# i nclude<stdio.h> cJMi`PQ;
# i nclude<stdio.h> 5cGQ `l
# i nclude<math.h> ?K+q~DzNSD
#define PI 3.1415926 wn^#`s!]U
void ydgl(); !&xci})7a
float d,am,ro,e,h,p,dt0,d0,s,ds,r,al; zauDwV=
int f; br^
main() 7Db}bDU1
{ printf("Determaination the prime circle of cam\n"); h@E7wp1'~
printf("----------------------------\n"); (dfC}x(3h
printf( "input ro=");scanf("%f",&ro); iC3C~?,7
printf("input h=");scanf("%f",&h); JK`$/l|7
printf("input e=");scanf("%f",&e); &wAVO_s
printf("input dt0=");scanf("%f",&dt0); m/Erw"Z
am=0;p=PI/180; ue^HhZ9
printf("The initial data:ro=%f\n",ro); /IN#1I!K
printf("h=%f e=%f dt0=%f\n",h,e,dt0); /oW]? 9
do [UXN=
{ro=ro+5; 6DU~6c=)
for(f=0;f<=dt0;f=f+2) *|<T@BXn
{d=PI*f/dt0; /vq$/
ydgl(); ,{mv6?_
} D Qz+t
} Vpne-PW
while(am>30*p); IMr#5
printf("The intermediate results: am=%f\n",am/p); .%y'q!?
printf("ro=%f\n",ro); HMC-^4\%[
do Cdy,8*
{ro=ro-1; 9/!1J
if(ro<e) T60pw
break; RyP MzxV
for(f=0;f<=dt0;f=f+2) u7^(?"x
{d=PI*f/dt0; Gbjh|j=
ydgl(); I 1n,c d[
} )=sbrCl,C/
} ' Ut4=@)
while((am>30*p)||(am<=29.5*p)); }% f7O
printf("The final results:max alfa=%f\n",am/p); iMt3h8
printf(" min ro=%f\n",ro); e@qH!.g)
getch(); 'B{FRK
} i^e8.zgywF
void ydgl() ~uH_y-
{ d0=dt0*p; ff5 gE'
s=0.5*h*(1-cos(d)); ^~I@]5Pq
ds=0.5*h*PI*sin(d)/d0; 8 eK 8-R$
r=sqrt(ro*ro-e*e); qC{JsX`~
if((s+r)==0) CvmIDRP*
return; Gc"hU:m
al=atan((ds-e)/(s+r)); X3a 9-
if(al>am) .=9WY_@SZ
am=al; ;:j1FOj