'判断点在区域内函数 xMjhC;i{
Function point_in(p1x As Single, p1y As Single, p2x As Single, p2y As Single, p3x As Single, p3y As Single, p4x As Single, p4y As Single, ppx As Single, ppy As Single) As Boolean TKB8%/_p
Dim aob, boc, cod, doa, sum As Single D$}hoM1
If ppx = p1x And ppy = p1y Then vB7Gx>BQd
point_in = True /vSGmW-*
Exit Function #X-C~*|>j
End If I3Vu/&8f|
If ppx = p2x And ppy = p2y Then !Cr3>tA
point_in = True :uCwWv
Exit Function N~!,
End If W.j^L;
If ppx = p3x And ppy = p3y Then h4`8C]
point_in = True vbid>$%
Exit Function cW%)C.M
End If HMd?`
aob = ff_angle(p1x, p1y, ppx, ppy, p2x, p2y) Y_%:%J
boc = ff_angle(p2x, p2y, ppx, ppy, p3x, p3y) L`nW&;w'
cod = ff_angle(p3x, p3y, ppx, ppy, p4x, p4y) !n-Sh<8
doa = ff_angle(p4x, p4y, ppx, ppy, p1x, p1y)
sum = aob + boc + cod + doa _.s,gX
If 360.01 > sum And sum > 359.99 Then AG,><UP
point_in = True o +$v0vg%T
Else ,JwX*L<:
point_in = False BN 9e S
End If T?1BcY
End Function