金属 nonferrous metal ZxlAk+<]
陶瓷 ceramics f{"8g"[[)(
合成纤维 synthetic fibre 7C$
电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion p/2jh&
车架 automotive chassis GEEW?8
悬架 suspension -AhwI
转向器 redirector 0]D{Va
变速器 speed changer =)E,8L
板料冲压 sheet metal parts &z]K\-xp
孔加工 spot facing machining %0$qP0|`3I
车间 workshop xS7$%w['
工程技术人员 engineer kKPi:G52F
气动夹紧 pneuma lock hzI|A~MFB
数学模型 mathematical model ALEnI@0
画法几何 descriptive geometry f>s?4
机械制图 Mechanical drawing S.Z9$k%
投影 projection e#,~,W.H
视图 view #U*_1P0h
剖视图 profile chart Wm H~m k"
标准件 standard component ?-tVSRKQ
零件图 part drawing MwfOy@|N
装配图 assembly drawing kPQtQh]y%
尺寸标注 size marking Ug:\
技术要求 technical requirements dgDy5{_
刚度 rigidity $''9K
内力 internal force !r`, =jK"
位移 displacement ifo7%XPcg
截面 section 50
疲劳极限 fatigue limit n39t}`WIl
断裂 fracture ltkI}h,e
塑性变形 plastic distortion k"g._|G
脆性材料 brittleness material U|HB=BP
刚度准则 rigidity criterion mKT>,M
垫圈 washer LGc&o]k
垫片 spacer xr7+$:>a
直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear (_4;') 9
斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear pDQ}*
直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear ,v&L:a
运动简图 kinematic sketch hoT/KWD,
齿轮齿条 pinion and rack f30Pi1/h=c
蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear n!6Z]\8~$
虚约束 passive constraint hLDA]s
曲柄 crank rCS#{x
摇杆 racker .>wv\i[p
凸轮 cams DAg58
共轭曲线 conjugate curve N$xtHtz8"
范成法 generation method 'TTUN=y
定义域 definitional domain kQaSbpNmH
值域 range Fkf97Oi
导数\\微分 differential coefficient c8Q]!p+Yp
求导 derivation T6pLoaKu
定积分 definite integral _/S?#
不定积分 indefinite integral # wc \T
曲率 curvature 9S[XTU
偏微分 partial differential .bVmqR`
毛坯 rough l{VSb92f
游标卡尺 slide caliper )RYG%
千分尺 micrometer calipers ]I/Vb s
攻丝 tap mR8W]'gl.L
二阶行列式 second order determinant cECi')
逆矩阵 inverse matrix n,~;x@=5
线性方程组 linear equations ^uS/r#l
概率 probability w[_x(Ojq;
随机变量 random variable >/<:Q &
排列组合 permutation and combination Qp2I[Ioz3
气体状态方程 equation of state of gas NNG}M(/V
动能 kinetic energy ?EU\}N J
势能 potential energy 51#"3S
机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy M=xQ=j?
动量 momentum MHL("v(@B
桁架 truss !:LJzROh
轴线 axes (-NHxo
余子式 cofactor 0)Rw|(Fpo]
逻辑电路 logic circuit l7JY]?p
触发器 flip-flop .+y>8h3{
脉冲波形 pulse shape i#X!#vyc
数模 digital analogy \Hqc9&0
液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism M,3wmW&d6
机械零件 mechanical parts XYx6V
淬火冷却 quench 4$,,Ppn
淬火 hardening BIf^~jAER%
回火 tempering AGYm';z3
调质 hardening and tempering vRA',(](
磨粒 abrasive grain BpO9As 1um
结合剂 bonding agent kC$&:\Rh
砂轮 grinding wheel 4gdY`}8b^}
Assembly line 组装线 yBLUNIr
Layout 布置图 9umGIQHnil
Conveyer 流水线物料板 Sx]
Rivet table 拉钉机 oK+
Rivet gun 拉钉枪 E?PGu!&u
Screw driver 起子 8 _d-81Dd
Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子 nzX@:7g
worktable 工作桌 Uz%Z&K
OOBA 开箱检查 !C:r b
fit together 组装在一起 Q\{x)|{$
fasten 锁紧(螺丝) :9l51oE7
fixture 夹具(治具) "`A :(<x
pallet 栈板 WW@"Z}?k
barcode 条码 Oajv^H,Em
barcode scanner 条码扫描器 LT+3q%W.UC
fuse together 熔合 G>T')A
fuse machine热熔机 tPHS98y
repair修理 b'x$2K;E
operator作业员 $e\N+~KNCy
QC品管 F5gObIJtuY
supervisor 课长 .g\6g~n
ME 制造工程师 =OTm2:j#yQ
MT 制造生技 TUp%FJXA|
cosmetic inspect 外观检查 z&nZ<ih
inner parts inspect 内部检查 w#G2-?aj
thumb screw 大头螺丝 OIaYHA
lbs. inch 镑、英寸 4ax|Vb)D
EMI gasket 导电条 (7$$;
front plate 前板 i4Z4xTn
rear plate 后板 Sm3u /w!
