p@epl|IZp w-2&6o<n- 多谢我想要下面的:)
mF!/8qk u I$|M Application Note for Display Systems
Z(Da?6#1 Auto Importance Sampling
zNSix!F AutoImportanceSampling_Rel3.0
V]b1cDx{ Creating_Source_Files_3.0
5.gM]si displaysystems
<viIpz2jh% Gaussian Beam And Fiber Coupling
UeWEncN( groundglass
wMy$T<: incidentflux
{\-rZb==F2 instrumentpanels
tX;00g;U. interchange-1999
kPwgayz LCD Back Lighting
qz7:jq3N-{ LCD Backlight with RepTile
rfqw/o LED Example
n}== map count smoothing setting
,h21 h?6 Matlab_TracePro
_^4\z*x Nomenclature_and_use_of_TracePro_asymmetric_table_BSDF
=H*}{'# Non linear optimization for TracePro
CU=}]Y Optimization_of_Illumination_Systems_using_TracePro
k Raytrace and Analysis
-q7A\8C Surface and Material Properties - guidelines for when to use one or both
[?)=3Pp traceprobrochure
{ zoUU Tracepro漫反射的模拟
~ILig}I using software to reduce lightpipt design costs-EC-2003 0710
H+ra w/" 背光模组产业应用白皮书
Ta #vD_QP 显示系统产业应用白皮书