還不錯的一本書 L>E{~yh
Chapter 1. A Review of Elementary Optics n<> ^cD
1.1 Light \pTC[Ry1
1.2 Laws of Geometrical Optics WJa7
1.3 Mirrors and Lenses-Ray Sketching B~qo^ppVU
1.4 Mirrors and Lenses-Calculations 8f)pf$v`
1.5 Simple Optical Instruments H_x}-
1.6 Polarization r)Zk- !1
1.7 Interference and Diffraction /?XI,#j3kM
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Chapter 2. Thin Lens Ray Tracing }0@@_Y]CC
2.1 Getting Started u(f;4`
2.2 Tracing Rays through a Series of Lenses ~OxFgKn23&
2.3 The y-u Trace BBV>QL
2.4 Stops, Pupils, and Windows p8YOow7)
2.5 Evaluation of Systems Using the y-u Trace #<sK3 PT
2.6 Effective Focal Length V\r{6-%XiW
2.7 Cylindrical Lenses 2$!,$J-<Y
Chapter 3. Radiometry VnB HQ.C
3.1 Basic Concepts and Terms 3c wBPqH
3.2 Radiometry in an Optical System `r3 klL,W'
3.3 Radiometry of Extended Sources > mJ`904L
3.4 Applications F Qk
3.5 Photometry and Spectrophotometry /z`tI
Chapter 4. Mirrors and Prisms di9OQ*6a7
4.1 Mirror Images @o'L! 5Y
4.2 Plane Mirrors >m<T+{`
4.3 Prisms ?YV#
4.4 Fitting It In or Spreading It Out g`C8ouy
Chapter 5. Paraxial Ray Tracing e00}YWf%
5.1 The y-nu Trace CH|cK8q
5.2 The Gaussian Constants I} +up,B]o
5.3 Chromatic Aberration Lz-|M?(
5.4 Paraxial Ray Tracing, Calculators, and Computers -Q?c'e
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Chapter 6. Exact Ray Traces ;8eGf'
6.1 Ray Tracing Techniques zOFHdd ,"g
6.2 Aberrations _j0xL{&&
6.3 Correcting Aberrations N$C+le
6.4 Optical Computation |42;171
6.5 Image Evaluation R)*l)bpZ#
Chapter 7. Gaussian Beams dw5"}-D
7.1 "_dg$j`Y&&
7.2 Modifying a Gaussian Beam t?Qbi)T=z
7.3 Conjugate Distances ]SPuNBsy)
7.4 Laser Beam Illumination wqV"fZA\]
7.5 Higher Order Modes Zz/p'3?#
Characteristics of a Gaussian Beam j&a\ K}U!
Chapter 8. Modulation and Scanning =2NrmwWZs
8.1 Modulation of Light EEK!'[<,sE
8.2 Scanning ^q&|7Ou-
8.3 Mechanical Scanners -U
A &Zt
8.4 Acousto-optical Scanners Y`4 LMK[]
8.5 Holographic Scanners 7l=Tl[n
8.6 Additional Topics I^u~r.
Chapter 9. Spectrometers +S-60EN*A
9.1 Filter Spectrometers =&9c5"V&
9.2 Prism Spectrometers Sf.OBU1rs
9.3 Grating Spectrometers XK@&$~iA3
9.4 Spectrometer Systems ANM=:EtP
Chapter 10. Detectors g"kI1^[nj
10.1 The Eye-The Ultimate Detector 3tJfh=r=1
10.2 Thermal Detectors oJ3(7Sz
10.3 Photographic Materials e?B}^Dk0i
10.4 Photoemissive Detectors =2=rPZw9
10.5 Semiconductor Detectors 5$Kj#9g-#
10.6 Photodiode Arrays >qr/1mW
10.7 Detector Geometries w{k ^O7~
Chapter 11. The Design Process qz3
1 1.1 Setting Down Objectives TecMQ0
11.2 Preliminary Design $ xHtI]T
11.3 The Breadboarding Process *x]*%
11.4 Case Study-Laser Printer Design (EosLn
11.5 Case Study-Slide Projector Design $\/^O94-l
1 1.6 Conclusions