机械专业英语词汇 +DVU"d
陶瓷 ceramics B<_T"n'#b
合成纤维 synthetic fibre "WK.sBFz4
电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion o%CBSm]
车架 automotive chassis ah~7T~
悬架 suspension "< [D1E\
转向器 redirector d<!bE(
变速器 speed changer O^
板料冲压 sheet metal parts 2)mKcUL-
孔加工 spot facing machining }Z2Y>raA\
车间 workshop gpO@xk$
工程技术人员 engineer |f`!{=?
气动夹紧 pneuma lock (swP#t5S
数学模型 mathematical model #{<Jm?sU
画法几何 descriptive geometry lQ)ZsFs=
机械制图 Mechanical drawing oA73\BFfP
投影 projection ynDa4HB
视图 view 8a"aJYj
剖视图 profile chart (}bP`[@rX!
标准件 standard component ,TP^i 0
零件图 part drawing 5>/,25
装配图 assembly drawing {Uu7 @1@n
尺寸标注 size marking u9'4q<>&
技术要求 technical requirements <r9J+xh*p
刚度 rigidity 1jQz%^~
内力 internal force p`XI (NI
位移 displacement H@OYtPHGR
截面 section u:fiil$
疲劳极限 fatigue limit RYmk6w!w
断裂 fracture S1zV.]
塑性变形 plastic distortion 1\_4# @')
脆性材料 brittleness material "jb?P$
刚度准则 rigidity criterion m<r.sq&;
垫圈 washer sL[,J[AN;
垫片 spacer 1<pbO:r
直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear -s4qm)\
斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear 7?B]X%
直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear Ks9"U^bPs
运动简图 kinematic sketch b\H~Ot[i
齿轮齿条 pinion and rack 5(TI2,4
蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear KJJ8P`Kx
虚约束 passive constraint mtmtOG_/=
曲柄 crank fE7[Sk
摇杆 racker Pxy(YMv
凸轮 cams g9p#v$V
共轭曲线 conjugate curve OfY>~d
范成法 generation method :6Bk<
定义域 definitional domain p4|:u[:&
值域 range 'szkn0
导数\\微分 differential coefficient e)>Z&e,3
求导 derivation )|'? uN7
定积分 definite integral >:h
不定积分 indefinite integral En-eG37l
曲率 curvature rzY7f: '
偏微分 partial differential xlS
毛坯 rough ,8EeSnI
游标卡尺 slide caliper 0;r+E*`DA
千分尺 micrometer calipers (F~eknJ
攻丝 tap )T
3y ,*
二阶行列式 second order determinant P g7W:L7
逆矩阵 inverse matrix w/>k
线性方程组 linear equations /dBQ*f5
概率 probability NCl$vc;,
随机变量 random variable ]%F3 xzOk
排列组合 permutation and combination 44($a9oa2
气体状态方程 equation of state of gas Vg&`f
动能 kinetic energy l% K9Ke
势能 potential energy cfa#a!Y4
机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy fHR1kuy
动量 momentum ?Tt/,Hl?D
桁架 truss LKftNSkg"
轴线 axes 'I*F(4x
余子式 cofactor ]={:VsnL
逻辑电路 logic circuit $Ob]JAf}
触发器 flip-flop IiS1ubNtZ
脉冲波形 pulse shape 9e1gjC\ c
数模 digital analogy .lTU[(qwu
液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism wzT+V,
机械零件 mechanical parts C&K%Q3V
淬火冷却 quench <iv9Mg}
淬火 hardening ZXe[>H
回火 tempering H\8.T:>
调质 hardening and tempering U/wY;7{)#
磨粒 abrasive grain )6^b\`
结合剂 bonding agent p"JITH:G
砂轮 grinding wheel V=QvwQlZ
后角 clearance angle bP(V#6IJ8
龙门刨削 planing oI/@w
主轴 spindle `Nc3I\tCM
主轴箱 headstock Dbz\8gmY
卡盘 chuck E&GUg/d
加工中心 machining center 2lE {
车刀 lathe tool BDD^*Y
车床 lathe J+w"{ O
钻削 镗削 bore GVCyVt[!-
车削 turning <@(HQuL#
磨床 grinder pcoJ\&&W
基准 benchmark Jel%1'Dc^
钳工 locksmith (;V]3CtU*
锻 forge 6@; w%Ea
压模 stamping z| i$eF;x3
焊 weld @X
拉床 broaching machine #^%Rk'W
拉孔 broaching ezC55nm
装配 assembling d cYUw]
铸造 found RkP7}ZA;
流体动力学 fluid dynamics t.485L%
流体力学 fluid mechanics d\'M ~VQ
加工 machining 0JKbp*H
液压 hydraulic pressure ]%"Z[R
切线 tangent _H<ur?G
机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration :q0C$xF
气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure `{ou4H\
稳定性 stability sW@4r/F>:D
介质 medium (*^_wq-;
液压驱动泵 fluid clutch r]kLe2r:B
液压泵 hydraulic pump ib;:*
阀门 valve VL7zU->
失效 invalidation W(a=ev2sa
强度 intensity xAon:58m{
载荷 load {6a";Xj\e
应力 stress .'L@$]!G
安全系数 safty factor ^h4Q2Mv o
可靠性 reliability [{f{E
螺纹 thread i,$*+2Z
螺旋 helix f)?s.DvUB
键 spline "((6)U#
销 pin GriL< =?t
滚动轴承 rolling bearing ~^KemwogPN
滑动轴承 sliding bearing /J wQ5
弹簧 spring )u(`s `zd
制动器 arrester brake y[.0L!C {
十字结联轴节 crosshead
联轴器 coupling %(,JBa:G
链 chain pU<->d;->
皮带 strap ;UArDw H
精加工 finish machining M5[AA/@
粗加工 rough machining UXR$ 7<D+
变速箱体 gearbox casing p`T7Y\\#!
腐蚀 rust h9 [ov)
氧化 oxidation ,d&~#W]
磨损 wear `?2S4lN/
耐用度 durability !!DHfAV]
随机信号 random signal mWfzL'*
离散信号 discrete signal .y#@~H($
超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor {UvZ
集成电路 integrate circuit 7z5AI!s_
挡板 orifice plate Ym2![FC1
残余应力 residual stress yLipuMNV
套筒 sleeve ]* ':
扭力 torsion nhiCV>@y
冷加工 cold machining gX.4I;
电动机 electromotor - YJ7ne]
汽缸 cylinder n;/yo~RR
过盈配合 interference fit
热加工 hotwork }gGcYRT
摄像头 CCD camera ,M5zhp$
倒角 rounding chamfer -jFvDf,M,D
优化设计 optimal design cOxF.(L
工业造型设计 industrial moulding design 1vx:`2 A4
有限元 finite element k`'^e/
滚齿 hobbing f*aYS
插齿 gear shaping Bd31>
伺服电机 actuating motor O{%yO=`r
铣床 milling machine Rm&i"
钻床 drill machine ? R#-gvX%
镗床 boring machine r@/+
步进电机 stepper motor *)T},|Gc
丝杠 screw rod sJw#^l
导轨 lead rail 8%U+y0j6b
组件 subassembly Y'DI@
可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC >
电火花加工 electric spark machining ,_F1g<^@u
电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting K.JKE"j)d
相图 phase diagram k-*H=km
热处理 heat treatment \L<Hy)l
固态相变 solid state phase changes q~T*R<S
有色金属 nonferrous metal |Q@4F&k
陶瓷 ceramics Kn?>XXAc
合成纤维 synthetic fibre hDSt6O4za
电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion gC>
车架 automotive chassis &) T5V
悬架 suspension +j%!RS$ko
转向器 redirector x32hO;
变速器 speed changer ToTehVw
板料冲压 sheet metal parts B#OnooJI
孔加工 spot facing machining bd5\Rt
车间 workshop
工程技术人员 engineer 7b_t%G"
气动夹紧 pneuma lock .-awl1 W
数学模型 mathematical model (1^AzE%U+Z
画法几何 descriptive geometry RpOGY{[)[
机械制图 Mechanical drawing =e$<["
投影 projection TMpV.iH
视图 view onI%Jl sq
剖视图 profile chart /q^)thJ~
标准件 standard component SDwTGQ/0
零件图 part drawing LPc)-t|p"
装配图 assembly drawing wqk D
尺寸标注 size marking
技术要求 technical requirements | (JxtQqQg
刚度 rigidity G3
内力 internal force iVTC"v
位移 displacement >B!E 6ah
截面 section |-a5|3
疲劳极限 fatigue limit ="Zr. g~8
断裂 fracture p.A_,iE
塑性变形 plastic distortion Vzn0;
脆性材料 brittleness material Qz=F
刚度准则 rigidity criterion xQ+UZc
垫圈 washer WXV (R,*Tc
垫片 spacer 7 XE&[o
直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear SR!EQ<
斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear z$4g9
直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear /99S<U2ej
运动简图 kinematic sketch m!Cvd9X=
齿轮齿条 pinion and rack $P&{DOiKS
蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear =.a}
虚约束 passive constraint n("Xa#mY[
曲柄 crank LeRyS]
摇杆 racker f>!)y- 7
凸轮 cams 6?$yBu9l
共轭曲线 conjugate curve <:/Lap#D^
范成法 generation method C~-x637/
定义域 definitional domain `?f6~$1
值域 range : fMQ,S0
导数\\微分 differential coefficient Kh&W\\K
求导 derivation .);~H#
定积分 definite integral C@d*t?