chassis 基座 sDiHXDI_m
bezel panel 面板 >cOeiK
power button 电源按键 2BB<mv
reset button 重置键 EU`T6M
Hi-pot test of SPS 高源高压测试 1]4^V7y
Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 'u[%}S38
sheet metal parts 冲件 AO0!liQ
plastic parts 塑胶件 vahoSc;sw
SOP 制造作业程序 ~I_owCVZ
material check list 物料检查表 Z>A{i?#m
work cell 工作间 3(lVmfk
trolley 台车 y8s=\`~PR
carton 纸箱 }Zl"9A#K
sub-line 支线 ,jh~;, w2
left fork 叉车 M'jXve(=yF
personnel resource department 人力资源部 E8[XG2ye
production department生产部门 o'UHStk
planning department企划部 Y)p4]>lT+8
QC Section品管科 |XcH]7Ai"
stamping factory冲压厂 lmFA&s"m
painting factory烤漆厂 *6*-WV6
molding factory成型厂 y lL8+7W
common equipment常用设备 3VP $x@AV
uncoiler and straightener整平机 E <@\>y.[
punching machine 冲床 uW[3G
robot机械手 ,{<Fz%
hydraulic machine油压机 __)qw#
lathe车床 !
planer |plein|刨床 "3y} F
miller铣床 84`rbL!M
grinder磨床 L+R>%d
linear cutting线切割 x;U|3{Io
electrical sparkle电火花 jH0Bo;
welder电焊机 yh!B!v'
staker=reviting machine铆合机 &va*IR
position职务 ~I$}#
president董事长 fOBN=y6x
general manager总经理 C_-E4I
special assistant manager特助 VK4/82@5
factory director厂长 pG28M]\
department director部长 wgZrrq/W|
deputy manager | =vice manager副理 aL)Hv k:
section supervisor课长 NhDA7z`b'J
deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 ;Q90Y&{L=$
group leader/supervisor组长 3H'*?|Y(#
line supervisor线长 x7gjG"V
assistant manager助理 "^"'uO$
to move, to carry, to handle搬运 1f;or_f#k?
be put in storage入库 F@<MT<TRf
pack packing包装 Z3`2-r_=
to apply oil擦油 3Uo]>BG
to file burr 锉毛刺 (6-y+LG
final inspection终检 Q?]w{f(
to connect material接料 Oxj(g;}
to reverse material 翻料 Y- ~;E3(
wet station沾湿台 }} # be
Tiana天那水 ^H'kHl'F
cleaning cloth抹布 f!!P
to load material上料 |D(&w+(
to unload material卸料 J";=d4Sd
to return material/stock to退料 O\JD, w
scraped |\\'skr?pid|报废 cuMc*i$w!
scrape ..v.刮;削 4tnjXP8
deficient purchase来料不良 g-eq
manufacture procedure制程 WVkG2
deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良 ITQ9(W
oxidation |\\' ksi\\'dei?n|氧化 FK3Whe{KP{
scratch刮伤 <4$YO-:E
dents压痕 Zly-\z_
defective upsiding down抽芽不良 &q L<C
defective to staking铆合不良 19w_tSg
embedded lump镶块 ;"SZ}
feeding is not in place送料不到位 4L11P
stamping-missing漏冲 p_gA/. v=
production capacity生产力 ~zj"OG"zOw
education and training教育与训练 a+'}XEhSC:
proposal improvement提案改善 T N Ist
spare parts=buffer备件 sSy$(%
forklift叉车 uDI}R]8~
trailer=long vehicle拖板车
,| <jjq)
compound die合模 7y>(H<^>
die locker锁模器 c-`37. J
pressure plate=plate pinch压板 &|NZ8:*+#
bolt螺栓 Seg#s.
administration/general affairs dept总务部 LhZZc`|7t
automatic screwdriver电动启子 K7S754m
thickness gauge厚薄规 PJ0Jjoh"Y
gauge(or jig)治具 oL)lyUVT
power wire电源线 )*Vj3Jx
buzzle蜂鸣器 p&QmIX]BZ
defective product label不良标签 $)l2G;&
identifying sheet list标示单 f!EOYowW
location地点 pOX$4$VR<
present members出席人员 YV4
subject主题 D| [/>x
conclusion结论 1O23"o5=
decision items决议事项 xg{VP7
responsible department负责单位 Vv2{^!aZ
pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日 *^ey]),f54
approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办
PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表 TG4^_nRl
model机锺 !2#\| NJk
work order工令 A%P 8c
revision版次 Z~:/#?/
remark备注 T<XfZZ)l<`
production control confirmation生产确认 :wSJ-\'$
checked by初审 |1lf(\T_
approved by核准 xSx&79Ez<*
department部门 XNKtL]U}$
stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表 tI"wVr
on-hand inventory现有库存 u/;_?zI
available material良品可使用 Y'2-yB
obsolete material良品已呆滞
to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工 dZ.}j&ZH'
total合计 J1nXAh)J
cause description原因说明 vwm|I7/w
part number/ P/N 料号 )nJzSN=>$
type形态 =jsx(3V
item/group/class类别 YGfA qI
quality品质 E1^aAlVSD
prepared by制表 notes说明 0&.LBv8
year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表 Nz3zsP$
physical inventory盘点数量 KSF5)CZ5
physical count quantity帐面数量 F1 9;RaP+
difference quantity差异量 IES41y<
cause analysis原因分析 7E;>E9 '
raw materials原料 +GRxHuW,
materials物料 OY+!aG@.
