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希望这些东东对大家学习Tracepro有帮助! Xs&TJ8a
PS:严禁全部索要 ! fO'Wj`&a D|Iur W1f Application Note for Display Systems-GB2312-2003 0723
{oc igR0 Assistance_from_a_virtual_world_LucidShape_LP092006
73{'kK Auto Importance Sampling
`Y-|H;z AutoImportanceSampling_Rel3.0
!US d9 Creating_Source_Files_3.0
du$|lxC displaysystems
g %K> fitting-bsdf
Om{l>24i.\ Gaussian Beam And Fiber Coupling
{3})=>u:S groundglass
Z)L } incidentflux
WN(ymcdYB instrumentpanels
#HS]NA|e@ Integrating Sphere
77c= IntegratingSphereTutorial_Rel3.0
?USQlnr:R/ interchange-1999
q-nSLE+_; LandscapeTutorial
4Mk-2 Dx LCD Back Lighting
Z_\C*^ LCD Backlight with RepTile
QL6C,#6 LED Example
&//wSlL3 lighting
k = ?h~n0M Lightpipe Example
E?(xb B map count smoothing setting
dKl^jsd Matlab_TracePro
+ OV')oE Medical_Tissue_Tutorial Rel 3.2
OD']: ModelingAsphericTolerancesinLensDesignSoftwareI_SPIE5867-2
sr@j$G#uW5 NEWTracePro40ExpertLifeSciencesDatasheet
3=-4%%[M@ NEWTracePro40LightingDatasheet
aP'"G^F Nomenclature_and_use_of_TracePro_asymmetric_table_BSDF
"V{yi!D{< Non linear optimization for TracePro
)54%HM_$k Optical Thin Films for Opto-Mechnical Analysis-ORG-2003 0723
ih?^t(i OpticalDesignUsingComputerGraphics
*yl>T^DjTC OpticalThinFilms
>]o}}KF? Optics_Reference
f+rz|(6vs{ opticsthatfit
Y+K|1r Optimization_of_Illumination_Systems_using_TracePro
=^H4 Yck/5 Program_Reference
fgihy Raytrace and Analysis
@s2] SPIE05_Lightpipes
P0`Mdk371 spline-2002
;3_l@dP" StdAndPrmOptimization
(98Nzgxgx} straylight
099sN"kf Surface and Material Properties - guidelines for when to use one or both
8kP3+ TraceProBRIDGE
-W,}rcj*| traceprobrochure
D&HV6# Tracepro漫反射的模拟
'+j} >Q TracePro中map count的光线分割
nQ|r"|g Translation and Interchange for Mechanical CAD and Lens Design Data-ORG-2003 0723
vkLC-Mzm< Tutorial Coupling Options For Lightpipes
gm9mg*aM using software to reduce lightpipt design costs-EC-2003 0710
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sB69R:U; 导光管技术应用白皮书
OFje+S 蒙地卡罗光追迹之边缘绕射
=@F&o4) r 投影显示产业应用白皮书
e.c3nKXZ q 显示系统产业应用白皮书
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