天佑雅萱:please tell me how to achive this,?
(2013-12-23 15:27) .fY$$aD$4
v/wR)9 so sorry to reply you so late! If you refer to the COATING.DAT file and user manual you will notice that there is a way to specify the transmission and reflection using a table format.
q.lh _LZ 442 TABLE <coating name>
Lismo# ANGL <angle in degrees>
sM%.=~AN WAVE <wavelength 1 in micrometers> Rs Rp Ts Tp Ars Arp Ats Atp
z7lbb*Xe WAVE <wavelength 2 in micrometers> Rs Rp Ts Tp Ars Arp Ats Atp
/p@0Q[E WAVE <wavelength 3 in micrometers> Rs Rp Ts Tp Ars Arp Ats Atp
VU|Cct&) ^#2Y4[@ Hope this still helps!