(xycJ`N 简介:
v6|RJt? z xEL+ P 配置:在执行调用之前,我们需要在Matlab命令行窗口输入如下命令:
pt?bWyKG enableservice('AutomationServer', true)
3s*mbk[J enableservice('AutomationServer')
/>C^WQI^ 结果输出为1,这种操作方式保证了当前的Matlab实体可以用于
]IaMp788 vo?9(+:|e 在winwrp界面,为增加和使用Matlab类型的目录库,我们需要如下步骤:
cUk7i`M;6 1. 在FRED脚本编辑界面找到参考.
v{RZJ^1 2. 找到Matlab Automation Server Type Library
1> ?M>vK 3. 将名字改为MLAPP
#x@$lc=k3 UJUEYG ,};&tR 在Matlab里面有两种常用的数据发送选项PutWorkspaceData 及PutFullMatrix,PutWorkspaceData适用于存储一般的数据在工作区,并赋予其为变量,PutFullMatrix试用于复数数据。
]U?^hZ_ 图 编辑/参考
m5n#v ?PLPf>e "37lx;CH 现在将脚本代码公布如下,此脚本执行如下几个步骤:
_IMW{ 1. 创建Matlab服务器。
;T\%|O=Ke 2. 移动探测面对于前一聚焦面的位置。
'B$yo] 3. 在探测面追迹
光线 kb%;=t2 4. 在探测面计算
照度 q$L%36u~/ 5. 使用PutWorkspaceData发送照度数据到Matlab
7jrt7[{ 6. 使用PutFullMatrix发送标量场数据到Matlab中
T}Tp$.gB 7. 用Matlab画出照度数据
85= )lu
8. 在Matlab计算照度平均值
|o"?gB}Dh 9. 返回数据到FRED中
VO5#Qg en F-Qzrqu S 代码分享:
xh-o}8*n" [>3./YH` Option Explicit
E*&vy d2FswF$C Sub Main
6{K,c@VFd :]K4KFM Dim ana As T_ANALYSIS
eSn+ B;
c2SO3g\"i Dim Matlab As MLApp.MLApp
q_lKKzA Dim detNode As Long, detSurfNode As Long, anaSurfNode As Long
-]Bq|qTH[( Dim raysUsed As Long, nXpx As Long, nYpx As Long
_rMg}F" Dim irrad() As Double, imagData() As Double, reals() As Double, imags() As Double
W ~<^L\Lu Dim z As Double, xMin As Double, xMax As Double, yMin As Double, yMax As Double
$GV7o{"& Dim meanVal As Variant
zC:ASt !<|4C6X:4 Set Matlab = CreateObject("Matlab.Application")
Y>z>11yEB0 r+!YIk ClearOutputWindow
wVXS%4|v &A/]pi-\ 'Find the node numbers for the entities being used.
}%* detNode = FindFullName("Geometry.Screen")
*tFHM &a detSurfNode = FindFullName("Geometry.Screen.Surf 1")
?5__oT anaSurfNode = FindFullName("Analysis Surface(s).Analysis 1")
1V8 Eh`7X=Z7E 'Load the properties of the analysis surface being used.
=[ 46`-_ LoadAnalysis anaSurfNode, ana
hF?1y `20 KM0ru 'Move the detector custom element to the desired z position.
;LfXi 8) z = 50
lgAoJ[ GetOperation detNode,1,move
%QH$ipM move.Type = "Shift"
N move.val3 = z
$p8xEcQdU# SetOperation detNode,1,move
sjTZF- Print "New screen position, z = " &z
Rh2+=N<X G5_=H,Vmd 'Update the model and trace rays.
[^n.Pn s EnableTextPrinting (False)
@u+]aI!`- Update
<{p4V|: DeleteRays
pQ" >UL* TraceCreateDraw
]#<4vl\ EnableTextPrinting (True)
+QavYqPF w(Ovr`o?9t 'Calculate the irradiance for rays on the detector surface.
?,Xw[pR raysUsed = Irradiance( detSurfNode, -1, ana, irrad )
FkDmP`Od Print raysUsed & " rays were included in the irradiance calculation.