不定积分 indefinite integral bi/ AQ^
曲率 curvature J_NY:B
偏微分 partial differential P1C{G'cR
毛坯 rough HVjN<H IqM
游标卡尺 slide caliper -Pt.
千分尺 micrometer calipers )l?1dR:sP
攻丝 tap JYbsta
二阶行列式 second order determinant Iue}AGxu:{
逆矩阵 inverse matrix uDD{O~wF,
线性方程组 linear equations }?G([s56
概率 probability sjGy=d{:oL
随机变量 random variable >x?x3 #SX
排列组合 permutation and combination
C 2t]
气体状态方程 equation of state of gas $ix:S$
动能 kinetic energy @7UZ{+67*C
势能 potential energy E$SYXe [,
机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy }aO6%
动量 momentum !]f80z
桁架 truss zVt1Ta:j
轴线 axes 5"sd
余子式 cofactor W4Z8U0co
逻辑电路 logic circuit TrCut2
触发器 flip-flop Fi+8| /5
脉冲波形 pulse shape zUuOX5-6x
数模 digital analogy x{DTVa
液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism `PY=B$?{4
机械零件 mechanical parts >0F)^W?
淬火冷却 quench O06 2c)vIY
淬火 hardening $8>kk
回火 tempering )[b\wrc
调质 hardening and tempering `D/<*e,#
磨粒 abrasive grain H 48YX(HI
结合剂 bonding agent "m#17J_
砂轮 grinding wheel n(uzqd
Assembly line 组装线 )J^5?A
Layout 布置图 >}T}^F
Conveyer 流水线物料板 N\l|3~
Rivet table 拉钉机 G&Fe2&5!w
Rivet gun 拉钉枪 e"#QUc(
Screw driver 起子 P2Jo^WS
Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子 MO^Q 8v
worktable 工作桌 bG)EZ
OOBA 开箱检查 =jEVHIYt
fit together 组装在一起 +D+v j|fn
fasten 锁紧(螺丝) }~NM\rm
fixture 夹具(治具) g^l~AR
pallet 栈板 FEH+ PKSc
barcode 条码 NufRd/q
barcode scanner 条码扫描器 r01u3!
fuse together 熔合 ?B+]Ex(\B,
fuse machine热熔机 ^HhV?Iqg
repair修理 Sw.k,p*r
operator作业员 oRo[WQla
QC品管 hbdB67,
supervisor 课长 R ;k1(p
ME 制造工程师 2c*w{\X
MT 制造生技 ,ZI#p6
cosmetic inspect 外观检查 'yo-`nNFD
inner parts inspect 内部检查 /IQ$[WR cx
thumb screw 大头螺丝 0fGt7 "Q
lbs. inch 镑、英寸 |.KB
EMI gasket 导电条 =;"e Z
front plate 前板 !J&UO/q.
rear plate 后板 8-_atL
chassis 基座 H Y~[/H+:
bezel panel 面板 2T?8{yO7
power button 电源按键 `@xnpA]l
reset button 重置键 cG"wj$'w
Hi-pot test of SPS 高源高压测试 L\hid/NL
Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 {SF'YbY
sheet metal parts 冲件 h,\5C/
plastic parts 塑胶件 MQe|\SMd
SOP 制造作业程序 (A )f
material check list 物料检查表 %I=/
work cell 工作间 q`VkA
trolley 台车 x4i&;SP0
carton 纸箱 W|Cs{rBc?
sub-line 支线 uZTbJ3$$
left fork 叉车 XU<XK9EA
personnel resource department 人力资源部 nx(jYXVT
production department生产部门 bt*
planning department企划部 rf^u&f
QC Section品管科 3*T/ 7\
stamping factory冲压厂 c|@OD3w2lM
painting factory烤漆厂 Dz,|sHCmk
molding factory成型厂 ;}lsD1S:
common equipment常用设备 Wf3{z
uncoiler and straightener整平机 #qu;{I#W3
punching machine 冲床 Q4Nut
robot机械手 N1}r%!jk/
hydraulic machine油压机 foUBMl
lathe车床 GkxQEL
planer |plein|刨床 NoMlTh(O
miller铣床 j u&v4]
grinder磨床 {Hie%2V
linear cutting线切割 K8/jfm
electrical sparkle电火花 Ey.%:
welder电焊机 Scug
staker=reviting machine铆合机 X(O:y^sX}
position职务 a ]:xsJ~
president董事长 _%3p&1ld
general manager总经理 c'XSs
special assistant manager特助 i%GiWanG
factory director厂长 2%v6h
department director部长 guVuO
deputy manager | =vice manager副理 1Vkb}A,'
section supervisor课长 )gz]F_
deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 D^xg2D
group leader/supervisor组长 :]4s;q:m
line supervisor线长 r:PYAb=g
assistant manager助理 Em4'b1mDX%
to move, to carry, to handle搬运 mo9(2@~<
be put in storage入库 g\9&L/xDN
pack packing包装 }+}Cl T
to apply oil擦油 ecx_&J@D
to file burr 锉毛刺 bxPJ5oT
final inspection终检 CfO{KiM(2
to connect material接料 pI.~j]*:{
to reverse material 翻料 q6hH]Q>w*
wet station沾湿台 vM-kk:n7f
Tiana天那水 ]N,'3`&::
cleaning cloth抹布 LN)yQ-
to load material上料 >sdF:(JV&
to unload material卸料 P8#_E{f
to return material/stock to退料 zJh!Q**
scraped |\\'skr?pid|报废 Q,:h`%V
scrape ..v.刮;削 ;pS+S0U
deficient purchase来料不良 G({5Lj gW
manufacture procedure制程 m;nH
deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良 )y6
oxidation |\\' ksi\\'dei?n|氧化 C8do8$
scratch刮伤 VU6+"2+'2
dents压痕 c}!`tBTm
defective upsiding down抽芽不良 2"k|IHs1
defective to staking铆合不良 oKr= ]p
embedded lump镶块 O2"@09:
feeding is not in place送料不到位 i!fk'Yt%
stamping-missing漏冲 K47.zu
production capacity生产力 vXZP>
education and training教育与训练 (uX"n`Dk
proposal improvement提案改善 h#Mx(q
spare parts=buffer备件 B
forklift叉车 @+_pj.D
trailer=long vehicle拖板车 ny!80I
compound die合模 ?v-!`J>EF#
die locker锁模器 UV</Nx)3
pressure plate=plate pinch压板 =*.S<Ko)
bolt螺栓 !]9qQ7+R%
administration/general affairs dept总务部 ?=1i:h
automatic screwdriver电动启子 i+Mg[x$.
thickness gauge厚薄规 D+N@l"U{
gauge(or jig)治具 &4%78K\
power wire电源线 QxuU3#l
buzzle蜂鸣器 ~OLyG$JJ
defective product label不良标签 uKTYb#E7
identifying sheet list标示单 6ZwQ/~7H
location地点 ~eS/gF?
present members出席人员 zGc]*R
subject主题 !HtW~8|:
conclusion结论 ]zj&U#{
decision items决议事项 GO*D4<#u
responsible department负责单位 i5_l//]
pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日 #Uep|A
approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办 XWX]/j2jA
PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表 jwuSne
model机锺 @7;}6,)
work order工令 b7">IzAe
revision版次 +VJyGbOcC
remark备注 kIe)ocJg
production control confirmation生产确认 2|(lKFkQ
checked by初审 0bD\`Jiv,
approved by核准 Z0v&AD=
department部门 snNB;hkj
stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表 knfmJUT
on-hand inventory现有库存 E70o nR!i
available material良品可使用 pB]*cd B?