finished product成品 9)#gtDM%J
semi-finished product半成品 7ytm.lU
packing materials包材 ~o}moE/
good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品 O)Xd3w'
defective product/non-good parts不良品 @=02
disposed goods处理品 &uv>'S#%
warehouse/hub仓库 s.<olxXRW
on way location在途仓 eL>K2Jxq
oversea location海外仓 ] dW%g?
spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单 s4!|v`+$M
spare molds location模具备品仓
skid/pallet栈板 c ,Qw;
tox machine自铆机 OJnPP>
wire EDM线割 2q2p=H>&
EDM放电机 %{N>c:2I$
coil stock卷料 '=KuJ0`nE9
sheet stock片料 (k7;
tolerance工差 U;x99Go:
score=groove压线 j4.Qvj >:4
cam block滑块 *=($r%)
pilot导正筒 >l7eoj
trim剪外边 34"{rMbQ
pierce剪内边 i n[n Aa
drag form压锻差 NTXws4'D
pocket for the punch head挂钩槽 '?&B5C
slug hole废料孔 -0=}|$H.
feature die公母模 ,\.YJD>z
expansion dwg展开图 Hj}g1"RA
radius半径 tXssejiE%
shim(wedge)楔子 &.|;yt%v
torch-flame cut火焰切割 j<.
<S {
set screw止付螺丝 !Ei Ze.K
form block折刀 m]+X}|
stop pin定位销 {jj]K.&
round pierce punch=die button圆冲子 \#h})`
shape punch=die insert异形子 8cYuzt]..
stock locater block定位块 v*vub#wP
under cut=scrap chopper清角 mafAC73
active plate活动板 BDv|~NHs
baffle plate挡块 8eg2o$k_,#
cover plate盖板 17MN8SfQ
male die公模 f ~n' Ki+'
female die母模 &F@tmM~
groove punch压线冲子 <MI$Nl
air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆
spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板 b;&Yw-\nZ;
bushing block衬套 2c*VHIl;
insert 入块 ex;Yn{4
club car高尔夫球车 Mt7X<?GZm
capability能力 FvtM~[Q
parameter参数 IdN%f]=/
factor系数 UcKWa>:Fi
phosphate皮膜化成 VNOK>+
viscosity涂料粘度 BMtYM{S6
alkalidipping脱脂 S[\cT:{OE
main manifold主集流脉 XY$cx~
bezel斜视规 <uWJ>sg^6
blanking穿落模 (AyRs7Dkn
dejecting顶固模 +E""8kW- Z
demagnetization去磁;消磁 RN cI]oJ
high-speed transmission高速传递 j,gM+4V^
heat dissipation热传 rack上料 l:k E^ =6
degrease脱脂 O(c4iWm
rinse水洗 B8BY3~}]
alkaline etch龄咬 A7I8Z6&
desmut剥黑膜 l1`c?Y
D.I. rinse纯水次 s525`Q;
Chromate铬酸处理 6i?kkULBS
Anodize阳性处理 0X}w[^f
seal封孔 W+-f `
revision版次 HeAc(_=C
part number/P/N料号 +wPvQKVfI
good products良品 ej??j<]
scraped products报放心品 FrE/K_L
defective products不良品 u+, jAkr
finished products成品 @/ovdf{
disposed products处理品 Z)Xq!]~/g
barcode条码 @Z1?t%1
flow chart流程表单 y+~Aw"J}
assembly组装 % 'L=
stamping冲压 sB*h`vs0T
molding成型 'E4(!H,k
spare parts=buffer备品
coordinate座标 oeU+?-y/b
dismantle the die折模 sjVl/t`l
auxiliary fuction辅助功能 ES:p^/ =*
poly-line多义线 m SvTnd8
heater band 加热片 qkyX*_}
thermocouple热电偶 7zOvoQ}
sand blasting喷沙
grit 砂砾 s\K-(`j}
derusting machine除锈机 RAXJsF^5o
degate打浇口 ='l6&3X
dryer烘干机 GQc%OQc\
induction感应 rO2PbF3
induction light感应光 4QN6BZJ5
response=reaction=interaction感应 LnACce
ram连杆 nqw*oLFQ
edge finder巡边器 *Sp O|*'
concave凸 rt4|GVa
convex凹 sjgxx7
short射料不足 Yv|bUZ@
nick缺口 Q!$kUcky9
speck瑕?? J1wGK|F~
shine亮班 i\c^h;wX
splay 银纹 ohG43&g~
gas mark焦痕 v+,
delamination起鳞 bgx5{!A
cold slug冷块 Y{\2wU!Isn
blush 导色 085 ^!AZ
gouge沟槽;凿槽 )Z`viT
satin texture段面咬花 }N=zn7W
witness line证示线 E"vi+'(v
patent专利 Ql!6I (
grit沙砾 l[OQo|_
granule=peuet=grain细粒 Hwi7oXP
grit maker抽粒机 1</t #r
cushion缓冲 tLGwF3e$A
magnalium镁铝合金 MDXQj5s^
magnesium镁金 mm~o%1|WR
metal plate钣金 UHm+5%ZC
lathe车 mill锉 Y K 62#;
plane刨 UmHb-uk ;
grind磨 pl? J<48
drill铝 ZJ'H y5?
