# i nclude<stdio.h> vsl]92xI
# i nclude<stdio.h> Rw:*'1
# i nclude<math.h> A"rfZ`
#define PI 3.1415926 6'Worj
void ydgl(); ^*Yh@4\{JH
float d,am,ro,e,h,p,dt0,d0,s,ds,r,al; ]h
int f; 0p!>JQ]m
main() n$ou- Q
{ printf("Determaination the prime circle of cam\n"); "*srx]
printf("----------------------------\n"); N<-gI9_
printf( "input ro=");scanf("%f",&ro); = < oBgD0k
printf("input h=");scanf("%f",&h); [.uG5%fa
printf("input e=");scanf("%f",&e); ub\MlSr
printf("input dt0=");scanf("%f",&dt0); ;k>&FWEG
am=0;p=PI/180; ikvWh<=>H
printf("The initial data:ro=%f\n",ro); S9~+c
printf("h=%f e=%f dt0=%f\n",h,e,dt0); Tw;3_Lj
do Lja>8m
{ro=ro+5; ~U@;gLoD
for(f=0;f<=dt0;f=f+2) :i .{
{d=PI*f/dt0; &N\jG373
ydgl(); ~ijVmWNk
} e3nYbWBy]
} a@UZb
while(am>30*p); <?riU\-]y
printf("The intermediate results: am=%f\n",am/p); }n3/vlW9
printf("ro=%f\n",ro); ~^r29'3
do f-`)^5E
{ro=ro-1; #\ X#w<\?
if(ro<e) y+c|vdW%
break; 4O )1uF;
for(f=0;f<=dt0;f=f+2) 5?3Me59
{d=PI*f/dt0; A|X">,A
ydgl(); KmA;HiH%J
} /2=#t-p+
} ~nh:s|l6%M
while((am>30*p)||(am<=29.5*p)); <FcG
printf("The final results:max alfa=%f\n",am/p); 2Q/4bJpd
printf(" min ro=%f\n",ro); LIvFx|
getch(); 10q'Z}34
} 4GY[7^
void ydgl() (nlvl?\d
{ d0=dt0*p; 7|$:=4
s=0.5*h*(1-cos(d)); -y8`yHb_
ds=0.5*h*PI*sin(d)/d0; _lGdUt 2
r=sqrt(ro*ro-e*e); [BqHx5Xz(
if((s+r)==0) uao0_swW5
return; o7sT=x9
al=atan((ds-e)/(s+r)); @,cowar*
if(al>am) 7!EBH(,z
am=al; #t:S.A@