obsolete material良品已呆滞 )cL`$h4DD
to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工
total合计 cBU3Q<^
cause description原因说明 ?5^DQ|Hg ^
part number/ P/N 料号 TTWiwPo59
type形态 DeeV;?:
item/group/class类别 )T&r770
quality品质 'geN
prepared by制表 notes说明 5`lVC$cP
year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表 k9NHdi7&2
physical inventory盘点数量 W&[-QM8
physical count quantity帐面数量 (yeWArQ
difference quantity差异量 L)S
cause analysis原因分析 K( ?p]wh
raw materials原料 \.GA"_y
materials物料 " ub0}p4V
finished product成品 MX+gc$Y
semi-finished product半成品 '$z@40u
packing materials包材 \C2HeA\#SW
good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品 !t{
defective product/non-good parts不良品 u6:$AA
disposed goods处理品 NF-@Q@
warehouse/hub仓库 ,% .)mf
on way location在途仓 o3NB3@uj<
oversea location海外仓 )(c%QWz
spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单 Jp_ :.4
spare molds location模具备品仓 V@EyU/VJ
skid/pallet栈板 C~nL3w
tox machine自铆机 r;>.*60AT
wire EDM线割 hM=X#
EDM放电机 ~jz51[{v
coil stock卷料 uu>R)iTQ%S
sheet stock片料 Kw:%B|B<T
tolerance工差 ,E@}=x9p
score=groove压线 FF|M7/[~
cam block滑块 2r]o>X
pilot导正筒 |0X~D}r|J
trim剪外边 6JRFYgI
pierce剪内边 g0IvcA
drag form压锻差 QBfo=9[=e
pocket for the punch head挂钩槽 Sogt?]HB$
slug hole废料孔 ^V]IPGV
feature die公母模 I SdB5Va
expansion dwg展开图 +=nWB=iCb
radius半径 m}>Q#IVZ
shim(wedge)楔子 D^U?!S&4~
torch-flame cut火焰切割 u%=2g'+)_
set screw止付螺丝 Qv]rj]%
form block折刀 )@=fGN Dt
stop pin定位销 R:f ,g2
round pierce punch=die button圆冲子 e nw*[D !
shape punch=die insert异形子 _NpxV'E
stock locater block定位块 Q]$pg 5O
under cut=scrap chopper清角 <,U$Y>
active plate活动板 'tjqfR
baffle plate挡块 1?Tj
cover plate盖板 `lt[Q>Z
male die公模 [| N73m,&
female die母模 CT'#~~QB
groove punch压线冲子 $H&:R&Us
air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆 !;${2 Q
spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板 eax"AmO
bushing block衬套 "g!ek3w(
insert 入块 $e{}SQ;fW
club car高尔夫球车 +jKu^f6
capability能力 [ A 7{}
parameter参数 .S4%Q9l
factor系数 Y.#fpG'
phosphate皮膜化成 ,3!4
viscosity涂料粘度 *u < ZQq
alkalidipping脱脂 HK%W7i/k@
main manifold主集流脉 %7?Z|'\
bezel斜视规 -D%mVe)&+
blanking穿落模 wyLyPJv
dejecting顶固模 BKgCuz:y
demagnetization去磁;消磁 ksUF(lYk
high-speed transmission高速传递 t
heat dissipation热传 rack上料 k)W&ZY
degrease脱脂 \l`{u)V
rinse水洗 e{*yV#Wl
alkaline etch龄咬 wti
desmut剥黑膜 tZu1jBO_Q4
D.I. rinse纯水次 `}rk1rl6
Chromate铬酸处理 n9-WZsc1
Anodize阳性处理 Lg|d[*;'7
seal封孔 z*9 ke
revision版次 U"~W3vwJ
part number/P/N料号 jX^_(Kg
good products良品
scraped products报放心品 *.Z~f"SZy*
defective products不良品 wz BI<0]z
finished products成品 )t CNp
disposed products处理品 Dv&K3^~Rfb
barcode条码 Sl@Ucc31
flow chart流程表单 Lu5X~6j"$
assembly组装 r\)bN4-g
stamping冲压 IaU%L6Q]
molding成型 2IUd?i3~l
spare parts=buffer备品 $+$l?2
coordinate座标 hML-zZ
dismantle the die折模 81w"*G5AM
auxiliary fuction辅助功能 M+:9U&>
poly-line多义线 DKkilqVM
heater band 加热片 ,_Kr}RH
thermocouple热电偶 HV*;Yt
sand blasting喷沙 T)',}=
grit 砂砾 ? PpS4Rd
derusting machine除锈机 2waPNb|
degate打浇口 L|6I
dryer烘干机 syI|gANT/r
induction感应 2u+!7D!w$
induction light感应光 mkl^2V13~
response=reaction=interaction感应 %Y>E
ram连杆 qB&Je$_uh
edge finder巡边器 |68k9rq
concave凸 n|KYcU#
convex凹 (NN;1{DB8
short射料不足 5L_`Fw\l
nick缺口 bvZ:5M
speck瑕?? 1l Cr?
shine亮班 ,]]*}4[r
splay 银纹 MH9vg5QKp
gas mark焦痕 ,Q0H)//~
delamination起鳞 d`=LZio
cold slug冷块 0%4OmLBT
blush 导色 u8M_2r
gouge沟槽;凿槽 b};o:
satin texture段面咬花 GR4DxlX
witness line证示线 "F6gV;{Bt
patent专利 oR/_{#Mz"
grit沙砾 !&NrbiuN
granule=peuet=grain细粒 J_.cC
grit maker抽粒机 tw&v@HUP
cushion缓冲 iq[IZdza
magnalium镁铝合金 ]}p<P):hO
magnesium镁金 0/9]TIc
metal plate钣金 D/GE-lq
lathe车 mill锉 SD<a#S\o
plane刨 `b%lojT.
grind磨 >?rMMR+A
drill铝 1hE{(onI
boring镗 $*T?}r>
blinster气泡 z^z`{B
fillet镶;嵌边 r a>2<
through-hole form通孔形式 _(I6o
voller pin formality滚针形式 Hmt2~>FI[
cam driver铡楔 Bv'%$}}-
shank摸柄 ODhq
crank shaft曲柄轴 qmt9J?$k
augular offset角度偏差 S(?A3 H
velocity速度 -a &<Un/
production tempo生产进度现状 ZfK[o{9>
torque扭矩 A.dbb'^
spline=the multiple keys花键 j@D,2B;
quenching淬火 /zoy,t-i
tempering回火 /-G_0A2wF
annealing退火 aWJj@',_
carbonization碳化 X2rKH$<g
tungsten high speed steel钨高速的 "H<us?r{
moly high speed steel钼高速的 7CvBE;i
organic solvent有机溶剂 "WUS?Q
bracket小磁导 zsJermF,O
liaison联络单 _B&Lyg!J
volatile挥发性 ]JV'z<
resistance电阻 $(Mz@#%
ion离子 @NqwJ.%g
titrator滴定仪 xLDD;Qm,
beacon警示灯 ,"XiI$Le
coolant冷却液 ?Rx(@
crusher破碎机 upL3M`
阿基米德蜗杆 Archimedes worm 'A3skznX{
安全系数 safety factor; factor of safety VqpC@C$
安全载荷 safe load j7k}!j_O{
凹面、凹度 concavity !hhL",
扳手 wrench -!:5jfT"
板簧 flat leaf spring RZ xwr
半圆键 woodruff key 5<R m{
变形 deformation s&(;
摆杆 oscillating bar ,3y9yJQa*#
摆动从动件 oscillating follower 2R.LLE
摆动从动件凸轮机构 cam with oscillating follower ~"CGur P
摆动导杆机构 oscillating guide-bar mechanism _gI1rXI
摆线齿轮 cycloidal gear OmO#} k<
摆线齿形 cycloidal tooth profile v|o{AL:ei
摆线运动规律 cycloidal motion G9 O6Fi
摆线针轮 cycloidal-pin wheel u0 tlf
包角 angle of contact f$ xp74hw3
保持架 cage O6R)>Y4
背对背安装 back-to-back arrangement pX?3inQP%(
背锥 back cone ; normal cone a[(OeVQ5
背锥角 back angle O9(z"c
背锥距 back cone distance 'in%Gii
比例尺 scale |uqI}6h.
比热容 specific heat capacity &|~7`
闭式链 closed kinematic chain hEQyaDD;
闭链机构 closed chain mechanism $2?AJ/2r$b
臂部 arm P*OG`%y
变频器 frequency converters wG3b{0
变频调速 frequency control of motor speed "J 1A9|
变速 speed change L ,dh$F
变速齿轮 change gear change wheel 2!Dz9m3
变位齿轮 modified gear h@!p:]
变位系数 modification coefficient JhFbze>
标准齿轮 standard gear og5VB
标准直齿轮 standard spur gear \7r0]& _
表面质量系数 superficial mass factor d?2ORr|m=
表面传热系数 surface coefficient of heat transfer o8 JOpD
表面粗糙度 surface roughness 5M0Q'"`F:
并联式组合 combination in parallel pg4W?N`
并联机构 parallel mechanism dm4Q'u
并联组合机构 parallel combined mechanism ~Ld5WEp k3
并行工程 concurrent engineering Q=`yPK>{$N
并行设计 concurred design, CD H@=oVyn/
不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance K8;SE!
