還不錯的一本書 '0I>
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Chapter 1. A Review of Elementary Optics {qCFd
1.1 Light j|XL$Q
1.2 Laws of Geometrical Optics /o}i,i$
1.3 Mirrors and Lenses-Ray Sketching H"?Ndl:
1.4 Mirrors and Lenses-Calculations _U^G*EqL*
1.5 Simple Optical Instruments rcH{"\F_/
1.6 Polarization EDF0q i
1.7 Interference and Diffraction ,,ML^ey
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Chapter 2. Thin Lens Ray Tracing 7fl{<uf
2.1 Getting Started 2a 7"~z~
2.2 Tracing Rays through a Series of Lenses wk1/&
2.3 The y-u Trace 79h'sp6;
2.4 Stops, Pupils, and Windows PO:sF]5
2.5 Evaluation of Systems Using the y-u Trace t=jG $A
2.6 Effective Focal Length nD!t*P
2.7 Cylindrical Lenses D^f;X.Qm
Chapter 3. Radiometry vRDs~'f
3.1 Basic Concepts and Terms (iJ
3.2 Radiometry in an Optical System sJ5#T iX
3.3 Radiometry of Extended Sources \H1t<B,
3.4 Applications jI<_(T
3.5 Photometry and Spectrophotometry ni<\AF]`
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Chapter 4. Mirrors and Prisms vw-y:,5`t8
4.1 Mirror Images 6(ER$
4.2 Plane Mirrors N-45LS@
4.3 Prisms Ua~8DdW
4.4 Fitting It In or Spreading It Out 4`Jf_C
Chapter 5. Paraxial Ray Tracing )a%E $`
5.1 The y-nu Trace >T{TE"XyO|
5.2 The Gaussian Constants O.-A)S@
5.3 Chromatic Aberration ,)VAKrSg
5.4 Paraxial Ray Tracing, Calculators, and Computers iDltN]zS
Chapter 6. Exact Ray Traces Xxj<Ai2
6.1 Ray Tracing Techniques SN[ar&I
6.2 Aberrations TJZar Nc$
6.3 Correcting Aberrations v`p@djM
6.4 Optical Computation J.O{+{&cd
6.5 Image Evaluation 6l2Os
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Chapter 7. Gaussian Beams w U1[/
7.1 SEE:v+3|
7.2 Modifying a Gaussian Beam p=|S%
7.3 Conjugate Distances .*z$vl
7.4 Laser Beam Illumination JEP9!y9y
7.5 Higher Order Modes [lu+"V,<LJ
Characteristics of a Gaussian Beam aadw#90
Chapter 8. Modulation and Scanning t%@u)b p
8.1 Modulation of Light +G,_|C2J
8.2 Scanning |Nadk(}
8.3 Mechanical Scanners m8+
8.4 Acousto-optical Scanners tGSXTF}G
8.5 Holographic Scanners H wz$zF+R
8.6 Additional Topics 5@pLGMHT
Chapter 9. Spectrometers ~aXJ5sY"f&
9.1 Filter Spectrometers t[AA=
9.2 Prism Spectrometers JgV4-B0
9.3 Grating Spectrometers P:5vS:s?
9.4 Spectrometer Systems 7loWqZ
Chapter 10. Detectors *r7%'K{C
10.1 The Eye-The Ultimate Detector ?JW/Stua
10.2 Thermal Detectors +k0UVZZX?
10.3 Photographic Materials |;I"Oc.w^R
10.4 Photoemissive Detectors c6iFha;db
10.5 Semiconductor Detectors *qxv"PptX
10.6 Photodiode Arrays Gh<#wa['}
10.7 Detector Geometries m/< @Qw
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Chapter 11. The Design Process -KZ9TV # R
1 1.1 Setting Down Objectives j(M.7Z7^
11.2 Preliminary Design /J(~NGT
11.3 The Breadboarding Process }Nma %6PfV
11.4 Case Study-Laser Printer Design ?u0qYep:
11.5 Case Study-Slide Projector Design NceK>::56
1 1.6 Conclusions