boring镗 u K &_IE}
blinster气泡 gbi~!S-
through-hole form通孔形式 SX94,5 _Q
voller pin formality滚针形式 T"jDq1C/,E
cam driver铡楔 v6(l#,
shank摸柄 ;Z0cD*Jb
crank shaft曲柄轴 AHg4kG
augular offset角度偏差 bqLYF[#T
velocity速度 E~U|v'GCd
production tempo生产进度现状 eFI9S.6
torque扭矩 k-p7Y@`+a
spline=the multiple keys花键 uaMm iR
quenching淬火 4zvU"np
tempering回火 6O?S r,
annealing退火 XsCbJ[Z_?q
carbonization碳化 Z)>a6s$ih<
tungsten high speed steel钨高速的 YRX2^v ^[
moly high speed steel钼高速的 rs)aEmvC
organic solvent有机溶剂 HGMH
bracket小磁导 Ptxc9~k
liaison联络单 dEl3?~
volatile挥发性 LWR&(p.%
resistance电阻 )=y6s^}
ion离子 3).c[F^l
titrator滴定仪 x6mq['_
beacon警示灯 7o%|R2mL}
coolant冷却液 ;-w PXXR
crusher破碎机 >TVd*S
阿基米德蜗杆 Archimedes worm ;&:Et
安全系数 safety factor; factor of safety H_^u_%:e
安全载荷 safe load mLdyt-1
凹面、凹度 concavity `'t;BXedz/
扳手 wrench JH,fg K+[
板簧 flat leaf spring gG?*Fi
半圆键 woodruff key V)?g4M3}
变形 deformation ~ZIRCTQ"
摆杆 oscillating bar b-gVRf#F
摆动从动件 oscillating follower 4E94W,1%,Y
摆动从动件凸轮机构 cam with oscillating follower "uNxKLDB
摆动导杆机构 oscillating guide-bar mechanism --hnv/AjI
摆线齿轮 cycloidal gear |I<-x)joIK
摆线齿形 cycloidal tooth profile \?IwR]@y
摆线运动规律 cycloidal motion WM7/|.HQ
摆线针轮 cycloidal-pin wheel tUnVdh6L.B
包角 angle of contact s: .XF|e{
保持架 cage q.Mck9R7
背对背安装 back-to-back arrangement Z0@ImhejuB
背锥 back cone ; normal cone Z-V%lRQ=b
背锥角 back angle ,3[<C)'[
背锥距 back cone distance
比例尺 scale ~#Mx&mZ
比热容 specific heat capacity 1F8EL)9
闭式链 closed kinematic chain S}I=i>QB
闭链机构 closed chain mechanism (NlEb'~+
臂部 arm ^aMdbB
变频器 frequency converters f@g
变频调速 frequency control of motor speed Um|Tf]q
变速 speed change XOFaS '.
变速齿轮 change gear change wheel %P6!vx:&^b
变位齿轮 modified gear tS@/Bq('B
变位系数 modification coefficient !Z)^c&
标准齿轮 standard gear d8I:F9
标准直齿轮 standard spur gear (`*wiu+i
表面质量系数 superficial mass factor jzw?V9Ijb
表面传热系数 surface coefficient of heat transfer .`RC,R`C
表面粗糙度 surface roughness m^+~pC5
并联式组合 combination in parallel h}_q
并联机构 parallel mechanism w\4m-Z{
并联组合机构 parallel combined mechanism (`xnA~BN
并行工程 concurrent engineering tYa*%|!v
并行设计 concurred design, CD "|rqt.f2[
不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance g>CQO,s;w
不平衡 imbalance (or unbalance) M] *pBc(o0
不平衡量 amount of unbalance TR20{8"
不完全齿轮机构 intermittent gearing h!]A(T\J
波发生器 wave generator g{(nt5|^l
波数 number of waves
O,v$'r W
补偿 compensation EC/R|\d?Un
参数化设计 parameterization design, PD Uc2#so$9
残余应力 residual stress ';F][x 5j
操纵及控制装置 operation control device tsD^8~
槽轮 Geneva wheel _Y=yR2O
槽轮机构 Geneva mechanism ; Maltese cross >S]')O$c
槽数 Geneva numerate aQFHB!
槽凸轮 groove cam S#dS5OX
侧隙 backlash B8Z66#EQ
差动轮系 differential gear train N|}`p"
差动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism .|-y+9IP
差速器 differential N R{:4zJT
常用机构 conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use U4JN,`p{
车床 lathe 2D"/k'iA
承载量系数 bearing capacity factor \eCdGx?
承载能力 bearing capacity 470Pig>I8
成对安装 paired mounting m6D4J=59
尺寸系列 dimension series *Y~64FM
齿槽 tooth space 9~yuyv4$
齿槽宽 spacewidth KMcP !N.I
齿侧间隙 backlash 8b!_b2Za
齿顶高 addendum W{d/m;<@N
齿顶圆 addendum circle 7&1: ]{_
齿根高 dedendum (Bz(KyD[
齿根圆 dedendum circle =KLYR UW
齿厚 tooth thickness +l(}5(wc
齿距 circular pitch `<q5RuU
齿宽 face width %s>E@[s
齿廓 tooth profile e`^j_VnEH
齿廓曲线 tooth curve 4NIfQYC.
