提供Admesy公司Asteria亮度计提供Admesy公司Asteria亮度计 Asteria是Admesy公司专门针对亮度和闪烁(LED频闪、液晶Flicker)推出的亮度计,采用优选硅光电二极管以保证较高的测试精度,测量速度最高为180000次/s。性价比高,便于携带和产线应用。 请联系光析科技(深圳) 刘先生 13927443410 ![]() ![]() Asteria亮度计的特性: Absoluteluminance and illuminance measurement according to the human eye (CIE1931luminosity function). Allflicker measurement standards supported for LCD (Contrast, JEITA, VESA) andLighting (percentage, Index). Measurehigh and low frequencies at the same time through a high sample rate and largememory size. Triggerinput and output for in line applications. Windows,Linux, OSX and embedded systems compatible. SCPIcommand interface for easy integration in other applications. Supportedin all major programming languages Labview / Labwindows / Visual Studio (C++,C#, VB)/ etc. USBTMCstandard compliant. Integrating-or sampling mode available 3 gainstages for every mode Auto-rangefunction Usercalibration function and pre-programmed calibration values Opticalsystem Optics 10mmapperture lens Acceptanceangle 5(±2.5) degrees. Spotsize @ 50mm 12mm Spotsize @ 75mm 15.5mm Spotsize @ 100mm 19mm Samplemode - signal frequency response Parameter f3db(1) Gain 1 DC –20 kHz Gain 2 DC –50 kHz Gain 3 DC –120 kHz Measurementspecification Parameter Range Accuracy Lightlevel [cd/m 2 ] Repeatability (2) Speed [samples/sec] (2) Luminance(Y) (integratingmode) 0.005– 15,000 cd/m2 integrationtime between1ms and 5 seconds ±4% of measuredvalue. Measuredat white image of LED LCD display. Luminance~150 cd/m2; 0.1 ±0.20% 4-10 1 ±0.10% 10-20 5 ±0.05% 20-100 >150 ±0.03% 20-100 Luminance(Y) (samplingmode) 1 –15,000 cd/m2 ±4% of measuredvalue. Measuredat white image of LED LCD display. Luminance~150 cd/m2; 1 ±0.20% 4-10 5 ±0.10% 10-20 20 ±0.05% 20-100 >150 ±0.03% 20-100 Flicker (ContrastMethod) 1-15,000cd/m2 ±1% Flickerfrequency:30Hz AC/DC 10% sine wave @ 10Cd/m 2 Flicker (JEITAmethod) 1-15,000cd/m2 ±1dB Flickerfrequency:30Hz AC/DC 10% sine wave @ 10Cd/m 2 分享到: