p7e51 ]r3/hDRDL@ ! J<Xel{ 市场价:¥118.00
RV_I&HD! 优惠价:¥95.10 为您节省:22.90元 (81折)
K mH))LIv E56 (}6\_k[}m 1 Introduction
}DM W,+3 2 Maxwell's Equations,Photons and the Density of States
{[tmz;C 3 Interaction of Light with Matter
X>yDj]*4P 4 Ensemble of Uncoupled Oscillators
ukEJ D3i 5 The Concept to Polaritons
SyI~iW#Y1 6 Kramers-Kroning Relations
;YY<KuT 7 Crysatals,Lattices,Lattice Vibrations and Phonous
i6k6l% 8 Electrons in a Periodic Crystal
8Cp@k= 9 Excitons,Biexcitions and Trions
95~bM;TVr 10 Plasmons,Magnons and some Further Elementary Excitations
#J3o~,t< 11
Optical Properties of Phonoms
4]tg! ks 12 Optical Properties of Plasmons,Plasmon-Phonon Mixed States and of Magnons
qMVuFwPhi 13 Optical Properties of Intrinsic Excitons in Bulk Semiconductors
7r'_p$ 14 Optical Properties of Bound and Localized Excitions and Defect States
G^nG^HTo5 15 Optical Properties of Exctions in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality
vJGH8$%;, 16 Rxcitons Dnder the Influence of External Fields
4]m{^z`1 17 From Cavity Ploaritons to Photonic Crystals
]X+k 18 Review of the Linear Optical Properties
BK4S$B 19 High Excitation Effects and Nonlinear Optics
z"yW):X 20 The Intermediate Density Regime
Be@g|'r 21 The Electron-Hole Plasma
rZpsC}C' 22 Stimulated Emission and Laser Processes
OYt_i'Q 23 Time Resolved Spectroscpy
24 Optical Bistability,Optical Computing Spintronics and Quantum Computing
Z3c\}HLY 25 Experimental Methods
-hW>1s< 26 Group Theory in Semiconductor Optics
2bTS,N/> 27 Semiconductor Bloch Equations
}"WovU{*s The Final Problem
//|B?4kk Subject Index
V6[jhdb J5Zz*'av' 市场价:¥118.00
0]*W0#{Zj 优惠价:¥95.10 为您节省:22.90元 (81折)