书名 著者 备注 rXXIpQRi$S
Applied Photographic Optics Ray De,4r(5
Aberrations of Optical Systems Welford 好书,较深,他的另一著作《对称光学系统像差》图书馆有中文版
Aberration theory made Simple 图书馆有 YJ_`[LnL
Building Electro-Optical Systems Hobbs Hi #'h
Basic Optics and Optical Instruments Bureau of Naval Pers. fBS`b[x
Camera Technology - The Dark Side of the Lens Goldberg /WXy!W30<
Elements of Modern Optical Design O’Shea 图书馆有,光设的入门书 Y\luz`v
Fundamentals of Optics Jenkins & White de]r9$D
Fundamentals of Photical Systems Hobbs "H\'4'hg
Fundamentals of Photonics Saleh & Teich w
Geometrical and Instrumental Optics Malacara i|+ EC_^<
Geometrical Optics and Optical Design Mouroulis & Macdonald H S/1z
History of the Telescope King CLU !/J$!
History of the Photographic Lens Kingslake 是关于照相镜头的演变的经典书 qG3 [5lti
Handbook of Lens Design Malacara & Malacara t]LCe\#
Handbook of Optics Optical Society of Am. 经典 G4->7n N
Introduction to Optics Pedrotti & Pedrotti ]bCeJE.+)
Infrared Handbook Wolfe iaO;i1K5U
Lens Design Fundamentals Kingslake 图书馆有,中文版也有 x
Lens Design Laikin 光设人员的案头书 s.+2[R1HF
Modern Geometrical Optics Ditteon f)hs>F
Modern Lens Design W. Smith 好书,已经有好几版了,图书馆有前两版 gv$6\1
Military Handbook 114 Optical Design Department of Defense 0.S].Y[
Optical Instrumentation Begunov at al *%_:[>
Optical System Design Fischer & Tadic-Galeb 不错,图书馆有 ?T-6|vZA
Optics Hecht & Zajac/Hecht 图书馆好像有 Icf 4OAx
Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems in Optics Hecht rhY>aj
Optics in Photography Kingslake \7z&iGe!
Optical Imaging and Aberrations Mahajan 图书馆有 bf2R15|t5`
Optical Engineering Fundamentals Walker q+2yp&zF
Optics Source Book McGraw Hill 关于光源的,图书馆有 M"[s5=:Lo
Optics Reference oslo自带 对了解光学设计软件的术语和结构很有帮助 `C"Slz::
Principles of Optics Max Born Emil Wolf J7X-=E D
Practical Optical System Layout W. Smith amazon上评价不高 j eF1{ %
Radiometry and the Detection of Optical Radiation Boyd 关于辐射测量的经典教材 86O"w*9
Schott Glass Catalog 0L10GJ "(
The Art and Science of Optical Design Shannon 作者是Arizona的教授,不过amazon上评价不高 G|FF
The Eye and Visual Optical Instruments G. Smith & Atchison -}|GkTM
Visual Instrumentation Mouroulis o~!4&
光学设计 袁沧旭 bsVms,&
几何光学,像差,光学设计 李晓彤 浙大研究生教材 6ae
光学设计手册 李林 北理工 '8>h4s4
>kOc a
Geometrical Optics and Optical Design Mouroulis & Macdonald Y W_E,A>h
Handbook of Lens Design Malacara & Malacara {V%ZOdg9
Handbook of Optics Optical Society of Am. "6rZn_H/|
Lens Design Laikin X&DuX %x0
Modern Lens Design W. Smith 好书,已经有好几版了,图书馆有前两版 ,}F2l|x_
Optical System Design Fischer & Tadic-Galeb 不错,图书馆有 <b"ynoM.A
Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems in Optics Hecht p3O%|)yV
Practical Optical System Layout W. Smith amazon上评价不高 ?TLEZlB2"
Principles of Optics Max Born Emil Wolf B'6^E#9
光学设计 袁沧旭