不平衡 imbalance (or unbalance) 25$_tZPAI
不平衡量 amount of unbalance oLT#'42+H
不完全齿轮机构 intermittent gearing >8e)V
波发生器 wave generator h|CZ~
波数 number of waves oS fr5
补偿 compensation -WlYHW
参数化设计 parameterization design, PD f^uiZb
残余应力 residual stress EfrQ~`\
操纵及控制装置 operation control device Y 3BJ@sqz
槽轮 Geneva wheel &q-&%~E@
槽轮机构 Geneva mechanism ; Maltese cross g
槽数 Geneva numerate N}?|ik
槽凸轮 groove cam <l{oE?N
侧隙 backlash -e/}DGL
差动轮系 differential gear train ny5P*yWEh
差动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism q!y. cyL
差速器 differential |Vx[
常用机构 conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use }qn>#ETi
车床 lathe ,t9EL 21
承载量系数 bearing capacity factor h;gc5"mG
承载能力 bearing capacity ,a?)O6?/
成对安装 paired mounting tOiz tYu
尺寸系列 dimension series *[Z`0AgP
齿槽 tooth space 'Qy6m'esW
齿槽宽 spacewidth P R%)3
齿侧间隙 backlash djdTh
齿顶高 addendum i%K6<1R;y{
齿顶圆 addendum circle MXaFqK<Y
齿根高 dedendum # )y`Zz{h
齿根圆 dedendum circle xE:jcA
齿厚 tooth thickness ]<;7ZNG"Y5
齿距 circular pitch L|CdTRgRCB
齿宽 face width {N4 'g_
齿廓 tooth profile 41X`.
齿廓曲线 tooth curve 5n3yc7NPP
齿轮 gear dy&G~F28
齿轮变速箱 speed-changing gear boxes |>;PV4])(
齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack {r_HcI(h
齿轮插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter @]l|-xGCWn
齿轮滚刀 hob ,hobbing cutter I%5vI}
齿轮机构 gear B$eM
齿轮轮坯 blank tvI<Why\p
齿轮传动系 pinion unit g0B] ;Y>(
齿轮联轴器 gear coupling 46>rvy.r
齿条传动 rack gear #
齿数 tooth number COh#/-`\1
齿数比 gear ratio ET}Z>vU}+
齿条 rack ?b]zsku8
齿条插刀 rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter J&A1]T4d
齿形链、无声链 silent chain {`!6w>w0
齿形系数 form factor D$}hoM1
齿式棘轮机构 tooth ratchet mechanism vB7Gx>BQd
插齿机 gear shaper /vSGmW-*
重合点 coincident points QX=TuyO
重合度 contact ratio ?Lg<)B9
冲床 punch _
传动比 transmission ratio, speed ratio oco,sxT
传动装置 gearing; transmission gear ^~~Rto)Y
传动系统 driven system //7YtK6
传动角 transmission angle UIAazDyC
传动轴 transmission shaft X:i?gRy"
串联式组合 combination in series %'KRbY
串联式组合机构 series combined mechanism ?X|)0o
串级调速 cascade speed control 7Eyi~jes
创新 innovation creation XDPR$u8hM
创新设计 creation design X:W\EeH
垂直载荷、法向载荷 normal load d5'Q1"{
唇形橡胶密封 lip rubber seal Y$JVxly
磁流体轴承 magnetic fluid bearing AU9C#;JD
从动带轮 driven pulley o/{`\4
从动件 driven link, follower s<YN*~
从动件平底宽度 width of flat-face |5~Oh`w
从动件停歇 follower dwell eK7A8\;e
从动件运动规律 follower motion x=DxD&I!J
从动轮 driven gear n#X~"|U`
粗线 bold line VIF43/>(
粗牙螺纹 coarse thread v`|]57?A
大齿轮 gear wheel !aT:0m$:9c
打包机 packer 1M`E.Ztw*
打滑 slipping ]9YA~n\
带传动 belt driving IW\^-LI.
带轮 belt pulley 8eB,$;i
带式制动器 band brake E)*ht;u
单列轴承 single row bearing PysDDU}v
单向推力轴承 single-direction thrust bearing {!2K-7;
单万向联轴节 single universal joint PNm@mC_fh
单位矢量 unit vector dj0%?g>
当量齿轮 equivalent spur gear; virtual gear 7i" b\{5
当量齿数 equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth /9_%NR[
当量摩擦系数 equivalent coefficient of friction 2^'Ec:|f
当量载荷 equivalent load lj<Sa
刀具 cutter EXSJ@k6=8s
导数 derivative ]aPf-O*
倒角 chamfer 0qN`-0Yk
导热性 conduction of heat xT>9ZZcE
导程 lead f/Y&)#g>k
导程角 lead angle #zsaQg,
等加等减速运动规律 parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion FAM{p=t]HT
等速运动规律 uniform motion; constant velocity motion i]Mem M-
等径凸轮 conjugate yoke radial cam a"@f< wU~
等宽凸轮 constant-breadth cam aU6l>G`w
等效构件 equivalent link gAqK/9;
等效力 equivalent force O:0{vu9AQ
等效力矩 equivalent moment of force ~v8X>XDL?T
等效量 equivalent sK#)k\w>
等效质量 equivalent mass yEWm.;&3=
等效转动惯量 equivalent moment of inertia UNDl&C2vz
等效动力学模型 dynamically equivalent model WOn53|GQK
底座 chassis {~9z uNi
低副 lower pair i|{psA
点划线 chain dotted line sywuS
(疲劳)点蚀 pitting tdK&vqq
垫圈 gasket |:C0_`M9
垫片密封 gasket seal 1{N+B#*<[X
碟形弹簧 belleville spring uB)q1QQsqp
顶隙 bottom clearance V0^{Ss1M
定轴轮系 ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes mh8fJ6j29N
动力学 dynamics \ ITd\)F%N
动密封 kinematical seal nXn@|J&z~U
动能 dynamic energy 1 iox0
动力粘度 dynamic viscosity ! ;>s .]
动力润滑 dynamic lubrication 1
动平衡 dynamic balance lrJV"H
动平衡机 dynamic balancing machine [RXLR#
动态特性 dynamic characteristics >N#Nz
动态分析设计 dynamic analysis design 3t<a3"{9
动压力 dynamic reaction 8y27O
动载荷 dynamic load o9}\vN0F
端面 transverse plane gnH{_
端面参数 transverse parameters ,ciX *F"
端面齿距 transverse circular pitch iZG-ca
端面齿廓 transverse tooth profile JtO}i{A
端面重合度 transverse contact ratio )B]s.w
端面模数 transverse module T^4 dHG-(
端面压力角 transverse pressure angle dU9;sx
锻造 forge S${%T$>
对称循环应力 symmetry circulating stress n#6{K6}k~
对心滚子从动件 radial (or in-line ) roller follower GTLS0l)
对心直动从动件 radial (or in-line ) translating follower }Nr6oUn
对心移动从动件 radial reciprocating follower &.E/%pQ`
对心曲柄滑块机构 in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism |?V7E\S
多列轴承 multi-row bearing ND1hZ3(^
多楔带 poly V-belt I/w;4!+)
多项式运动规律 polynomial motion AZ(zM.y!#_
多质量转子 rotor with several masses D _dv8
惰轮 idle gear +rv##Z
额定寿命 rating life rf=l1GW
额定载荷 load rating VEy]vr}
II 级杆组 dyad /k/X[/WO
发生线 generating line f$FO 1B)
发生面 generating plane dm}1"BU<
法面 normal plane a]*{!V{$i
法面参数 normal parameters MH#Tp#RG
法面齿距 normal circular pitch ]r#b:W\
法面模数 normal module oaQW~R`_
法面压力角 normal pressure angle >/74u/&
法向齿距 normal pitch ;SE*En
法向齿廓 normal tooth profile 9C)VW
法向直廓蜗杆 straight sided normal worm J&j5@
法向力 normal force IoLP*D
反馈式组合 feedback combining Ub\^3f
反向运动学 inverse ( or backward) kinematics hV~M!vFxA
反转法 kinematic inversion B>1,I'/$.
反正切 Arctan $e+4Kt
范成法 generating cutting CmXLD} L_x
仿形法 form cutting v'
方案设计、概念设计 concept design, CD f?:=@35
防振装置 shockproof device kBqgz|jE%
飞轮 flywheel j_5&w Znq
飞轮矩 moment of flywheel .u\$wJ9Ai
非标准齿轮 nonstandard gear v)np.j0V7
非接触式密封 non-contact seal \FfqIc9;
非周期性速度波动 aperiodic speed fluctuation Aa_@&e
非圆齿轮 non-circular gear vLxaZWr
粉末合金 powder metallurgy hdWV vN
分度线 reference line; standard pitch line ]2l}[
分度圆 reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle c3GBY@m
分度圆柱导程角 lead angle at reference cylinder C)c*s C5N
分度圆柱螺旋角 helix angle at reference cylinder 7vXP|8j
分母 denominator J-/w{T8:
分子 numerator C$0u-Nx8
分度圆锥 reference cone; standard pitch cone K !ILO
分析法 analytical method cWo>DuW&
封闭差动轮系 planetary differential qqo#H O
复合铰链 compound hinge $gnrd~v4e
复合式组合 compound combining z2{y<a9;?
