还有一点忘了说了, 就是公差计算时的视场设定? 是Y对称? XY对称? 用户自定义? 我的解释只是针对用户自定义时的结果. !y[}|
具体的内容请见下面: m^W*[^p
Fields: Generally speaking, the field definitions used for optimization and analysis are inadequate for a>-}\GXTA
tolerancing. for example, a rotationally symmetric lens may use field definitions of 0, 7, and 10 degrees. For W)G2Cs?p
tolerancing purposes, the lack of symmetry in the field definitions may cause inaccurate results when analyzing cij]&$;Q
tilt or decenter tolerances. When constructing a merit function to use for tolerancing ZEMAX can use three 4i ~eTb
different field settings: #"3[f@|e
Y-Symmetric: ZEMAX computes the maximum field coordinate, then defines new field points at +1.0, +0.7, ze#rYN vo/
0.0, -0.7, and -1.0 times the maximum field coordinate, in the Y direction only. All X field values are set to r&H=i
zero. This is the default for rotationally symmetric lenses. c+)36/; X
XY-Symmetric: Similar to Y-Symmetric, except there are 9 field points used. The 5 Y-Symmetric points are wdN>KS2!
used, and -1.0, -0.7, +0.7, and +1.0 are added in the X axis direction only. 2ID*U d*
User Defined: Use whatever field definitions exist in the current lens file. This option is required when using o(v"?Y 6
vignetting factors, tolerancing multiple configuration lenses, or using tolerance scripts. It is also highly (9WL+S
recommended when tolerancing non rotationally symmetric lenses or lenses with complex field weighting F)[XIY&2/
that user defined fields be used.