简介 &+&@;2 人眼光学模型可用来设计眼科用设备,光学系统注定了要与人眼一起使用。本文演示了这样一个模型:Arizona眼睛模型,在Jim Schwiegerling教授的书中有详细描述:《Field Guide to Visual and Ophthalmic Optics》。AZ眼睛模型达到了基于平均临床数据所决定的轴上和轴外像差等级。FRED文件包含了此眼睛模型及几个用来分析它的光源,并包括一个基于想要的屈光度来调整模型的内嵌脚本。 tsL
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c 模型 n1{[CCee@ PPH;'!>s" 模型的定义如表1种所示,由半径、圆锥常数、折射率、阿贝数、到下一面的距离等一系列表面组成。一些参数由屈光度(A)来决定。 l)*(UZ" %~x?C4L8 Table 1. AZ眼睛模型的定义 m$=}nI(H 在FRED中使用0屈光度来创建的,光瞳加在了透镜的前面。材料是创建一个新的材料并选择类型“Model Material”,输入的参数是nd和vd. "+T`{$Z=C |T@SlNi] 光源 JRw,${W {0w2K82 多个光源定义来分析该模型的不同特性。图1显示了所以的光源和提示信息告诉您他们可以用来做什么。 :;.^r,QAI `WN80d\)& uxB)dS 图1. 光源和提示信息使用 *U,JQ 除了“Letter F”之外的所有光源的光线位置设定在了孔径光阑位置处,并增加了pre-propagation distance= -8。尽管光线在光瞳处创建,规定的传输方向相对于光线位置在pre-propagation distance之后。这意味着光束沿着Z轴在眼睛的前面以平行光入射,而不是在光瞳处入射。 ^)?Wm,{"w 1P(=0\P>& 在往下看是内置的脚本用来修改屈光度,使其为4(250mm),光源“Letter F”在视网膜处生成一个字母为F的图像。绿色的光线聚焦的非常好而红色和蓝色光线有一点的模糊。使用Positions Spot Diagram分析工具来观察最为合适。 L7;~4_M9.V tp}/>gU! 图2. 字母F光源的设定方法光 iuGwc086 Q5T3 图3. 字母F在视网膜上位置点列图 "A"YgD#t 视网膜的散射 OcO/wA(&{ +T@BOYhgq 在散射文件中,有一个名为“Retina surface”的72%的反射型朗伯散射,它为视网膜的散射提供了一个粗略的近似。为了模拟来自视网膜的散射,改变自定义元件“Eye ball” 下的视网膜的表面从“halt all” 到”Allow All”。并使几何中“plane”可追迹。 T>'O[=UWh .FHk1~\%z^ m9A%Z bQ^ 图4. 视网膜朗伯散射设定 G(.G>8pf 注意在视网膜的表面有散射重点采样规格定义,在“Scatter”标签的底部可获取该信息。“toward pupil”指定散射光朝向光瞳,半角度10度。 babL.Ua8o %L* EB;nK W/bW=.d
Jd 图5. 视网膜重点采样规格设定 <+g77NL 脚本 XDJE]2^52? k:Y\i]#yP 内置脚本使用对话框显示屈光度和光瞳直径的数值设置。使用FRED Basic脚本创建和使用对话框非常容易。图6显示了如何获取用户自定义对话框,如下图所示: eZAMV/]jH ,\iHgsZ 图6. 用户对话框的创建与编辑 NGSts\D'} 图7. 用户对话框编辑器 M,_
$s, 如果“OK”按钮按下,将会核对对话框下面的代码行,如果点击取消则脚本终止。然后输入的参数赋予变量,如果此处是保留为空白,则使用默认值。因此,如果没有值输入并点击“OK”按钮,则脚本是以屈光度为0,光瞳直径为4mm来运行的。 qWheoyAB 余下的脚本计算与屈光度有关的所有参数。 sFz0:SqhE cVW7I 分析 e
O\72? K wDh]vH[ 屈光度为4,光瞳直径为4mm,字母F点在视网膜上所成的像。 9GH5 h8asj0 图7. 字母F在视网膜上颜色分析 H5x7)1Ir| 脚本代码 } 7
o! >-I <`y-H Option Explicit 'Remove this to enable non-dimensioned variables to be used. ?'6@m86d aE5-b ub c Dim entity As T_ENTITY H]R/=OYBUh Dim op As T_OPERATION )1 T2u Dim mat As T_MODELMATERIAL K 77iv Dim A As Double NplyvjQN; Dim pupilDiam As Double cb /Q<i Dim eID As Long S[3"?$3S Dim parID As Long q7Hf7^a Dim count As Integer F]yB= Dim taq As Double, Rant As Double, CCant As Double, Rpost As Double, CCpost As Double "jum*<QZz Dim tlens As Double, nlens As Double H_$?b Dim curv As Double, conic As Double U_"!\lI_yg Dim ok As Long aNEah cZxY,UvYa Sub Main Gn8sB uVn"L:_ '用户输入对话框 EcB