齿轮 gear v},sWjv
齿轮变速箱 speed-changing gear boxes QTH yH
齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack ! ZEKvW
齿轮插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter ,PYe7c
齿轮滚刀 hob ,hobbing cutter |(5=4j]
齿轮机构 gear ^Tx1y[hw$
齿轮轮坯 blank 3Daq5(fLP
齿轮传动系 pinion unit p
WH u[Fu
齿轮联轴器 gear coupling `Ec+i
齿条传动 rack gear R#>E{[9
齿数 tooth number [aC(Ga}
齿数比 gear ratio 1Jt%I'C?
齿条 rack Alz#zBGb
齿条插刀 rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter ?AE%N.rnsi
齿形链、无声链 silent chain F<[8!^l(z
齿形系数 form factor jk@]d5
齿式棘轮机构 tooth ratchet mechanism trLs4o,
插齿机 gear shaper EZ4qhda
重合点 coincident points aF:LL>H
重合度 contact ratio SW7%SX,xM
冲床 punch DVd/OU
传动比 transmission ratio, speed ratio Dts:$PlCk
传动装置 gearing; transmission gear W2RS G~|
传动系统 driven system P1<;:!8'
传动角 transmission angle sp%7iNs
传动轴 transmission shaft <Vim\
串联式组合 combination in series 6C:Lq%}
串联式组合机构 series combined mechanism f[w$3
串级调速 cascade speed control `8I&(k<wLe
创新 innovation creation l-&f81W
创新设计 creation design ^:BRbp37i
垂直载荷、法向载荷 normal load %}/)_RzQ
唇形橡胶密封 lip rubber seal L@wnzt
磁流体轴承 magnetic fluid bearing JsV#:
从动带轮 driven pulley ;1KhUf;&F
从动件 driven link, follower o9/P/PZ\X
从动件平底宽度 width of flat-face I ;_.tG
从动件停歇 follower dwell ]zO]*d=m
从动件运动规律 follower motion deNU[
从动轮 driven gear 0*q:p`OLw*
粗线 bold line UxW~yk
粗牙螺纹 coarse thread xK/`XY
大齿轮 gear wheel vI-KH:r"{
打包机 packer W6pS.}
打滑 slipping 3]'3{@{}H
带传动 belt driving SNQ+ XtoO
带轮 belt pulley ?@~FT1"6G
带式制动器 band brake q9OIw1xQr*
单列轴承 single row bearing |^ qW
单向推力轴承 single-direction thrust bearing z#y<QH
单万向联轴节 single universal joint er53?z7zP.
单位矢量 unit vector zVIzrz0
当量齿轮 equivalent spur gear; virtual gear ?F-,4Ox{/
当量齿数 equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth ]C!u~A\jq
当量摩擦系数 equivalent coefficient of friction L2 I/h`n"
当量载荷 equivalent load '&"7(8E}
刀具 cutter ^C(AMT
导数 derivative DT*/2TH*l
倒角 chamfer BjA|H
导热性 conduction of heat CTwP{[%Pk
导程 lead 8w{V[@QLn
导程角 lead angle k=LY 6
等加等减速运动规律 parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion '!_o`t@
等速运动规律 uniform motion; constant velocity motion |PWLFiT(>
等径凸轮 conjugate yoke radial cam 2]@U$E='s
等宽凸轮 constant-breadth cam n1H*][CK
等效构件 equivalent link o*<(,I%
等效力 equivalent force @FQ@*XD
等效力矩 equivalent moment of force 9U+^8,5
等效量 equivalent *@O;IiSE
等效质量 equivalent mass 4F'@yi^Gt
等效转动惯量 equivalent moment of inertia u",
等效动力学模型 dynamically equivalent model &P\T{d2"
底座 chassis "MyYu}AD
低副 lower pair * 6uiOtH
点划线 chain dotted line Q[}mH: w
(疲劳)点蚀 pitting >9|Q,/b0
垫圈 gasket )&*&ZL0
垫片密封 gasket seal &R 0BuFL8
碟形弹簧 belleville spring [\I\).
