還不錯的一本書 D@.tkzU@E
Chapter 1. A Review of Elementary Optics Sl-v W
1.1 Light '&.#
1.2 Laws of Geometrical Optics ,Vh.T&X5
1.3 Mirrors and Lenses-Ray Sketching Vnx,5E&
1.4 Mirrors and Lenses-Calculations R&|mdY8
1.5 Simple Optical Instruments ^&bRX4pYo
1.6 Polarization h.-@ F
1.7 Interference and Diffraction a["2VY6Eq@
Chapter 2. Thin Lens Ray Tracing r`AuvwHPs[
2.1 Getting Started q6_u@:3u
2.2 Tracing Rays through a Series of Lenses 'rMN=1:iu"
2.3 The y-u Trace L,mQ
2.4 Stops, Pupils, and Windows [F*.\
2.5 Evaluation of Systems Using the y-u Trace p!sWYui
2.6 Effective Focal Length pX&pLaF
2.7 Cylindrical Lenses v-yde>(
Chapter 3. Radiometry .q[SI$qO/
3.1 Basic Concepts and Terms X>NhZ5\
3.2 Radiometry in an Optical System _^el\
3.3 Radiometry of Extended Sources
3.4 Applications `)GrwfC
3.5 Photometry and Spectrophotometry F;gx%[$GX
Chapter 4. Mirrors and Prisms 6&bY} i^K
4.1 Mirror Images 3l3+A+n
4.2 Plane Mirrors S}$r>[t
4.3 Prisms X@k`3X
4.4 Fitting It In or Spreading It Out ?T>'j mmV=
Chapter 5. Paraxial Ray Tracing slg ]#Dy
5.1 The y-nu Trace .A-]_98Z
5.2 The Gaussian Constants F)s{P Cl
5.3 Chromatic Aberration Ga# :P F0
5.4 Paraxial Ray Tracing, Calculators, and Computers qZ}P*+`Q
Chapter 6. Exact Ray Traces 1Ab>4UhD
6.1 Ray Tracing Techniques OiE;B
6.2 Aberrations g.'yZvaP
6.3 Correcting Aberrations n|b5? 3
6.4 Optical Computation P(XaTU&-
6.5 Image Evaluation }0u8r`
Chapter 7. Gaussian Beams K_2|_MLlZ
7.1 :>TEDy~O%
7.2 Modifying a Gaussian Beam yU8{i&w4
7.3 Conjugate Distances dbOdq
7.4 Laser Beam Illumination H ,+?
7.5 Higher Order Modes abJ"
Characteristics of a Gaussian Beam Y$Q|J4z
Chapter 8. Modulation and Scanning ep=qf/vd<
8.1 Modulation of Light 34wkzu
8.2 Scanning ={5#fgK>
8.3 Mechanical Scanners rAs,X
8.4 Acousto-optical Scanners ;=<-5;rI
8.5 Holographic Scanners 'v\L @"
8.6 Additional Topics "TUe%o
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Chapter 9. Spectrometers `.T}=j|
9.1 Filter Spectrometers c%[#~;E
9.2 Prism Spectrometers #
9.3 Grating Spectrometers ukv tQz)
9.4 Spectrometer Systems ]~6_ WE8L
Chapter 10. Detectors H(Q.a=&4!p
10.1 The Eye-The Ultimate Detector *;m5'}jsy
10.2 Thermal Detectors zoDH` h_
10.3 Photographic Materials esHQoIhd
10.4 Photoemissive Detectors \mw(cM#:
10.5 Semiconductor Detectors 5Q 'i2*j
10.6 Photodiode Arrays #7ov#_2Jd
10.7 Detector Geometries j:,NE(DF
Chapter 11. The Design Process Rb%%?*|
1 1.1 Setting Down Objectives $&"V^@
11.2 Preliminary Design 9elga"4:'
11.3 The Breadboarding Process t9Y=m6
11.4 Case Study-Laser Printer Design f m(e3]
11.5 Case Study-Slide Projector Design =xsTDjH>
1 1.6 Conclusions