!bf Begin Dialog UserDialog 320,126,"Input parameters" ' %GRID:10,7,1,1 d-_V*rYU TextBox 220,21,40,21,.TextBox1 'default: 0 -p_5T*R Text 20,21,190,21,"Accommodation (in Diopters):",.Text1,1 ML905n u OKButton 40,91,90,21 ~r.R|f]IQ CancelButton 190,91,90,21 &|Duc} t Text 20,49,190,14,"Pupil diameter (4 mm default):",.Text2,1 6i[Ts0H%<! TextBox 220,49,40,21,.TextBox2 'default: 4 !{.CGpS ] End Dialog Dm)B? H" Dim dlg As UserDialog P 0.cF]<m oN,1ig ok = Dialog (dlg) tRdf:F\X `xBoNQai If ok=0 Then 'cancel button was pressed OKMdyyO<l Print "Execution cancelled." gPKf8{#%e End 8<C*D".T$ End If w.k9{f FYYc+6n 'Assign accommodation and pupil diameter & use defaults if field left empty QgqJ # If dlg.TextBox1 = "" Then "sN%S's A = 0 'Default accommodation G{} 2"/ Else jjV'`Vy) A = CDbl(dlg.TextBox1) 754MQK|g End If ki'$P.v{$w G*9>TavE If dlg.TextBox2 = "" Then $v@$C4 pupilDiam = 4 'Default pupil diameter 031"D*W'i Else eK:?~BI! pupilDiam = CDbl(dlg.TextBox2) >)ekb7 End If
B(;MI` $IE}fgA@5 Print " " uslu-|b!% Print "Accommodation = " & A & " Diopters"
1c0'i Print "Pupil Diameter = " & pupilDiam & " mm" Zt!# KSF7% jhm3:;Z ' Calculate new parameters with accommodation bZYayjxZ5i taq = 0.55 + 2.97 - 0.04*A 'Aqueous thickness @JbxGi d&NnpjH}c Rant = 12.0 - 0.4*A 'Radius of anterior lens @A1f#Ed< CCant = -7.518749 + 1.285720*A 'Conic constant of anterior lens [~{F(Le "u^Erj# / Rpost = -5.224557 + 0.2*A 'Radius of posterior lens
:RnUNz CCpost = -1.353971 - 0.431762*A 'Conic constant of posterior lens u8zL[]> .|O T#"LP tlens = 3.767 + 0.04*A 'Lens thickness wb.yGfJ PeIx41. +s nlens = 1.42 + 0.00256*A - 0.00022*A^2 'Lens index of refraction eC!=4_lx) 64?HqO
6( 'Adjust parameters to account for accommodation zo ?RFn 0*XsAz1,9 '************************************************************************* s>J5.Z7"'j 'Aqueous thickness (Position of Lens) E5^\]`9P '************************************************************************* OvX&5Q5 eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens" ) d0 )725Ia GetCustomElement eID, entity h< r(:.%!} M1/d7d parID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye" ) |jiIx5qr Lm4`O% ' Delete any shift(s) in z fmuh9Z count = 0 A] |w1nq While GetOperationCount(eID)>count }%u#TwZ GetOperation eID, count, op L(;$(k-/( If op.Type="ShiftZ" Then \\dUp>1= DeleteOperation eID,count \t!~s^ Oox count=count-1 9)oi_U. End If <r#FI8P;X
count=count+1 oy8jc];SO Wend v?VDASR2` N\PdX$ 'Set new shift in r'*$'QY-N op.Type = "ShiftZ" /i,n75/y? op.val1 = taq ZHNL~=r} op.parent = parID gQPw+0w AddOperation eID, op %hSQ\T<8[o Print "Set aqueous humor thickness = " & taq-0.55 4QA~@pBX^{ o`iA& '************************************************************************* qzZ/%{Ak 'Radius and conic constant of anterior lens 3>h2W '************************************************************************* 8%,#TMOg eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens.Anterior" ) L?h?LZnq GetConic eID, entity, curv, conic ~,}|~ E2dM0r<] SetConic eID, entity, 1/Rant, CCant 9f!