顶隙 bottom clearance 0py0zE6,,
定轴轮系 ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes Q 5Ln'La$
动力学 dynamics vZ*593C8
动密封 kinematical seal F.JE$)B2EX
动能 dynamic energy c^m}ep\F5L
动力粘度 dynamic viscosity 9;:Lf
动力润滑 dynamic lubrication ?A]:`l_"
动平衡 dynamic balance ,\Cy'TSz
动平衡机 dynamic balancing machine `AYHCn
动态特性 dynamic characteristics `LNRl'Zm
动态分析设计 dynamic analysis design }APf^Ry
动压力 dynamic reaction Rrs z{a
动载荷 dynamic load d=q2Or
端面 transverse plane T;I a;<mfE
端面参数 transverse parameters uYV#'%
端面齿距 transverse circular pitch S]k<Ixvf
端面齿廓 transverse tooth profile La9dFe-uu{
端面重合度 transverse contact ratio 2 &R-zG
端面模数 transverse module XWK A0
端面压力角 transverse pressure angle {AJspLcG
锻造 forge *ozeoX'5D
对称循环应力 symmetry circulating stress hMi`n6m
对心滚子从动件 radial (or in-line ) roller follower d6wsT\S
对心直动从动件 radial (or in-line ) translating follower d'PjO-"g
对心移动从动件 radial reciprocating follower uZi]$/ic
对心曲柄滑块机构 in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism /I="+
多列轴承 multi-row bearing B1 'Ds
多楔带 poly V-belt BsRxD9r
多项式运动规律 polynomial motion Fz-Bd*uS
多质量转子 rotor with several masses !MoGdI-<r[
惰轮 idle gear ]>&au8
额定寿命 rating life `ez_
额定载荷 load rating F $B_;G
II 级杆组 dyad |]^OX$d
发生线 generating line q0$}MB6
发生面 generating plane %b0..Zz
法面 normal plane :+; UW
法面参数 normal parameters 1Qv5m^>vj
法面齿距 normal circular pitch ShFSBD\M#
法面模数 normal module 2B5Z0<
法面压力角 normal pressure angle lkOugjI
法向齿距 normal pitch NEJxd%-
法向齿廓 normal tooth profile | M4_@P
法向直廓蜗杆 straight sided normal worm d XrLeoK
法向力 normal force o|$l+TC
反馈式组合 feedback combining j$siCsF
反向运动学 inverse ( or backward) kinematics BA53
反转法 kinematic inversion RoT}L#!!
反正切 Arctan ^ola5w D
范成法 generating cutting dk# LAm0<
仿形法 form cutting 3Jf_3c
方案设计、概念设计 concept design, CD YR^J7b\
防振装置 shockproof device *#w+*ywVZH
飞轮 flywheel V'^Hn?1^
飞轮矩 moment of flywheel 6j+_)7.V
非标准齿轮 nonstandard gear #zyEN+
非接触式密封 non-contact seal `~F=
非周期性速度波动 aperiodic speed fluctuation ZXh6Se4o
非圆齿轮 non-circular gear UW_fn
粉末合金 powder metallurgy Hcq?7_)
分度线 reference line; standard pitch line 3[amCKel
分度圆 reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle |1uyJ?%B
分度圆柱导程角 lead angle at reference cylinder ?zM]p"M
分度圆柱螺旋角 helix angle at reference cylinder B;@7
分母 denominator )OS^tG[=
分子 numerator +:+q,0~*]
分度圆锥 reference cone; standard pitch cone 3o5aB1
分析法 analytical method 9{]U6A*K0w
封闭差动轮系 planetary differential >hQeu1 ~W
复合铰链 compound hinge 3dTz$s/[
复合式组合 compound combining HN]roSt~
复合轮系 compound (or combined) gear train }4b
复合平带 compound flat belt \]1qAFB5
复合应力 combined stress =W$
复式螺旋机构 Compound screw mechanism ;shhgz$
复杂机构 complex mechanism DD{-xCCR
杆组 Assur group * G!C 'w\$
干涉 interference a<*q+a(*W
刚度系数 stiffness coefficient @(<C {
刚轮 rigid circular spline D,b'1=
钢丝软轴 wire soft shaft V{+'(<SV
刚体导引机构 body guidance mechanism V(3^ev/
刚性冲击 rigid impulse (shock) F9IrbLS9c
刚性转子 rigid rotor DybuLB$f
刚性轴承 rigid bearing eg!s[1[_
刚性联轴器 rigid coupling H0r@dn
高度系列 height series 4+I @
高速带 high speed belt %38HGjS
高副 higher pair )_BQ@5NK
格拉晓夫定理 Grashoff`s law BJC$KmGk
根切 undercutting jrk48z
公称直径 nominal diameter 9K,PT.c
高度系列 height series EIQ`?8KSR
功 work BQTZt'p
工况系数 application factor 3Z/_}5%"
工艺设计 technological design wX<w)@
工作循环图 working cycle diagram q(xr5iuP_
工作机构 operation mechanism )}w2'(!X8
工作载荷 external loads 5argw+2s4$
工作空间 working space c@f?0|66M
工作应力 working stress ,Y9bXC8+dU
工作阻力 effective resistance [>--U)/
工作阻力矩 effective resistance moment v
公法线 common normal line m-?hHdO
公共约束 general constraint gOb"-;Zw
公制齿轮 metric gears 5?l8;xe`{f
功率 power iepolO=
功能分析设计 function analyses design CZZwBt$P
共轭齿廓 conjugate profiles HE!"3S2S&+
共轭凸轮 conjugate cam Z?JR6;@W
构件 link 6sjd:~J:
鼓风机 blower zD^*->`p
固定构件 fixed link; frame N$ oQK(
固体润滑剂 solid lubricant Ob!NC&
关节型操作器 jointed manipulator c o 8bnH
惯性力 inertia force xu%_Zt2/?j
惯性力矩 moment of inertia ,shaking moment ICdfak
惯性力平衡 balance of shaking force <=nOyT9
惯性力完全平衡 full balance of shaking force ) KvGJo)("
惯性力部分平衡 partial balance of shaking force C*X=nezq
惯性主矩 resultant moment of inertia 3ch<a0
惯性主失 resultant vector of inertia ]C'^&:&<
冠轮 crown gear Phq"A[4=O
广义机构 generation mechanism +h]~m_O
广义坐标 generalized coordinate gUr#3#
轨迹生成 path generation DbWaF5\yD
轨迹发生器 path generator (zr2b
滚刀 hob 1R.|j_HYy
滚道 raceway eQqnPqi-
滚动体 rolling element F:7d}Jx
滚动轴承 rolling bearing jWL%*dJrN
滚动轴承代号 rolling bearing identification code {k}$L|w
滚针 needle roller 8 /vGA=
滚针轴承 needle roller bearing I|x?
