在example中的PATHS例子中 UG'bOF4
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!!++ M:P0m6ie
!! PATHS02.INR '{[5M!B
!! Title: Typical PATHS Output }U
!! Category: Isolated Command ^/5XZ} *
!! Keywords: PATHS, Tracing, stray, ghost dgDy5{_
!! Description: Typical output from the PATHS [HN|\afz
!! command for all currently defined rays. This 8)kLV_+%
!! output shows the default LONG form and listing gtYAHi
!! according to total flux. n39t}`WIl
!! Notes: wHIj<"2
!! 1) Negative 'Hits' indicate incident rays that urvduE
!! either got absorbed by the Current object (typical) l~D N1z6`
!! or did not go through or interact with current ?x^z]N|P
!! object (such as with STEP -1). `fNG$ODL
!! 2) The default LONG form provides for decimal places xr7+$:>a
!! under Current and Previous headings. This allows (_4;') 9
!! for further breakout of paths according to specific pDQ}*
!! facets for edge-based objects. ,v&L:a
!! 3) Negative 'Split/Scatter' numbers indicate scatter hoT/KWD,
!! rays from that object number. Otherwise, they are /t6X(*xoy
!! specular split rays. They are traced back to the source BC,.^"fA6
!! from left to right (up to 10 levels possible). Refer to +dBz`WD
!! chart under PATHS command description for decimal number lNv".Y=l
!! meanings. [ >^PRs
!! Edit History (latest first) $5L0.$Tj
!! 10/10/2000 - cp - modified format; added description lCF`*DM#
!! 01/01/1996 - bro - creation 1xU3#b&2tC
!!-- ^'p|!`:
--- PATHS g~BoFc.V2~
Path Rays SumTOTA Percent Hits Current Previous Split/Scatter ... px SX#S6I
1 177 3.51E+01 98.23 -7 2.000 1.000 0.00 U$H@ jJ*
2 461 2.85E-01 0.80 -9 2.000 1.000 1.10 1.10 0.00 v`V7OD#:j]
3 177 6.96E-02 0.19 -17 2.000 1.000 1.10 1.10 0.00 *WE1;msr
4 216 1.19E-01 0.33 -11 2.000 1.000 1.10 1.10 0.00 @\w,otT
5 215 1.06E-01 0.30 -13 2.000 1.000 1.10 1.10 0.00 _SACqamo5s
6 94 4.15E-02 0.12 -15 2.000 1.000 1.10 1.10 0.00 |!q$_at
7 8 4.71E-03 0.01 -10 2.000 1.000 1.10 1.10 0.00 ]I/Vb s
8 8 5.24E-03 0.01 -8 2.000 1.000 1.10 1.10 0.00 &TG5rUUg
-------------------- pG^}Xf2a
8 1356 3.57E+01 cECi')
177 ray flags changed [+w3J#K
3397 rays now selected