据外媒报道,设计微型飞行器(MAV)的挑战之一在于以下事实:如果它们的电池足够大以支持所需的续航里程,但它们可能无法携带。不过,科学家们已经开发出了一种替代方案,即以太阳为动力的扑翼 。
![]() 由中国科学家团队创建的“柔性生物蝴蝶翅膀”(FBBW)由薄的聚合物片材制成,并在其顶部涂有纳米晶体金属膜。原型设备水平放置,一端固定在固定支架上,另一端可以自由移动。 当模拟阳光照射到FBBW上时,两种材料的温度升高,从而使它们膨胀。但是,由于下面的FEP(氟化乙烯丙烯)聚合物比顶部的金属膜膨胀更多,因此扑翼通过向内和向上卷曲来响应。一旦完全卷曲,弯曲的顶部就会遮盖FBBW的其余部分,使其冷却,从而变平。通过这种方式,该设备会快速反复地向上和向下卷曲,从而产生拍打动作,该拍打动作比实际的蝴蝶翅膀快。 在该系统的演示中,研究人员制造了一种光动力旋转陀螺仪,一种玩具帆船,该帆船通过挥舞帆而在水上移动,以及一种通过机翼拍动发电的装置。尽管到目前为止,还没有制造出配备FBBW的飞行微型机器人,但这确实是该技术未来可能的用途之一。 科学家最近在《ACS应用材料与界面》杂志上发表了有关该研究的论文。 关键词: 太阳能
dushunli 2020-02-21 00:11太阳能动力!
mang2004 2020-02-21 01:16https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsami.9b20250
Sunlight-Driven Continuous Flapping-Wing Motion
Light-driven actuators that directly convert light into mechanical work have attracted significant attention due to their wireless advantage and ability to be easily controlled. However, a fundamental impediment to their application is that the continuous motion of light-driven flexible actuators usually requires a periodically switching light source or the coordination of other additional hardware. Here, for the first time, continuous flapping-wing motion under sunlight is realized through the utilization of a simple nanocrystalline metal polymer bilayer structure without the coordination of additional hardware. The light-driven performance can be controlled by adjusting the grain size of the upper nanocrystalline metallic layer or selecting metals with different thermodynamic parameters. The achieved highest frequency of flapping-wing motion is 4.49 Hz, which exceeds the frequency of real butterfly wings, thus informing the further development of sunlight-driven bionic flying animal robotics without external energy consumption. The flapping-wing motion has been used to realize a light-driven whirligig, a light-driven sailboat, and photoelectric energy harvesting. Furthermore, the flexible bilayer actuator features the ability to be driven by light and electricity, low-power actuation, a large deflection, fast actuation speed, long-time stability, strong design ability, and large-area facile fabrication. The bilayer film considered herein represents a simple, general, and effective strategy for preparing photoelectric-driven flexible actuators with target performances and informs the standardization and industrial application of flexible actuators in the future.
bairuizheng 2020-02-21 01:50柔性生物蝴蝶翅膀
tassy 2020-02-21 02:13柔性生物翅膀
likaihit 2020-02-21 07:48[资讯]科学家研发出太阳能动力轻便扑翼
redplum 2020-02-21 07:49[资讯]科学家研发出太阳能动力轻便扑翼
mmttxiaoxiao 2020-02-21 08:35材料应用,前景广泛
木子示羊 2020-02-21 09:19太阳能动力轻便扑翼
wgd_sl 2020-02-21 09:42神奇的材料
songshaoman 2020-02-21 09:47好神奇,薄如蝉翼