Q n8 0?N}
'When using real number data to send to MATLAB, it is simplest to use PutWorkspaceData.
m@j?za9s Matlab.PutWorkspaceData("irradiance_pwd","base",irrad)
"^[ 'y7i 2DrM3ZU8 'PutFullMatrix is more useful when actually having complex data such as with
uc{Ihw 'scalar wavefield, for example. Note that the scalarfield array in MATLAB
7"D",1h 'is a complex valued array.
2|y"!JqE1 raysUsed = ScalarField ( detSurfNode, -1, ana, reals, imags )
I|!OY`ko Matlab.PutFullMatrix("scalarfield","base", reals, imags )
\\ij(>CI Print raysUsed & " rays were included in the scalar field calculation."
@7c?xQVd$ 6wRd<]C 'Calculate plot characteristics from the T_ANALYSIS structure. This information is used
l4YbK np] 'to customize the plot figure.
<nf@U>wlw xMin = ana.posX+ana.AcellX*(ana.Amin-0.5)
Paq4 xMax = ana.posX+ana.AcellX*(ana.Amax+0.5)
M?49TOQA yMin = ana.posY+ana.BcellY*(ana.Bmin-0.5)
qo~O|~ yMax = ana.posY+ana.BcellY*(ana.Bmax+0.5)
+E+p"7 nXpx = ana.Amax-ana.Amin+1
$3 nYpx = ana.Bmax-ana.Bmin+1
}K>d+6qk5 %0?KMRr 'Plot the data in Matlab with some parameters calculated from the T_ANALYSIS
AN m
d! 'structure. Set the axes labels, title, colorbar and plot view.
i"FtcP^ Matlab.Execute( "figure; surf(linspace("&xMin &","&xMax &","&nXpx &"),linspace("& yMin &"," & yMax & "," & nYpx & "),irradiance_pwd, 'EdgeColor', 'None');" )
K3m/(jdO Matlab.Execute( "xlabel('X Position (" & GetUnits() & ")')" ) : Matlab.Execute( "ylabel('Y Position (" & GetUnits() & ")')" ) : Matlab.Execute( "zLabel( 'Irradiance' )" )
iyE7V_O T Matlab.Execute( "title('Detector Irradiance')" )
B@))8.h] Matlab.Execute( "colorbar" )
Po0A#Z l Matlab.Execute( "view(2)" )
R^fPIv`q Print ""
Czg Print "Matlab figure plotted..."
J{<X7uB T Z@]:e:"b 'Have Matlab calculate and return the mean value.
.43'HV Matlab.Execute( "irrad = mean(mean(irradiance_pwd));" )
*a^(vo Matlab.GetWorkspaceData( "irrad", "base", meanVal )
Print "The mean irradiance value calculated by Matlab is: " & meanVal
=I5>$}q_&, ~=LE0. 3[ 'Release resources
I][*j Set Matlab = Nothing
l&zilVVm #%2rP'He End Sub
.V<+v-h *>}@7}f 最后在Matlab画图如下:
h"W,WxL8 G!##X: 6' 并在工作区保存了数据:
Rv>-4@fMJ Y|qTyE% 并返回平均值:
4at?(B+ Dy&i&5E.-l 与FRED中计算的照度图对比:
~3U 3=[mP,pLh 例:
Q TX/Xt7#R: 此例
模型 >:!5*E5? t?gic9
q 系统数据
BlO<PMmhT& s8Q 5ui] re<{
> 光源数据:
gJ{)-\ Type: Laser Beam(Gaussian 00 mode)
?^{Ah}x Beam size: 5;
P+sW[: Grid size: 12;
kTB0b*V Sample pts: 100;
B6 ;|f'e! 相干光;
n@i HFBb 波长0.5876微米,
uW{l(}0N 距离原点沿着Z轴负方向25mm。
B$K=\6o Or+U@vAnk 对于执行代码,如果想保存图片,请在开始之前一定要执行如下代码:
bJ%h53 enableservice('AutomationServer', true)
w9imKVry enableservice('AutomationServer')