ZEMAX中priscription data会给出系统的许多有用的数据,其中包括effective focal length的数据和主平面位置的数据。但是我发现直接给出的effective focal length数据和根据其定义结合主平面的数据算出来的结果不一致,这时怎么回事? K/DH
一下是我的Prescription Data数据: k9cK bf@
R j-jAH
Surfaces : 3 x 96}#0'
Stop : 1 fH&zR#T7U4
System Aperture : Object Space NA = 0.12 |n)<4%i8J
Glass Catalogs : Schott T)`gm{T
Ray Aiming : Paraxial Reference, Cache On -P2 @mx%
X Pupil shift : 0 ^<!Ia
Y Pupil shift : 0 X@cSP7b
Z Pupil shift : 0 fTTm$,f5N
Apodization : Gaussian, factor = 1.00000E+000 !TGr .R
************************************************************* {798=pC<.
Effective Focal Length : 1.639158 (in air at system temperature and pressure) 4yhcK&
Effective Focal Length : 1.639158 (in image space) jn~!V!++
************************************************************* Vfb<o"BQk
Back Focal Length : -1.061568 +9TV:T
Total Track : 4.318 g083J}08
Image Space F/# : 3.417255 (:JjQ`i
Paraxial Working F/# : 2.950535 8*vFdoE_oO
Working F/# : 2.961912 O
Image Space NA : 0.1670788 Ac
Object Space NA : 0.12 )TM!ms+K
Stop Radius : 0.2398355 m.!wsw
Paraxial Image Height : 0 iEe#aO"D!
Paraxial Magnification : 0 ad9EG#mD#
Entrance Pupil Diameter : 0.4796709 Bf/|{@
Entrance Pupil Position : 0 )t5;d
Exit Pupil Diameter : 2.511155 %
Exit Pupil Position : 7.420935 O6/xPeak
Field Type : Angle in degrees wBLsz/
Maximum Field : 0 8'+7i8e
Primary Wave : 1.31 uO"y`$C$_
Lens Units : Millimeters <M=';h^w2
Angular Magnification : 0 `6UtxJSx
Fields : 1 b##1hm~+9
Field Type: Angle in degrees =Aj"j-r&{
# X-Value Y-Value Weight h+5@I%WX
1 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 |J\,F.{'
O hi D
Vignetting Factors ^zHRSO
# VDX VDY VCX VCY VAN 2?*||c==*
1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 BK*z 4m
wz h.$?~
Wavelengths : 1 72u db^
Units: Microns \<=IMa0
# Value Weight *{Yh6{
1 1.310000 1.000000 6A.P6DW
j!7Qw 8
Object space positions are measured with respect to surface 1. w1cw1xX*
Image space positions are measured with respect to the image surface. ldYeX+J
The index in both the object space and image space is considered. svqvG7
Object Space Image Space i0iez9B
W = 1.310000 (Primary) I.-v?1>,
************************************************************ v[smQO
Focal Length : -1.639015 1.639015 Ajg\aof0{
************************************************************ <$Z tik1
Focal Planes : 0.313078 -1.159568 (2d3jQN`
Principal Planes : 1.952094 -2.798584 1g~y]iQ
Anti-Principal Planes : -1.325937 0.479447 #>XeR>T
Nodal Planes : 1.952094 -2.798584 R2CQXhiJ
Anti-Nodal Planes : -1.325937 0.479447 <&6u]uKrW
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