還不錯的一本書 HWR&C
Chapter 1. A Review of Elementary Optics R1 qMg+
1.1 Light Spc&X72I
1.2 Laws of Geometrical Optics QX/]gX
1.3 Mirrors and Lenses-Ray Sketching KW:r;BFx
1.4 Mirrors and Lenses-Calculations Q=XA"R
1.5 Simple Optical Instruments J=L`]XE
1.6 Polarization \I
1.7 Interference and Diffraction h*waRD
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Chapter 2. Thin Lens Ray Tracing T Xl\hL\+
2.1 Getting Started dAwS<5!
2.2 Tracing Rays through a Series of Lenses 9rWLE6`
2.3 The y-u Trace UNY@w=]<
2.4 Stops, Pupils, and Windows 1G_xP^H!
2.5 Evaluation of Systems Using the y-u Trace oP,RlR
2.6 Effective Focal Length 2q|_Dma
2.7 Cylindrical Lenses ^~*8 @v""
Chapter 3. Radiometry T/5nu?v
3.1 Basic Concepts and Terms >2t
3.2 Radiometry in an Optical System p1uN]T7>
3.3 Radiometry of Extended Sources Z
3.4 Applications =*[, *A
3.5 Photometry and Spectrophotometry yx 7loy$[
Chapter 4. Mirrors and Prisms ;_wMWl0F
4.1 Mirror Images NB3/A"}"02
4.2 Plane Mirrors C,R,:zR
4.3 Prisms dgm+U%E
4.4 Fitting It In or Spreading It Out ~"RQ!&U
Chapter 5. Paraxial Ray Tracing x1:vUHwC
5.1 The y-nu Trace TLX^~W[gOm
5.2 The Gaussian Constants vFR
5.3 Chromatic Aberration gnYnL8l`J
5.4 Paraxial Ray Tracing, Calculators, and Computers IS .g);Gj
Chapter 6. Exact Ray Traces wiKCr/
6.1 Ray Tracing Techniques _RgxKp/d
6.2 Aberrations Y<de9Z@
6.3 Correcting Aberrations 0U9+
6.4 Optical Computation 2}ag_
6.5 Image Evaluation THb A(SM
Chapter 7. Gaussian Beams F: f2s:<
7.1 il=?o f\,i
7.2 Modifying a Gaussian Beam h#v L5At
7.3 Conjugate Distances Z<w,UvJa
7.4 Laser Beam Illumination rK*hTjVn
7.5 Higher Order Modes 9#s,K! !3{
Characteristics of a Gaussian Beam @ 8A{ 9i
Chapter 8. Modulation and Scanning sn2r>m3
8.1 Modulation of Light (di)`D5Q
8.2 Scanning (}VuiNY<