复合轮系 compound (or combined) gear train >d`GNE
复合平带 compound flat belt kSiyMDY-
复合应力 combined stress $1 B?@~&
复式螺旋机构 Compound screw mechanism c*B< -
复杂机构 complex mechanism I'BHNZO5tf
杆组 Assur group %\HE1d5;
干涉 interference x2t&Wpvt
刚度系数 stiffness coefficient qCI7)L`
刚轮 rigid circular spline 05{}@tW-
钢丝软轴 wire soft shaft wbJBGT{sm
刚体导引机构 body guidance mechanism QxG^oxU}
刚性冲击 rigid impulse (shock) [-[59H[6)
刚性转子 rigid rotor ,+IFV
刚性轴承 rigid bearing JwxKWVpWv
刚性联轴器 rigid coupling ,,G"EF0A
高度系列 height series (/nnN4\=
高速带 high speed belt r'y Nc&~
高副 higher pair d:|x e :
格拉晓夫定理 Grashoff`s law .s>@@m-
根切 undercutting V-7l+C5
公称直径 nominal diameter IagM#}m@
高度系列 height series }wRm ~
功 work ]QHp?Ii1
工况系数 application factor l'q%bi=f
工艺设计 technological design SF-E>s!XL
工作循环图 working cycle diagram ~}j+~
工作机构 operation mechanism lCUYE"o
工作载荷 external loads LDEc}XXb
工作空间 working space Bk3\NPa
工作应力 working stress y akRKiz\
工作阻力 effective resistance 0ZwXuq
工作阻力矩 effective resistance moment `B"sy8}x
公法线 common normal line z H-a%$5
公共约束 general constraint I;"pPJ3G
公制齿轮 metric gears m
功率 power :8eI_X
功能分析设计 function analyses design UH6 7<_mK
共轭齿廓 conjugate profiles tqpO3
共轭凸轮 conjugate cam [m{sl(Q
构件 link VO eVS&}
鼓风机 blower s!?uLSEdb
固定构件 fixed link; frame ^?H|RAp
固体润滑剂 solid lubricant Dfzj/spFV
关节型操作器 jointed manipulator .B<Bqr@?8
惯性力 inertia force BVeMV4
惯性力矩 moment of inertia ,shaking moment MhCU;
惯性力平衡 balance of shaking force mj$Ucql
惯性力完全平衡 full balance of shaking force /;(ji?wN
惯性力部分平衡 partial balance of shaking force JMt*GFd
惯性主矩 resultant moment of inertia (eU 4{X7
惯性主失 resultant vector of inertia 'I/_vqp@
冠轮 crown gear .,z6a
广义机构 generation mechanism 1UJ rPM%
广义坐标 generalized coordinate aR6F%7gvz
轨迹生成 path generation 5z0VMt
轨迹发生器 path generator +={K -g7U
滚刀 hob 9\hI:rI
滚道 raceway Rs5 lL-I
滚动体 rolling element [HYr |T
滚动轴承 rolling bearing v
滚动轴承代号 rolling bearing identification code YyxU/UnhG
滚针 needle roller {rR(K"M
滚针轴承 needle roller bearing l[:Aq&[o3
滚子 roller $4xSI"+M%
滚子轴承 roller bearing Bz_'>6w
滚子半径 radius of roller t}_ #N'`
滚子从动件 roller follower ="YGR:
滚子链 roller chain 0)Ephsw
滚子链联轴器 double roller chain coupling MBg[hu%
滚珠丝杆 ball screw :1UMA@HP
滚柱式单向超越离合器 roller clutch ecs 0iW-,
过度切割 undercutting )pHlWi|h
函数发生器 function generator b v_UroTr
函数生成 function generation kd^H}k
含油轴承 oil bearing o:Kw<z,$H
耗油量 oil consumption p}JOiiHa
耗油量系数 oil consumption factor ;9OhK71}
赫兹公式 H. Hertz equation /_l\7MeI
合成弯矩 resultant bending moment =J]WVA,GqA
合力 resultant force ]w6Q? %'9
合力矩 resultant moment of force .c-a$39
黑箱 black box U)bv,{-q
横坐标 abscissa GAgTy
互换性齿轮 interchangeable gears K#Ck,Y"
花键 spline #gV n7wq
滑键、导键 feather key ;WSW&2
滑动轴承 sliding bearing `?Q
滑动率 sliding ratio d:';s~
滑块 slider h[]9F.[
环面蜗杆 toroid helicoids worm `RnWh9
环形弹簧 annular spring WChP,hw
缓冲装置 shocks; shock-absorber swF{}S"
灰铸铁 grey cast iron 0h@FHw2d
回程 return nU_O|l9
回转体平衡 balance of rotors Io.RT+slB
混合轮系 compound gear train }aRib{L
积分 integrate VQla.Y
机电一体化系统设计 mechanical-electrical integration system design [oTe8^@[
机构 mechanism g&FTX>wX
机构分析 analysis of mechanism 12n:)yQy
机构平衡 balance of mechanism qazA,|L!
机构学 mechanism /J#(8p
机构运动设计 kinematic design of mechanism 2DW@}[G
机构运动简图 kinematic sketch of mechanism TsTc3
机构综合 synthesis of mechanism uMg\s\Z
机构组成 constitution of mechanism GkJcd;
机架 frame, fixed link [Iks8ZWr_
机架变换 kinematic inversion !e|\1v'0
机器 machine >-A@6Qe_
机器人 robot [
机器人操作器 manipulator i
机器人学 robotics 8v;^jo>ug
技术过程 technique process yQ2=d5'V`
技术经济评价 technical and economic evaluation sP(+Z^/
技术系统 technique system #Lhv=0op
机械 machinery '{d@Gc6.
机械创新设计 mechanical creation design, MCD {]^Ixm-,f
机械系统设计 mechanical system design, MSD O]u'7nO{{
机械动力分析 dynamic analysis of machinery FRd"F$U
机械动力设计 dynamic design of machinery X.t4;
机械动力学 dynamics of machinery $"kPzo~B_
机械的现代设计 modern machine design @V*dF|# /
机械系统 mechanical system @z@%vr=vX
机械利益 mechanical advantage x z_sejKB
机械平衡 balance of machinery xR1G
机械手 manipulator +Y%6y]8
机械设计 machine design; mechanical design ,L/ x\_28
机械特性 mechanical behavior WkTJ M
机械调速 mechanical speed governors {6'Xz
机械效率 mechanical efficiency 7{|QkTg C
机械原理 theory of machines and mechanisms )dT@0Ys%
机械运转不均匀系数 coefficient of speed fluctuation !a@)6or
机械无级变速 mechanical stepless speed changes $`F9e5}G
基础机构 fundamental mechanism %T/@/,7h
基本额定寿命 basic rating life bx3Q$|M?
基于实例设计 case-based design,CBD USBQEt
基圆 base circle mOE *[S)
基圆半径 radius of base circle s6bsVAO>
基圆齿距 base pitch j#](Q!
基圆压力角 pressure angle of base circle (>v'0RA
基圆柱 base cylinder R+M&\ 5
基圆锥 base cone U[C4!k:0
急回机构 quick-return mechanism \fA{ sehdL
急回特性 quick-return characteristics Zzlf1#26\
急回系数 advance-to return-time ratio >d/H4;8
急回运动 quick-return motion 8+F5n!
棘轮 ratchet "%-Vrb=:Y
棘轮机构 ratchet mechanism 6CY&pbR
棘爪 pawl "7B}hZ^)W
极限位置 extreme (or limiting) position 8`q7Yss6F
极位夹角 crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions x;/LOa{LR
计算机辅助设计 computer aided design, CAD Z3`EXs
计算机辅助制造 computer aided manufacturing, CAM ~e{ @ 5.g
计算机集成制造系统 computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS _wq?Pa<)e
计算力矩 factored moment; calculation moment -JMn?]
计算弯矩 calculated bending moment NQ9v[gv
加权系数 weighting efficient O`5,L[i1y
加速度 acceleration
加速度分析 acceleration analysis WgtLKRZ\
加速度曲线 acceleration diagram <)VgGjZ-H
尖点 pointing; cusp 6}4})B2
尖底从动件 knife-edge follower QU).q65p
间隙 backlash 4qQ,1&!]S
间歇运动机构 intermittent motion mechanism P49\A^5S!
减速比 reduction ratio eVXXn)>
减速齿轮、减速装置 reduction gear O*EV~{K
减速器 speed reducer v,KKn\X
减摩性 anti-friction quality VeoG[Jl
渐开螺旋面 involute helicoid P6:C/B
渐开线 involute >Fel) a
渐开线齿廓 involute profile (j:
渐开线齿轮 involute gear -pC8 L<
渐开线发生线 generating line of involute / ;]5X
渐开线方程 involute equation %By Pwu:f
渐开线函数 involute function xA] L0h]
渐开线蜗杆 involute worm .w2 ID
渐开线压力角 pressure angle of involute j|eA*UE
渐开线花键 involute spline M;(,0d k
简谐运动 simple harmonic motion zKJ2~=
键 key ,?fJ0n:!%
键槽 keyway J!I)G&:
交变应力 repeated stress k:@DK9
交变载荷 repeated fluctuating load ^Co-!jM
交叉带传动 cross-belt drive -3 I3 X
交错轴斜齿轮 crossed helical gears +{J8,^z#
胶合 scoring o96C^y{~S
角加速度 angular acceleration yK~=6^M
角速度 angular velocity w:~*wv
角速比 angular velocity ratio -fR:W{u
角接触球轴承 angular contact ball bearing ZO0 Ee1/
角接触推力轴承 angular contact thrust bearing W yL+HB}
角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing tK#R`AQ
角接触轴承 angular contact bearing \;LDE`Q_x
铰链、枢纽 hinge *H>rvE.K?
