最近为CODE V 里面的玻璃材料烦恼,在CODE V 说明书里找到的,翻译为中文,给不了解的朋友看看。 'UYR5Y>
Glass Warnings and Errors vo#UtN:q
玻璃警告和错误 t8dm)s[r8
Problem: You see the following glass warning message: %Jrt4sg[j-
问题:你看到以下玻璃警告消息: pi
1. Warning: Glass XYZ is no longer available from CompanyXYZ. A replacement glass is XYZ L*~J%7
警告:XYZ公司的XYZ玻璃不再可用,请更换玻璃XYZ。 R>(@ZM&
Cause: The glass vendor has discontinued the glass. Choose an alternative, available glass. CODE V will suggest a glass alternative. T16{_
原因:供应商已经停止该玻璃。需要选择一个替代,可用的玻璃。CODE V将建议你选择替代的玻璃。 <NuUW9+
2. Warning: Material XYZ is not defined at system wavelengths Ba/Yl
警告:材料XYZ没有定义系统波长 48*Do}l]
Cause: The glass refractive index equation may not be valid at the system wavelengths. Modify the system wavelengths or define the material as a private catalog glass. .;*s`t
原因:该玻璃的折射率方程在系统波长上可能不是有效的。请修改系统波长或将材料定义为私有目录玻璃。 A$a1(8H
3. Error: XYZ is not in a catalog - quotes needed for private cat. glass >`%'4<I
错误:XYZ不在目录,红色字体部分不会翻译 $]A/
Cause: The glass may be new and not yet in the CODE V database. Check the ORA Customer Support Web Site for glass database updates (www.oraservice.com). If the glass has not yet been added, check the supplied macro, NEWGLASSPRV.SEQ, also available from the Customer Support Web site. If the glass is still not found, define the glass as a private catalog glass. yd?x=|
原因:玻璃可能是新的,没有在CODE V数据库。检查玻璃数据库更新的ORA客户支持网站(www.oraservice.com)。如果玻璃尚未添加,检查提供的宏,NEWGLASSPRV.SEQ,也可以从客户支持的网站获取。如果玻璃仍未找到,请在私有目录里定义该玻璃。 q2et|QCru