滚子 roller J5!-<oJ/
滚子轴承 roller bearing t p<v
滚子半径 radius of roller 3p1U,B}
滚子从动件 roller follower <EKTFHJ!
滚子链 roller chain 1SF8D`3
滚子链联轴器 double roller chain coupling +R8G*2
滚珠丝杆 ball screw {h*)|J
滚柱式单向超越离合器 roller clutch NR3h|'eC
过度切割 undercutting b|-}?@&7&q
函数发生器 function generator KwHlpW*
函数生成 function generation =28ZSo^
含油轴承 oil bearing :u]QEZ@@
耗油量 oil consumption Hk
耗油量系数 oil consumption factor CzDV^Iv;Q{
赫兹公式 H. Hertz equation @?JFqwq!
合成弯矩 resultant bending moment B ({g|}|G+
合力 resultant force V]Rt[l]
合力矩 resultant moment of force 6]r#6c%
黑箱 black box kGmz1S}2
横坐标 abscissa _v[gJ(F
互换性齿轮 interchangeable gears D"msD"
花键 spline %p:Z(zU
滑键、导键 feather key '=0l{hv@
滑动轴承 sliding bearing dv Vz#
滑动率 sliding ratio mclV"?
滑块 slider s:K'I7_#@
环面蜗杆 toroid helicoids worm k4PXH
环形弹簧 annular spring I5@8=rFk
缓冲装置 shocks; shock-absorber "m%EFWUOl
灰铸铁 grey cast iron $0gGRCCG;
回程 return I~GHx5Dk
回转体平衡 balance of rotors -^Qm_lN
混合轮系 compound gear train >,ABE2t5
积分 integrate %'uei4
机电一体化系统设计 mechanical-electrical integration system design sXmP<c
机构 mechanism 1N[9\Yi
机构分析 analysis of mechanism }_BNi;H
机构平衡 balance of mechanism T>pyYF1Q
机构学 mechanism 2bOl`{x
机构运动设计 kinematic design of mechanism AJ3%Z$JJ;s
机构运动简图 kinematic sketch of mechanism F`La_]f?b\
机构综合 synthesis of mechanism \.'[!GE *c
机构组成 constitution of mechanism kl1/(
机架 frame, fixed link naM~>N
机架变换 kinematic inversion O!t=,F1j
机器 machine _pmo
机器人 robot R$p(5>#\5
机器人操作器 manipulator /'/i?9:
机器人学 robotics &e78xtA{
技术过程 technique process D |=L)\
技术经济评价 technical and economic evaluation |e<$
技术系统 technique system $;&l{=e2)
机械 machinery 7GTDe'T
机械创新设计 mechanical creation design, MCD CH#K0hi
机械系统设计 mechanical system design, MSD G`;\"9t5h
机械动力分析 dynamic analysis of machinery dBwoAq`'
机械动力设计 dynamic design of machinery uq/Fapl
机械动力学 dynamics of machinery *\@RBJGF
机械的现代设计 modern machine design mE=Ur
机械系统 mechanical system N/'8W9#6
机械利益 mechanical advantage F9Af{*Jw?x
机械平衡 balance of machinery 'N^*,
机械手 manipulator ~<-mxOe
机械设计 machine design; mechanical design R58NTPm
机械特性 mechanical behavior _%er,Ed
机械调速 mechanical speed governors QJ(5o7Tfn
机械效率 mechanical efficiency )dFPfu&HL
机械原理 theory of machines and mechanisms 5dhy80|g]
机械运转不均匀系数 coefficient of speed fluctuation #.!#"8{0_
机械无级变速 mechanical stepless speed changes =av0a!
基础机构 fundamental mechanism q(X7e
基本额定寿命 basic rating life AusjN-IL
基于实例设计 case-based design,CBD *?*~<R
基圆 base circle in5e *
基圆半径 radius of base circle 1Q!kk5jE
基圆齿距 base pitch 4"H*hKp
基圆压力角 pressure angle of base circle g*(z.