校正平面 correcting plane {@Mr7*u
接触应力 contact stress {$*N1$(%
接触式密封 contact seal bx@l6bpQ
阶梯轴 multi-diameter shaft vvoxK 0
结构 structure I2cz:U7
结构设计 structural design ZL MH~cc
截面 section Ui{%q@
节点 pitch point z6>@9+V-&
节距 circular pitch; pitch of teeth c OYDN[k
节线 pitch line 'M90Yia
节圆 pitch circle U|(+-R8Z
节圆齿厚 thickness on pitch circle .])prp8
节圆直径 pitch diameter { _rfhz
节圆锥 pitch cone y_]+;% w:
节圆锥角 pitch cone angle 6b|?@
解析设计 analytical design jmok]-pC
紧边 tight-side Y+gY"
紧固件 fastener s27IeF3
径节 diametral pitch nB[-KS
径向 radial direction ,Kit@`P%
径向当量动载荷 dynamic equivalent radial load =bVPHrKNQ
径向当量静载荷 static equivalent radial load .6B\fr.za
径向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic radial load rating (~T*yH ~
径向基本额定静载荷 basic static radial load tating t^t% >9o
径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing 4E'9;tA3l
径向平面 radial plane 2_o#Gx'
径向游隙 radial internal clearance cs9^&N:w[
径向载荷 radial load q}1ZuK`6
径向载荷系数 radial load factor }[*'
径向间隙 clearance bp1AN9~
静力 static force 4ls:BO;k]
静平衡 static balance OMGggg
静载荷 static load 1I+9?fa
静密封 static seal )8Va%{j
局部自由度 passive degree of freedom NE995;
矩阵 matrix <N<Q9}`V
矩形螺纹 square threaded form hy;VvAH5
锯齿形螺纹 buttress thread form oFY!NMq}:
矩形牙嵌式离合器 square-jaw positive-contact clutch tF2"IP.
绝对尺寸系数 absolute dimensional factor boh?Xt-$
绝对运动 absolute motion c/{FDN
绝对速度 absolute velocity 9g9 2eKS
均衡装置 load balancing mechanism 1^iBS
抗压强度 compression strength *O?c~UJhhV
开口传动 open-belt drive )P$(]{
开式链 open kinematic chain `i7r]
开链机构 open chain mechanism (FuIOR
可靠度 degree of reliability UZZJtQt
可靠性 reliability _IH" SVub
可靠性设计 reliability design, RD V"FQVtTx7
空气弹簧 air spring >rnVTK
空间机构 spatial mechanism 74s{b]jN'-
空间连杆机构 spatial linkage Xtp8^4Va
空间凸轮机构 spatial cam FLZ9pb[T
空间运动副 spatial kinematic pair >1y6DC
空间运动链 spatial kinematic chain 8*ZsR)!
空转 idle MB plhVK8
宽度系列 width series Cj5mM[:s
框图 block diagram O5\r%&$xd
雷诺方程 Reynolds‘s equation b@:OlZ~%
离心力 centrifugal force `-NK:;^
离心应力 centrifugal stress {.Tx70kn
离合器 clutch :yay:3qv
离心密封 centrifugal seal N2r zHK
理论廓线 pitch curve n:j'0WW
理论啮合线 theoretical line of action _Hb;)9y
隶属度 membership =TB_|`5;j
力 force 3"fDFR
力多边形 force polygon ^E&PZA\,;
力封闭型凸轮机构 force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism W{p}N
力矩 moment [B0BHJ~
力平衡 equilibrium ^:nc'C gP
力偶 couple j;x()iZ<
力偶矩 moment of couple *4,Q9K_
连杆 connecting rod, coupler R!nf^*~
连杆机构 linkage A|A~$v("R
连杆曲线 coupler-curve jnH\}IB
连心线 line of centers N(/) e
链 chain De $AJl
链传动装置 chain gearing ju~$FNt8R
链轮 sprocket sprocket-wheel sprocket gear chain wheel b0P3S!E
联组 V 带 tight-up V belt dBWny&
联轴器 coupling shaft coupling #A63?kDE&&
两维凸轮 two-dimensional cam 6Z\ aJ
临界转速 critical speed ,5DJ54B!
六杆机构 six-bar linkage 4WT[(
龙门刨床 double Haas planer b UG,~\Z
轮坯 blank sEhvx+(
轮系 gear train 9u=A:n\
螺杆 screw .?>Cav9:
螺距 thread pitch Y\xEPh
螺母 screw nut F!z0N
螺旋锥齿轮 helical bevel gear 1HJ:
螺钉 screws sqkWQ`Ur
螺栓 bolts FaHOutP
螺纹导程 lead (f/(q-7VWt
螺纹效率 screw efficiency |}"YUk^
螺旋传动 power screw PN*
螺旋密封 spiral seal ^'UM@dd?!
螺纹 thread (of a screw) ;?h[WIy
螺旋副 helical pair K7}.# *% ~
螺旋机构 screw mechanism 0cG'37[
螺旋角 helix angle rxCzPF
螺旋线 helix ,helical line TykT(=
绿色设计 green design design for environment jP@ @<dt
马耳他机构 Geneva wheel Geneva gear + NlnK6T/
马耳他十字 Maltese cross ZR>BK,
脉动无级变速 pulsating stepless speed changes Q3@ zUjq_Q
脉动循环应力 fluctuating circulating stress SX4*804a_
脉动载荷 fluctuating load "ubp`7%67
铆钉 rivet 7Sdo*z
迷宫密封 labyrinth seal Z)!8a$M~
密封 seal \"P{8<h.3
密封带 seal belt *^>"
密封胶 seal gum 1M ?BSH{
密封元件 potted component r. 82RoG?G
密封装置 sealing arrangement MU<(O}
面对面安装 face-to-face arrangement $4bc!
面向产品生命周期设计 design for product`s life cycle, DPLC _!xrBdaJ
名义应力、公称应力 nominal stress ^WA7X9ed
模块化设计 modular design, MD *ug~LK5Y.
模块式传动系统 modular system O&!R7T
模幅箱 morphology box ZmK=8iN9J
模糊集 fuzzy set "Eh=@?]S_
模糊评价 fuzzy evaluation xAmtm"
模数 module 8SRR)O[)}
摩擦 friction 41
摩擦角 friction angle {C |R@S
摩擦力 friction force s$Vl">9#
摩擦学设计 tribology design, TD )&6gju7(
摩擦阻力 frictional resistance dx%z9[8~{.
摩擦力矩 friction moment /wDf,Hduz
摩擦系数 coefficient of friction EQ%o oAb8
摩擦圆 friction circle ;i@S}LwL
磨损 abrasion wear; scratching Z\
末端执行器 end-effector z/t|'8f
目标函数 objective function -()WTdIy
耐腐蚀性 corrosion resistance 96WzgHPWo
耐磨性 wear resistance .Fb#j+Lq
挠性机构 mechanism with flexible elements OqtGKda
挠性转子 flexible rotor J4bP(=w!
内齿轮 internal gear vh,(]t
内齿圈 ring gear D4%J!L<P
内力 internal force ;"dX]":
内圈 inner ring o78u>O y
能量 energy Q)75?mn
能量指示图 viscosity i>M%)HN
逆时针 counterclockwise (or anticlockwise) c5]Xqq,
啮出 engaging-out ?Y"%BS+pt
啮合 engagement, mesh, gearing 0 C4eer+D
啮合点 contact points uq5?t
啮合角 working pressure angle TY8gB!^
啮合线 line of action *6I$N>1
啮合线长度 length of line of action <AgB"y@
啮入 engaging-in %.Y5%TyP
牛头刨床 shaper Hq.rG-,p
凝固点 freezing point; solidifying point aH}/+Hu-
扭转应力 torsion stress bBIh}aDN
扭矩 moment of torque 0ix(1`Z
扭簧 helical torsion spring p)biOG
诺模图 Nomogram aoy Be|H~=
O 形密封圈密封 O ring seal xG!~TQ
盘形凸轮 disk cam [f+wP|NKL
盘形转子 disk-like rotor M CC4'
抛物线运动 parabolic motion *\ii+f-
疲劳极限 fatigue limit CPB{eQeDuv
疲劳强度 fatigue strength F
偏置式 offset FjCGD4x1N
偏 ( 心 ) 距 offset distance ^4=#,K
偏心率 eccentricity ratio CL0lMZ
偏心质量 eccentric mass ni;)6,i
偏距圆 offset circle E/cV59
偏心盘 eccentric ~'M<S=W
偏置滚子从动件 offset roller follower 8AR8u!;8
偏置尖底从动件 offset knife-edge follower (xgw';g
偏置曲柄滑块机构 offset slider-crank mechanism x3n9|Uud
拼接 matching >0HH#JW
评价与决策 evaluation and decision uV:R3#^
频率 frequency T)P)B6q
平带 flat belt xPZ>vCg
平带传动 flat belt driving 1ksFxpE
平底从动件 flat-face follower
平底宽度 face width HH*y$
平分线 bisector q7 PCMe
平均应力 average stress Pd7\Q]of
平均中径 mean screw diameter Q6m8N
平均速度 average velocity MpOU>\
平衡 balance ^kfqw0!
