C$]%1<-Iv] r5fz6" AU${0#WV_ 市场价:¥118.00
N";dG 3 优惠价:¥95.10 为您节省:22.90元 (81折)
Wtzj;GJj LbmB([p A(!ZZ9Wc 1 Introduction
ZuR 2 Maxwell's Equations,Photons and the Density of States
xSMp[j 3 Interaction of Light with Matter
Wvzzjcr(j 4 Ensemble of Uncoupled Oscillators
~*Sbn~U 5 The Concept to Polaritons
ytcG6WN3 6 Kramers-Kroning Relations
9^[5!SMzCj 7 Crysatals,Lattices,Lattice Vibrations and Phonous
]I.& .?^i0 8 Electrons in a Periodic Crystal
OKLggim{ 9 Excitons,Biexcitions and Trions
lr f4= 10 Plasmons,Magnons and some Further Elementary Excitations
[?K\%] 11
Optical Properties of Phonoms
r>:7${pF 12 Optical Properties of Plasmons,Plasmon-Phonon Mixed States and of Magnons
X6"^:)&1M 13 Optical Properties of Intrinsic Excitons in Bulk Semiconductors
Q i'WV9ke 14 Optical Properties of Bound and Localized Excitions and Defect States
b /X@51 15 Optical Properties of Exctions in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality
U!-+v:SF 16 Rxcitons Dnder the Influence of External Fields
vJ[vsrFv 17 From Cavity Ploaritons to Photonic Crystals
&l!{!f4 18 Review of the Linear Optical Properties
CFS3);'<| 19 High Excitation Effects and Nonlinear Optics
R4rm>zisVX 20 The Intermediate Density Regime
e7)%=F/) 21 The Electron-Hole Plasma
>[P7Zlwv4 22 Stimulated Emission and Laser Processes
6^z\;,p 23 Time Resolved Spectroscpy
XCi]()TZ_ 24 Optical Bistability,Optical Computing Spintronics and Quantum Computing
t5B|c<Hb\ 25 Experimental Methods
BC0c c[x 26 Group Theory in Semiconductor Optics
E+m"yQp{ 27 Semiconductor Bloch Equations
0)] C&;}_M The Final Problem
1j)!d$8 Subject Index
A>1p]# Hk~
gcG 市场价:¥118.00
%F]9^C+ 优惠价:¥95.10 为您节省:22.90元 (81折)