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希望这些东东对大家学习Tracepro有帮助! &~f_1<
PS:严禁全部索要 ! p;=(-4\V} toJ&$HrE Application Note for Display Systems-GB2312-2003 0723
-V<"Ay Assistance_from_a_virtual_world_LucidShape_LP092006
jloyJ@ck Auto Importance Sampling
{o%R~{6 AutoImportanceSampling_Rel3.0
VW`=9T5%@ Creating_Source_Files_3.0
n5>N9lc displaysystems
7'uc;5: fitting-bsdf
s9Z2EjQV Gaussian Beam And Fiber Coupling
:q1r2&ne groundglass
N&`ay{&`: incidentflux
0 %+k>(@R instrumentpanels
,m]q+7E Integrating Sphere
!;Nh7vG IntegratingSphereTutorial_Rel3.0
eCd?.e0@j interchange-1999
rtE,SN LandscapeTutorial
1tpD| LCD Back Lighting
c iX2G LCD Backlight with RepTile
=T$- #bA) LED Example
),,vu lighting
`,d7_#9' Lightpipe Example
u`|fmVI map count smoothing setting
<-}\V!@E! Matlab_TracePro
Q~_x%KN/` Medical_Tissue_Tutorial Rel 3.2
oD\+ 5[x ModelingAsphericTolerancesinLensDesignSoftwareI_SPIE5867-2
}*.*{I NEWTracePro40ExpertLifeSciencesDatasheet
;xwQzu%M>5 NEWTracePro40LightingDatasheet
'7s!NF2 Nomenclature_and_use_of_TracePro_asymmetric_table_BSDF
q|J] Non linear optimization for TracePro
_yUFe& Optical Thin Films for Opto-Mechnical Analysis-ORG-2003 0723
6~>k]G OpticalDesignUsingComputerGraphics
n]Y _C^ OpticalThinFilms
CI{x/ e^( Optics_Reference
yk2j&}M opticsthatfit
:TI1tJS~* Optimization_of_Illumination_Systems_using_TracePro
8F1!9W7 Program_Reference
mM.&c5U Raytrace and Analysis
=w-H ) SPIE05_Lightpipes
F}>`3//u spline-2002
(xL=X%6a StdAndPrmOptimization
|=s3a5sl straylight
:f;|^(]" Surface and Material Properties - guidelines for when to use one or both
aDuanGC/V taillight_tutorial
gzF&7trN TraceProBRIDGE
za7wNe(s traceprobrochure
K#r`^aUc Tracepro漫反射的模拟
E"=$p$k TracePro中map count的光线分割
Di*>PE@ Translation and Interchange for Mechanical CAD and Lens Design Data-ORG-2003 0723
cDg27xOUi Tutorial Coupling Options For Lightpipes
Hr$5B2' using software to reduce lightpipt design costs-EC-2003 0710
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x{$NstGB 导光管技术应用白皮书
o1\8>Ew 蒙地卡罗光追迹之边缘绕射
'oG'`ED" 投影显示产业应用白皮书
y1X.Mvc 显示系统产业应用白皮书
[ 此贴被renxoyo在2007-05-12 21:45重新编辑 ]