平衡机 balancing machine t:2DB)
平衡品质 balancing quality *2Pr1U
平衡平面 correcting plane j(%N.f6
平衡质量 balancing mass &
平衡重 counterweight 1.14tS-}[4
平衡转速 balancing speed nI6gd%C
平面副 planar pair, flat pair =~
平面机构 planar mechanism ` <1Wf
平面运动副 planar kinematic pair d+,!>.<3
平面连杆机构 planar linkage y#'hOSR2
平面凸轮 planar cam >'4A[$$4mM
平面凸轮机构 planar cam mechanism ,l~<|\4,wv
平面轴斜齿轮 parallel helical gears \Th<7WbR6#
普通平键 parallel key 3(c-o0M
其他常用机构 other mechanism in common use 'xH^ksb "
起动阶段 starting period HAjl[c
启动力矩 starting torque ^+x?@$rq
气动机构 pneumatic mechanism Et3I(X3
奇异位置 singular position Cd*h4Q]S
起始啮合点 initial contact , beginning of contact c)#P}Ai
气体轴承 gas bearing EHUx~Q
千斤顶 jack Oc L7] b0
嵌入键 sunk key uzdPA'u
强迫振动 forced vibration 6+$2rS$1V
切齿深度 depth of cut %>FtA)
曲柄 crank >NUbk9}J4
曲柄存在条件 Grashoff`s law c'2/ C5
曲柄导杆机构 crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism Q]9$dr=Kk0
曲柄滑块机构 slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism <UGaIb
曲柄摇杆机构 crank-rocker mechanism ,4'gj0
曲齿锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear zamMlmls^
曲率 curvature _)45G"M
曲率半径 radius of curvature s#Dj>Fej
曲面从动件 curved-shoe follower Om*QN]lGq
曲线拼接 curve matching (fpz",[
曲线运动 curvilinear motion ^Wld6:L{I
曲轴 crank shaft '?C6P5fm
驱动力 driving force WJq>%<#
驱动力矩 driving moment (torque) yz68g?"
全齿高 whole depth kGD_w
权重集 weight sets "'CvB0>
球 ball vh\i ^
球面滚子 convex roller AA5G`LiT
球轴承 ball bearing yV.p=8:
球面副 spheric pair FW-I|kK.
球面渐开线 spherical involute `N\ ^JAGW
球面运动 spherical motion P}4&J ^
球销副 sphere-pin pair
球坐标操作器 polar coordinate manipulator ZxvH1qx8
燃点 spontaneous ignition l\Ozy
热平衡 heat balance; thermal equilibrium ( eKgc
人字齿轮 herringbone gear 5e7Y M@ng
冗余自由度 redundant degree of freedom /V,xSK9.&
柔轮 flexspline NQqw|3
柔性冲击 flexible impulse; soft shock 5Od%Jhtt
柔性制造系统 flexible manufacturing system; FMS Xmr}$<<=
柔性自动化 flexible automation == wX.y\.n
润滑油膜 lubricant film 4vg3F(
润滑装置 lubrication device Q:q0C
润滑 lubrication ?"@Fq2xgB4
润滑剂 lubricant _UVpQ5pN
三角形花键 serration spline _9>,9aL
三角形螺纹 V thread screw SRfh{u
三维凸轮 three-dimensional cam 2}&ERW
三心定理 Kennedy`s theorem Aits<0
砂轮越程槽 grinding wheel groove b d 1^
砂漏 hour-glass `%Fp'`ZM$8
少齿差行星传动 planetary drive with small teeth difference <ww D*t
设计方法学 design methodology ZSu.0|0#
设计变量 design variable v\@qMaPY
设计约束 design constraints PMP{|yEx"
深沟球轴承 deep groove ball bearing ;^/ruf[t
生产阻力 productive resistance $U[d#:]
升程 rise UC+Qn
升距 lift ;
实际廓线 cam profile oEX,\@+u
十字滑块联轴器 double slider coupling; Oldham‘s coupling !*v%
矢量 vector S#GxKMO%
输出功 output work [#GBn0BG)
输出构件 output link -f |/#1
输出机构 output mechanism >7BP}5`.;
输出力矩 output torque jgE{JK\n4
输出轴 output shaft Lc~m`=B
输入构件 input link W|2^yO,dX
数学模型 mathematic model CzV;{[?~;
实际啮合线 actual line of action Qm[((6}
双滑块机构 double-slider mechanism, ellipsograph %<kfW&_>w
双曲柄机构 double crank mechanism {v*4mT
双曲面齿轮 hyperboloid gear dSwfea_
双头螺柱 studs +c_AAMe
双万向联轴节 constant-velocity (or double) universal joint o'lG9ePM|
双摇杆机构 double rocker mechanism Z0&^(Fb
双转块机构 Oldham coupling ()6%1zCO
双列轴承 double row bearing ~ n<|f
双向推力轴承 double-direction thrust bearing ^X&`YXjuN
松边 slack-side b=Nsz$[
顺时针 clockwise :Pq&l.
瞬心 instantaneous center OD'~t,St
死点 dead point /K!)}f(6
四杆机构 four-bar linkage w5z]=dN
速度 velocity b]]k\b
速度不均匀 ( 波动 ) 系数 coefficient of speed fluctuation Q%O9DCi
速度波动 speed fluctuation ,P<I<QYu
速度曲线 velocity diagram 9,fV
速度瞬心 instantaneous center of velocity L@\t]
塔轮 step pulley (~G*'/)
踏板 pedal ;d<XcpK}
台钳、虎钳 vice b#I,Z+0ry
太阳轮 sun gear OyDoktz$)
弹性滑动 elasticity sliding motion [g}^{ $`
弹性联轴器 elastic coupling flexible coupling oRd{?I&NY
弹性套柱销联轴器 rubber-cushioned sleeve bearing coupling NATi)A"TZ
套筒 sleeve o2(w
梯形螺纹 acme thread form ^RnQX#+
特殊运动链 special kinematic chain _,^f,WO~
特性 characteristics Y#lAG@$
替代机构 equivalent mechanism !}c D e12
调节 modulation, regulation 8!v|`Ky
调心滚子轴承 self-aligning roller bearing Oi?Q^ISxP
调心球轴承 self-aligning ball bearing <@`K^g;W
调心轴承 self-aligning bearing m@nGXl'!
调速 speed governing @dQr^'h
调速电动机 adjustable speed motors =3,<(F5Y[
调速系统 speed control system =x w:@(]{
调压调速 variable voltage control g{DOQA
调速器 regulator, governor NH/jkt&F[
铁磁流体密封 ferrofluid seal T\wOGaCW
停车阶段 stopping phase _x5-!gK
停歇 dwell B#."cg4VR
同步带 synchronous belt (a!E3y5,
同步带传动 synchronous belt drive r;f\^hVy
凸的,凸面体 convex kk126?V]_
凸轮 cam IF>v
凸轮倒置机构 inverse cam mechanism ;\"Nekd|
凸轮机构 cam , cam mechanism p,WBF
凸轮廓线 cam profile \yymp70w
凸轮廓线绘制 layout of cam profile F-Z>WC{+
凸轮理论廓线 pitch curve @lB1t=
凸缘联轴器 flange coupling 9^SrOW6~
图册、图谱 atlas Ypm*or
图解法 graphical method JBQ>"X^
推程 rise .f!'>_
推力球轴承 thrust ball bearing 'PMzm/;8st
推力轴承 thrust bearing w;VUP@Wm
退刀槽 tool withdrawal groove fR.raI4et
退火 anneal *y"|/_
陀螺仪 gyroscope qyyLU@hd
V 带 V belt 0wBr_b!
