R8 m/Nt2 0^m02\Li 关键词:非球面镜片虚拟现实眼镜视场角
/$n${M5! Analysis and design of the virtual reality head-mounted display lens
E|>I/!{u7` LI Zheng1, LAI Ying2, CAO Jiayong1
m[}$&i$( Abstract: The angle of view of virtual reality head-mounted display is analyzed, optimizing the diameter of the lens and the distance of exit pupil. The spherical and non-spherical lens are designed and their disc of confusion and off-axis aberration is compared by using Zemax. The conclusion is that the non-spherical lens can improve the image significantly. Distortion resulted from the lens is corrected by the software. Non-spherical lens have little distortion and large viewing angle, which can satisfy our needs.
BjH(E'K[b Key words: non-spherical lensvirtual reality head-mounted displayangle of view
G2A pm`/ y qSQjAo4t@ 引言 bfJDF(=h vmoqsdZ/ 与目前被广泛关注的 Google Glass 不同,虚拟现实眼镜是一款虚拟现实的头戴式显示器,带上它之后,使用者将看到的是另一个虚拟的世界,并且通过双眼视差,使用者会有很强的立体感。此外,由于虚拟眼镜当中配有陀螺仪、加速计等惯性
K)qmJ-Gub 头戴显示器的
光学系统包括以下几类:类似Google Class的通过光学系统可以实现增强现实[1]; 类似Sony HMZ-T3的光学系统,采用光学镜片组,实现畸变矫正、色差处理等[2]; 类似Oculus Rift的光学系统,每个眼前只有一个光学目镜,图形的畸变矫正、色差处理等部分交给图形处理软件完成[3],这一类系统,结构简单,视场角度大,价格低廉,迅速引起了关注。
!-QKh aY 虽然目镜的视场角公式早已经存在,但是具体应用中,出瞳距离设计多少,视场角对目镜直径的敏感性等,却很少有分析。本文针对单个镜片的光学系统,分析了镜片大小以及出瞳距离对视场角的影响。然后,根据选定的视场角和镜片直径,采用Zemax软件,设计了球面镜片和非球面镜片,并对他们的成像效果进行了对比,发现采用非球面
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