M1 Print "Set anterior lens radius = " & Rant & " and conic constant = " & CCant e-rlk5k%f $2a"Ec!7 '************************************************************************* ]6e(-v!U 'Radius and conic constant of posterior lens 76tn`4NIP '************************************************************************* OIPY,cj~ eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens.Posterior" ) |6Q5bV GetConic eID, entity, curv, conic e`n ZiM> 8s)b[Z5 SetConic eID, entity, 1/Rpost, CCpost zFjz%:0 Print "Set posterior lens radius = " & Rpost & " and conic constant = " & CCpost K83'`W^ PLkS-B '************************************************************************* T`E0_ZU; 'Lens thickness (Position of posterior lens surface) HEVjK$ '************************************************************************* \\R}3 >Wc (xb2H~WrN parID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens" ) "9_$7.q<y wOf8\s1 ' Delete any z-shift(s) fmixWL7.Zg count = 0 D&):2F^9. While GetOperationCount(eID)>count N0p6xg~ GetOperation eID, count, op p}QDX*/sSu If op.Type="ShiftZ" Then
(I$%6JO: DeleteOperation eID,count T]%-Ri count=count-1 ]Kt@F0U<o End If o-=|}u]mz count=count+1 %&6QUv^ Wend @:?[R&` "SMJ:g", 'Set new z-shift >=0]7k; op.Type = "ShiftZ" 5?^#v op.val1 = tlens vxZ'-&;t op.parent = parID &x1A{j_ AddOperation eID, op p-iFe\+ Print "Set lens thickness = " & tlens 67(s\ NF&Sv '************************************************************************* \ivxi<SR 'Lens index of refraction ;M.Q=#;E '************************************************************************* t1w]L eID = FindMaterial( "Lens" ) DC h
!Z{I GetModelMaterial eID, mat \#,2#BmO"E ?z.?(xZ 6 mat.Nd = nlens #KiJ{w' SetModelMaterial eID, mat [`@M!G. Print "Set lens index of refraction = " & nlens w x]?D%l E4% -*n '************************************************************************* RH FRN&RU$ 'Pupil diameter gk|>E[. '************************************************************************* qKD eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Pupil.Iris" ) 4G,FJjE`p a]r+np]vTy 'Adjust pupil diameter (trimming volume inner hole) "kP,v&n $bG*f*w SetTrimVolHole eID, pupilDiam/2, pupilDiam/2, 0, 0, "Cylinder" 1L!;lP2 Po)U!5Tm ' Adjust pupil location to just in front of the lens 7Vy_Cec1 parID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye" ) DT`HS/~fH eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Pupil" ) -*k2:i` count = 0 ~s+vJvWz While GetOperationCount(eID)>count bh@Ct nO GetOperation eID, count, op Yk|6?e{+) If op.Type="ShiftZ" Then b,^ "-r DeleteOperation eID,count =_`q;Tu= count=count-1 jQV[zcM End If _-C/sp^ count=count+1 xfeE D^? Wend VZt%cq op.Type = "ShiftZ" mS'Ad< op.val1 = taq-0.01 OWibmX op.parent = parID [P+kQBLpL AddOperation eID, op !\7M7 3JGrJ!x Print "Set pupil diameter = " & pupilDiam ',R%Q0Q $sY'=S 'Update AZ Eye subassembly Description IB&G#2M< eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye" ) >T]9.`xhK GetEntity eID, entity h,$CJdDY] entity.Description = "Accommodation = " & A & "D" GKFRZWXdT SetEntity eID, entity P*!`AWn 7<)H?;~; Update j;`pAN(' Print "DONE!" r<ww%2HTS >
'=QBW End Sub cjL)M=pIS R%szN.cI 如果屈光度是4,光瞳直径是4,则会输出如下数据: [e` |< t}k:wzZ@ Accommodation = 4 Diopters S9!KI) Pupil Diameter = 4 mm %/uLyCUZ Set aqueous humor thickness = 2.81 #HgNwM Set anterior lens radius = 10.4 and conic constant = -2.375869 [
iTP:8 Set posterior lens radius = -4.424557 and conic constant = -3.081019 +A?P 4} Set lens thickness = 3.927 aM
$2lR])J Set lens index of refraction = 1.42672 =p4n@C Set pupil diameter = 4 xmnBG4,f DONE! c?CD;Pk Ibz9juY (文章来源:讯技光电)