# i nclude<stdio.h> y==CTY@
# i nclude<stdio.h> j.kG};f
# i nclude<math.h> "vGW2~*)
#define PI 3.1415926 qCO/?kW
void ydgl(); d[35d J7F
float d,am,ro,e,h,p,dt0,d0,s,ds,r,al; ;6wA"
int f; $A`VYJtt#
main() NCx%L-GPi
{ printf("Determaination the prime circle of cam\n"); ]:f%l
printf("----------------------------\n"); J$!iq|
printf( "input ro=");scanf("%f",&ro); D0q":WvE
printf("input h=");scanf("%f",&h); 4aY|TN/|
printf("input e=");scanf("%f",&e); l+R+&b^
printf("input dt0=");scanf("%f",&dt0); XrPfotj1
am=0;p=PI/180; q]M0md
printf("The initial data:ro=%f\n",ro); -gWZwW/lD
printf("h=%f e=%f dt0=%f\n",h,e,dt0); '7@R7w!E4H
do kwA$Z!Rn
{ro=ro+5; '=6\v!
for(f=0;f<=dt0;f=f+2) 9S -9.mvop
{d=PI*f/dt0; -]=@s
ydgl(); <|\Lm20G]
} `p7=t)5k
} 'ah[(F<*@e
while(am>30*p); 2|bn(QYz
printf("The intermediate results: am=%f\n",am/p); &w~d_</
printf("ro=%f\n",ro); S+2(f> Z
do ~= -RK$=
{ro=ro-1; [h:T*(R?
if(ro<e) Ki~1qu:
break; @<Yy{~L|
for(f=0;f<=dt0;f=f+2) 6(e>P)
{d=PI*f/dt0; 9$m|'$p3sG
ydgl(); xRsWI!d+|
} ;Q&5,<
} Y5d \d\e/
while((am>30*p)||(am<=29.5*p)); Ib0ZjX6
printf("The final results:max alfa=%f\n",am/p); ilva,WFa^
printf(" min ro=%f\n",ro); `V3Fx{
getch(); +t:0SRSt
} _]*>*XfF(
void ydgl() kE(mVyLQ
{ d0=dt0*p; 0{[,E.
s=0.5*h*(1-cos(d)); lu6(C
ds=0.5*h*PI*sin(d)/d0; zkdetrR
r=sqrt(ro*ro-e*e); 8'r[te4,
if((s+r)==0) HX{`VahE
return; *
al=atan((ds-e)/(s+r)); K}U-w:{
if(al>am) f>Jr|#k
am=al; I,'k>@w{s