外力 external force yPbOiA*lHz
外圈 outer ring T5~Qfl?Y
外形尺寸 boundary dimension -'W:P'BG
万向联轴器 Hooks coupling universal coupling UL7%6v{'*
外齿轮 external gear TuMZHB7h;
弯曲应力 beading stress XSZjuQ<[3
弯矩 bending moment 7;}TNK\+v
腕部 wrist w*SF Q_6YE
往复移动 reciprocating motion r~;.8qs
往复式密封 reciprocating seal VAxk?P0j6
网上设计 on-net design, OND 0A~f
微动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism :+DAzjwO<
位移 displacement 7Ph+Vs+h
位移曲线 displacement diagram e ]>{?Z
位姿 pose , position and orientation ]:^kw$
稳定运转阶段 steady motion period {iq{<;)U?U
稳健设计 robust design JvUHoc$sI
蜗杆 worm >|T?87
蜗杆传动机构 worm gearing Jf2:[Mq
蜗杆头数 number of threads OQX ek@~2
蜗杆直径系数 diametral quotient G[yN*C
蜗杆蜗轮机构 worm and worm gear Q!%CU8!`&
蜗杆形凸轮步进机构 worm cam interval mechanism E{9{%J
蜗杆旋向 hands of worm \;tKss!|
蜗轮 worm gear sEfGf.
涡圈形盘簧 power spring `V ++})5v
无级变速装置 stepless speed changes devices PzTTL=G +
无穷大 infinite [laX~(ND{
系杆 crank arm, planet carrier b OmM~pD
现场平衡 field balancing ;lWy?53=@
向心轴承 radial bearing T{K+1SPy4
向心力 centrifugal force -ap;Ul?
相对速度 relative velocity eEe8T=mD
相对运动 relative motion H"?-&>V-
相对间隙 relative gap J=]w$e ?.P
象限 quadrant cl7+DAE
橡皮泥 plasticine /C8(cVNZ
细牙螺纹 fine threads 0\}j[-`pF
销 pin e]X9"sd0=
消耗 consumption 1}q[8q
小齿轮 pinion l1_X5DI
小径 minor diameter KF-gcRh
橡胶弹簧 balata spring _5YL !v&
修正梯形加速度运动规律 modified trapezoidal acceleration motion 9'8oOBqm3%
修正正弦加速度运动规律 modified sine acceleration motion $l[*Y
斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical gear SS~Txt75m
斜键、钩头楔键 taper key yb**|[By
泄漏 leakage iii$)4V
谐波齿轮 harmonic gear (U dDp"/
谐波传动 harmonic driving B
谐波发生器 harmonic generator |]\bgh
斜齿轮的当量直齿轮 equivalent spur gear of the helical gear gZ!(&u
心轴 spindle }w]xC
行程速度变化系数 coefficient of travel speed variation fAUsJ[
行程速比系数 advance-to return-time ratio qK1V!a2
行星齿轮装置 planetary transmission :3n.nKANr
行星轮 planet gear et ~gO!1:*
行星轮变速装置 planetary speed changing devices hA\8&pI;
行星轮系 planetary gear train =<_5gR
形封闭凸轮机构 positive-drive (or form-closed) cam mechanism 22r01qH
虚拟现实 virtual reality D\l.?<C
虚拟现实技术 virtual reality technology, VRT g4$%)0x%
虚拟现实设计 virtual reality design, VRD nG*6ic
虚约束 redundant (or passive) constraint fY"28#
许用不平衡量 allowable amount of unbalance A>g$[
许用压力角 allowable pressure angle 7ER 2h*
许用应力 allowable stress; permissible stress v!U# C[a^
悬臂结构 cantilever structure aQmL=9
悬臂梁 cantilever beam qRGb3l
循环功率流 circulating power load /#se>4]
旋转力矩 running torque (MIw$)#^
旋转式密封 rotating seal S'JeA>L
旋转运动 rotary motion XP^6*}H.*
选型 type selection "=n8PNV/
压力 pressure 9f6TFdUi"y
压力中心 center of pressure eo_T.q
压缩机 compressor @
压应力 compressive stress ?(<AT]h V:
压力角 pressure angle U?lu@5 ^Z
牙嵌式联轴器 jaw (teeth) positive-contact coupling \
雅可比矩阵 Jacobi matrix @!'H'GvA
摇杆 rocker B;~agr
液力传动 hydrodynamic drive 7Mv$.Z(
液力耦合器 hydraulic couplers KJ)&(Yx
液体弹簧 liquid spring @Kr)$F
液压无级变速 hydraulic stepless speed changes |\(/dXXP
液压机构 hydraulic mechanism h*9o_
一般化运动链 generalized kinematic chain a*[\edcHU
移动从动件 reciprocating follower piFQ7B
移动副 prismatic pair, sliding pair G0Eq}MyF
移动关节 prismatic joint V6{xX0'b*m
移动凸轮 wedge cam e`Yns$x
盈亏功 increment or decrement work -N(MEzAE
应力幅 stress amplitude :Y3?,
应力集中 stress concentration g\)z!DQ]
应力集中系数 factor of stress concentration "'#Hh&Us
应力图 stress diagram j1kc&(
应力 — 应变图 stress-strain diagram [E~TYk;
优化设计 optimal design z.^
油杯 oil bottle dZgfls
油壶 oil can KxwLKaImI
油沟密封 oily ditch seal 6<Wr
有害阻力 useless resistance `7_LJ
有益阻力 useful resistance sEN@q
有效拉力 effective tension fNJ;{
有效圆周力 effective circle force _64@zdL+
有害阻力 detrimental resistance j2Y(Q/i
余弦加速度运动 cosine acceleration (or simple harmonic) motion $IT9@}*{
预紧力 preload i|^6s87"N2
原动机 primer mover vNSf:5H$
圆带 round belt A%2}?Ds
圆带传动 round belt drive AZy2Pu56
圆弧齿厚 circular thickness !S-U8KI|
圆弧圆柱蜗杆 hollow flank worm rtx]dc1m
圆角半径 fillet radius 2oG|l!C
圆盘摩擦离合器 disc friction clutch |u;PU`^-z
圆盘制动器 disc brake KgWT&^t
原动机 prime mover l5ds`uR#
原始机构 original mechanism W@dY:N}
圆形齿轮 circular gear "J{zfWr
圆柱滚子 cylindrical roller CWQ2iu<_0
圆柱滚子轴承 cylindrical roller bearing *$C[![
圆柱副 cylindric pair 5z ^UQq
圆柱式凸轮步进运动机构 barrel (cylindric) cam Fd&!-`T?
圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil extension spring =+S3S{\CK
圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil torsion spring o~&!M_ED
圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil compression spring am+mXb
圆柱凸轮 cylindrical cam XSjelA?
圆柱蜗杆 cylindrical worm 6ya87H'e@
圆柱坐标操作器 cylindrical coordinate manipulator S5KYZ
圆锥螺旋扭转弹簧 conoid helical-coil compression spring !F#aodM1N
圆锥滚子 tapered roller ;w(1Ydo
圆锥滚子轴承 tapered roller bearing Ef!p:HBJ
圆锥齿轮机构 bevel gears O
f @#VZ
圆锥角 cone angle _lv:"/3R
原动件 driving link /t)c fFM
约束 constraint b|o!&9Yyr
约束条件 constraint condition %H@76NvEz
约束反力 constraining force p3FnYz-V
跃度 jerk O:tX0<6
跃度曲线 jerk diagram ;;hyjFGq%
运动倒置 kinematic inversion }k0-?_Z=1
运动方案设计 kinematic precept design ?lN8~Ze
运动分析 kinematic analysis 5qkuKF
运动副 kinematic pair _I-VWDCk
运动构件 moving link jZT :-w
运动简图 kinematic sketch X/K)kIi
运动链 kinematic chain >-5Gt
运动失真 undercutting )NmlV99q
运动设计 kinematic design etMh=/NFV
运动周期 cycle of motion \R\@t]>Y
运动综合 kinematic synthesis [RPAkp
运转不均匀系数 coefficient of velocity fluctuation G? gXK W
运动粘度 kenematic viscosity i6#]$ B
载荷 load E+ 3yN\X(
载荷 — 变形曲线 load—deformation curve auTTvJ
载荷 — 变形图 load—deformation diagram
窄 V 带 narrow V belt I#E(r>KW*
毡圈密封 felt ring seal i(yAmo9h
展成法 generating /dJ)TW(Ir
张紧力 tension :@%-f:iDj
张紧轮 tension pulley _OU.JrqC
振动 vibration I,4-
振动力矩 shaking couple R =9~*9
振动频率 frequency of vibration ~J>gVg%66
振幅 amplitude of vibration ~K-*q{6Q
正切机构 tangent mechanism ~@uY?jr
正向运动学 direct (forward) kinematics !H|82:`t+
正弦机构 sine generator, scotch yoke H]$=*(aje
织布机 loom
正应力、法向应力 normal stress vo6[2.HS
制动器 brake yaRcBT?
直齿圆柱齿轮 spur gear SAG`^t
直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear F\=Rm
直角三角形 right triangle "vOfAo]`
直角坐标操作器 Cartesian coordinate manipulator s|gD
直径系数 diametral quotient Uy59zB2|=
直径系列 diameter series fQW_YQsb
直廓环面蜗杆 hindley worm &xBK\
直线运动 linear motion ,d>X/kd|o
直轴 straight shaft