基圆柱 base cylinder {bADMj1
基圆锥 base cone PU[<sr#,
急回机构 quick-return mechanism ^_i)XdPU
急回特性 quick-return characteristics 4U_+NC>b
急回系数 advance-to return-time ratio BU4IN$d0Po
急回运动 quick-return motion C/QmtT~`e
棘轮 ratchet yXoNfsv
棘轮机构 ratchet mechanism W/%hS)75
棘爪 pawl mE5{)<N:C
极限位置 extreme (or limiting) position tGgDS)
极位夹角 crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions k s\q^ten
计算机辅助设计 computer aided design, CAD w@&z0ODJ
计算机辅助制造 computer aided manufacturing, CAM 8sU5MQ5
计算机集成制造系统 computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS jf- XVk5q
计算力矩 factored moment; calculation moment /a<UKh:A[
计算弯矩 calculated bending moment '`|j{mBhG
加权系数 weighting efficient x.Egl4b3
加速度 acceleration nGe4IY\-w
加速度分析 acceleration analysis R<Mc+{*>
加速度曲线 acceleration diagram lVQE}gd%m
尖点 pointing; cusp :V5 Co!/+
尖底从动件 knife-edge follower 8nu!5 3
间隙 backlash ,(a~vqNQW3
间歇运动机构 intermittent motion mechanism [qW%H,_
减速比 reduction ratio |!9xL*A
减速齿轮、减速装置 reduction gear Q(cLi:)X2
减速器 speed reducer U65l o[
减摩性 anti-friction quality &6C]|13;
渐开螺旋面 involute helicoid vPGUE`!D+
渐开线 involute -seLa(8F
渐开线齿廓 involute profile 6)ibXbH
渐开线齿轮 involute gear VBQAkl?(}4
渐开线发生线 generating line of involute )DhE~
渐开线方程 involute equation jrFPd
渐开线函数 involute function MH#"dGGu
渐开线蜗杆 involute worm A_\Jb}J1<
渐开线压力角 pressure angle of involute wn?oHz*
渐开线花键 involute spline 7%EIn9P
简谐运动 simple harmonic motion R.*;] R>M
键 key $kxP5q%9
键槽 keyway 87[ ,.W
交变应力 repeated stress 717THci3Y
交变载荷 repeated fluctuating load E"_{S.Wc
交叉带传动 cross-belt drive kmC0.\
交错轴斜齿轮 crossed helical gears K=HLMDs
胶合 scoring -&`_bf%M
角加速度 angular acceleration F<4:P=
角速度 angular velocity MKvmzLh$)
角速比 angular velocity ratio {q`8+$Z;
角接触球轴承 angular contact ball bearing wkGr}
角接触推力轴承 angular contact thrust bearing XVt;hO
角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing b9vudr
角接触轴承 angular contact bearing Pe,k y>ow
铰链、枢纽 hinge \fEG5/s}T
校正平面 correcting plane H390<`
接触应力 contact stress __xmn{{L6P
接触式密封 contact seal l"E{ ?4
阶梯轴 multi-diameter shaft |Vqm1.1/Zv
结构 structure uP%VL}%0
结构设计 structural design @,eo*
截面 section 2<5LQr
节点 pitch point 8)eRm{
节距 circular pitch; pitch of teeth S$hxR
节线 pitch line ^8~TsK~
节圆 pitch circle d;p3cW"
节圆齿厚 thickness on pitch circle Yg '(
节圆直径 pitch diameter lqv}~MC
节圆锥 pitch cone 1aO(+](;
节圆锥角 pitch cone angle )s^gT]"N
解析设计 analytical design Yb5@W/'
紧边 tight-side g2TK(S|#
紧固件 fastener Zf}2c8Vc4
径节 diametral pitch ~&p]kmwXSX
径向 radial direction gizY4~
径向当量动载荷 dynamic equivalent radial load T88$sD.2
径向当量静载荷 static equivalent radial load o
径向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic radial load rating [dP<A?s
径向基本额定静载荷 basic static radial load tating guYP|
径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing O4f9n
径向平面 radial plane ";(m,if-
径向游隙 radial internal clearance A\rY~$Vr
径向载荷 radial load *!y04'p`<
径向载荷系数 radial load factor &$CyT6mb^
径向间隙 clearance y'8T=PqY[t
静力 static force 89D`!`Ah]
静平衡 static balance !gLJBp
静载荷 static load /];N 1
静密封 static seal 4`#%<G
局部自由度 passive degree of freedom 2i!R>`
矩阵 matrix i: UN
矩形螺纹 square threaded form DL~!
锯齿形螺纹 buttress thread form 2 N &B
矩形牙嵌式离合器 square-jaw positive-contact clutch Et*LbU
绝对尺寸系数 absolute dimensional factor M<Z#4Gg#4
绝对运动 absolute motion l2Py2ZI-b
绝对速度 absolute velocity V4"o.G3\o
均衡装置 load balancing mechanism bHSoQ \
抗压强度 compression strength g=4P-i3
开口传动 open-belt drive D&mPYxXL
开式链 open kinematic chain n~`jUML2d
开链机构 open chain mechanism #Qz9{1\G
可靠度 degree of reliability ZT&[:>upR
可靠性 reliability R6;229e
可靠性设计 reliability design, RD N/{=j
空气弹簧 air spring (0 t{
空间机构 spatial mechanism lxXF8c>U
空间连杆机构 spatial linkage 8sDw:wTC
空间凸轮机构 spatial cam \J(~
空间运动副 spatial kinematic pair lp$,`Uz`
空间运动链 spatial kinematic chain JK^%V\m
空转 idle C;ha2UV0H
宽度系列 width series hZ<FCY,/?
框图 block diagram _%rkN0-(a
雷诺方程 Reynolds‘s equation ct*~\C6Ze
离心力 centrifugal force 0[g5[?Vy
离心应力 centrifugal stress PB8U+
离合器 clutch u^ wGVg
离心密封 centrifugal seal w{;bvq%lY
理论廓线 pitch curve vy5{Vm".4
理论啮合线 theoretical line of action w"Zws[pm]
隶属度 membership t2.]v><