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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ps5
Application Note for Display Systems-GB2312-2003 0723 u;ImcaG g)nT]+&
Assistance_from_a_virtual_world_LucidShape_LP092006 5_<!Vjm j.+}Z |
Auto Importance Sampling mAv9n Mg_ ~2[mZias
AutoImportanceSampling_Rel3.0 U'C.B'eT# Y?\PU{O
Creating_Source_Files_3.0 (j+vNQ -YY@[5x?u
displaysystems !{$Od > gmN$}Gy}
fitting-bsdf RY !L nx@,oC4
Gaussian Beam And Fiber Coupling GZ@= 7XKL( ?Lbn R~/J
groundglass lGjk| ?+ ;&$f~P Q
incidentflux e,cR}5fd d$:LUxM#
instrumentpanels fjbgVa~n<v U3BhoD#f\
Integrating Sphere o^6'R},(6 IC+!XZqS
IntegratingSphereTutorial_Rel3.0 *H i?k7p fT.MglJcb
interchange-1999 c^)hfL Z ty9O8g
LandscapeTutorial \k=}Mw rb*;4a
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map count smoothing setting hG?eF2F, /&W~:F
Matlab_TracePro p&*Te >rp remRmY?
Medical_Tissue_Tutorial Rel 3.2 7J!vlXQQ @bZ,)R
ModelingAsphericTolerancesinLensDesignSoftwareI_SPIE5867-2 ev $i7@ 6Cgc-KNbk
NEWTracePro40ExpertLifeSciencesDatasheet Ve IZ[WnB hkx (r5o
NEWTracePro40LightingDatasheet /iE=j=c{ Lm*PHG
Nomenclature_and_use_of_TracePro_asymmetric_table_BSDF 6XXaQ`> +!$]a^3l
Non linear optimization for TracePro -2 yp;+)+ 2*a5pFkb
Optical Thin Films for Opto-Mechnical Analysis-ORG-2003 0723 b?0\X;go }70A>JBw
OpticalDesignUsingComputerGraphics fFQyr 9 ,PeE'$q
OpticalThinFilms aXG]U}T aole`PD,l
Optics_Reference \_ 8uD]I _kdt0Vr,L
opticsthatfit LVPp!G\da TNlOj a:
Optimization_of_Illumination_Systems_using_TracePro sEV$7Pft -l?\hmDl
Program_Reference Lp?#b+<M 3<_=Vyf
Raytrace and Analysis ]i3Xg-@Mcz KO[,C[;|j
Surface and Material Properties - guidelines for when to use one or both 5,#Kl=:3l {_UOS8j7
taillight_tutorial - Y;v Z u/w>
TraceProBRIDGE zpCLNwP3 vr }-u
traceprobrochure JdHr}H= 1u~a*lO}
Tracepro漫反射的模拟 *z6 rn}& iH8V] %
TracePro中map count的光线分割 y f7 r{T N5.kDT
Translation and Interchange for Mechanical CAD and Lens Design Data-ORG-2003 0723 !ZBB+`t X=V2^zrt
Tutorial Coupling Options For Lightpipes =-XU?N5 Y6m:d&p=}
using software to reduce lightpipt design costs-EC-2003 0710 ,+z4v'0- \i3)/sZ?l
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蒙地卡罗光追迹之边缘绕射 rV*RtO 0S 2YK2t<EO
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