Misc. Comparisons, LT vs. TP %kKe"$)0
Some large CAD models consume 20-30% more RAM and more CPU time in TP vs. LT B&O931E7
TP CAD import repair feature much slower than LT CJ
Inability to edit properties of Booleaned objects in TP (easy and unlimited in LT) s'tmak-}|
Luminance meter simulation is simple approximation in TP, much more flexible and accurate in LT 6wqq"6w
Most operations in LT can be done by mouse, by numeric input, or any combination (fewer TP features are mouse-enabled) Tm.(gK
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LT online help is extensive and useful, but very limited in TP z"Gk K T
ORA Tech Support for LT is by a dedicated team or experience illumination and optical engineers