優化放大率重點有三 TxkvHiq2
1) 保持物鏡焦距 。 2qj0iRH#N<
2) 保持目鏡焦距 。 ~te{9/
3) 調整二鏡間距,以保持(主光線出射角)和(主光線入射角)的比值。 nM$-L.dG
假如你有 Code V 10.7 版,可以執行以下程式 b;mpZ|T.
res telescope1 \gZjq]3
del z2 5=MM^$QG
^EFLObj == (efy s1..3) [z}$G:s
^EFLEye == (efy s5..12) TlQ5'0&I
^AngMag == (UCY SI-1)/(UCY S0) V3pn@'pr
aut sD XJXJZ
efy s1..3 = 200 <l9qhqHv&
efy s5..12 = 40 9JC8OSjJ
@AngMag == (UCY SI-1)/(UCY S0) W9SEYkg
@AngMag = -5 ybm&g( -\
dra; zpxyX|
go H&ZsMML/%
wri "Before Optimization:" a<D]Gz^h
wri " EFL of the objective lens = " ^EFLObj ##NowO
wri " EFL of the eyepiece = " ^EFLEye 0ipYXbC
wri " Angular magnification = " ^AngMag !jJH}o/KW
wri f9E.X\"
wri "After Optimization:" Lr(wS {
wri " EFL of the objective lens = " (efy s1..3) z?_5fte`
wri " EFL of the eyepiece = " (efy s5..12) V:4($
wri " Angular magnification = " (UCY SI-1)/(UCY S0) b9Ix*!Y