om(#P5cSM; 7oUYRqd 多谢我想要下面的:)
pB )nQ5l' c=7L)w:I Application Note for Display Systems
7eY*Y"GX Auto Importance Sampling
.NabK AutoImportanceSampling_Rel3.0
he/FtkU Creating_Source_Files_3.0
hC/= displaysystems
Ly3^zFW Gaussian Beam And Fiber Coupling
B}:[~R' groundglass
1w35H9\g incidentflux
Ek84yme# instrumentpanels
Y40{v(Pi interchange-1999
Yu'lD` G LCD Back Lighting
g5H+2lSC LCD Backlight with RepTile
Lq yY??\@ LED Example
F3+)bIz map count smoothing setting
w+Ag!O}.L Matlab_TracePro
<^M`U> Nomenclature_and_use_of_TracePro_asymmetric_table_BSDF
"8s0~[6S Non linear optimization for TracePro
wAITE|H<zj Optimization_of_Illumination_Systems_using_TracePro
& %1XYpA.0 Raytrace and Analysis
aRR*<dY Surface and Material Properties - guidelines for when to use one or both
($]y*|Obn TraceProBRIDGE
Y6V56pOS traceprobrochure
2 3 P7~S Tracepro漫反射的模拟
/mvuSNk using software to reduce lightpipt design costs-EC-2003 0710
@HR]b^2E 背光模组产业应用白皮书
m"`&FA 显示系统产业应用白皮书