ZEMAX 光学设计课程 (深圳 7.2-6)——全程英文授课
开课地点:深圳 ● 主办单位 南京光研软件系统有限公司 ZEMAX 软件亚太地区荣誉代理商 新加坡光研科学有限公司 ZEMAX 软件亚太地区荣誉代理商 ● 课程形式 讲师讲授与学员互动式教学,课程均采用小班授课模式,下机讨论并指导上机练习,教材与PPT同步教学,通过理论联系实际的方式对学员进行讲解。 ● 费用及优惠:5000元/人(含教材、开票:咨询服务费) 满足以下任一条件,培训费用可享受8折优惠 ☆ 同一公司有三人以上同时报名客户 ☆ 参加过光研培训课程或软件购买客户 ☆ 提前一个月报名 ☆ 凭光研会员卡可享受8折和积分双重优惠 ● 培训证书 培训结束后,将颁发由美国ZEMAX原厂、南京光研联合授权签发的培训证书 ● 其它事项 学员上课期间使用最新版的ZEMAX-IE正版软件,统一安排培训,让您感受到光研独有课程的特色 统一发放配套ZEMAX培训教材,学员自带电脑,食宿需要自理(提供中餐) 全程英文授课,由新加坡光研的工程师主讲。 ● 报名咨询及热线 联系人:吴 电话:025-85099608 E-mail:nancy@wavelab-sci.com.cn sales@wavelab-sci.com.cn ![]() Our short courses are the best way to learn about optical design using Zemax. Our classes help you to efficiently and accurately model, analyze, optimize and tolerance virtually any optical system. Courses are held from introductory to advanced level, and cover all aspects of sequential lens design, illumination, stray light, programming Zemax and more. 分享到:
493527461 2013-05-27 14:34可惜没时间,也没钱,国内的培训安排的太不合理了
wjjandlh 2013-05-29 11:59
wjjandlh 2013-05-31 14:28
wjjandlh 2013-06-03 14:19Our short courses are the best way to learn about optical design using Zemax. Our classes help you to efficiently and accurately model, analyze, optimize and tolerance virtually any optical system
wjjandlh 2013-06-05 14:38Courses are held from introductory to advanced level, and cover all aspects of sequential lens design, illumination, stray light, programming Zemax and more
wjjandlh 2013-06-07 10:35学员上课期间使用最新版的ZEMAX-IE正版软件
wjjandlh 2013-06-08 13:15全程英文授课,由新加坡光研的工程师主讲。
wjjandlh 2013-06-21 15:51Our short courses are the best way to learn about optical design using Zemax. Our classes help you to efficiently and accurately model, analyze, optimize and tolerance virtually any optical system
wjjandlh 2013-07-02 11:47日期待定
wjjandlh 2013-07-04 17:26具体时间待定