中文手册中第8张分析菜单中关于MTF介绍有这么一句话“因为zemax不考虑矢量衍射,MTF 数据对大于F/1.5的系统是不准确的(精度的衰退变化是逐步的)”,对照英文手册,在这一节没有相应对照部分,不过在PSF的介绍中找到一条线索“For most lenses, a less important assumption is that scalar diffraction theory applies. The vectorial nature of the light is not accounted for. This is significant in systems that are very fast, around F/1.5 (in air) or faster. The scalar theory predicts overly optimistic (a smaller PSF) results when the F/# is very fast.”。 CL )%p"[x
关于书上这两点有几点疑问, S}O5l}E
1.中文部分说MTF对F数大于1.5的系统不准确,据我所知,小F数下标量衍射就不准确了,zemax基于标量衍射,为什么它说是大于1.5不准确呢? 6<+8}`@B>G
2.英文中最后两句话是怎么理解,翻译都感觉不通。 ?qIGQ/af&