供应Burleigh 光波长计 WA-1600供应Burleigh 光波长计 WA-1600 深圳市东测科技有限公司 联 系 人: 黄文俊(先生) 联系手机:13928415151 联系电话:0755-83176509 传 真: 0755-83176509 Q Q: 1059911214 邮 编:518000 地 址:深圳市福田区梅林路新世界荔园阁二期1单元904 备注: 本公司长期低价销售!现金回收:租赁:网络分析仪、工厂报废仪器回收、无线综合测试仪、频谱分析仪、 视频图象信号源、LCR测试仪、高/低频信号源、示波器、万用表、电子负载、频率计、二手进口高挡仪器,等等二手仪器出售/维修/收购。有货请与我取得联系!迎来电咨询!13928415151 详细说明 Burleigh 光波长计 WA-1600 WA-1600 Wavemeter systems are instruments designed for simple, automatic and accurate wavelength measurement of continuous wave (CW) laser sources. Wavemeter systems count interference fringes produced by the input laser radiation in a scanning Michelson interferometer and simultaneously count fringes from a built-in reference laser. The ratio of the fringe counts of the input laser and the reference laser provides the wavelength of the input laser. Features: Scanning Michelson Interferometer Wavelength Accuracy of plus/minus 1.5 pm Continuous Calibration with Built-in Wavelength Reference RS-232 and GPIB Remote Interfaces High Precision Spectral Analysis 分享到: