優化放大率重點有三 +nFu|qM}
1) 保持物鏡焦距 。 v dc\R?
2) 保持目鏡焦距 。 hcsP2
3) 調整二鏡間距,以保持(主光線出射角)和(主光線入射角)的比值。 rlOAo`hd
假如你有 Code V 10.7 版,可以執行以下程式 tEvut=k'
res telescope1 52Z2]T
del z2 L
<L8'! q}
^EFLObj == (efy s1..3) mn"G_I
^EFLEye == (efy s5..12) ;n*.W|Uph
^AngMag == (UCY SI-1)/(UCY S0) EE06h-n s
aut -=)H{
efy s1..3 = 200 f<d`B]$(
efy s5..12 = 40 2DrP"iGq5
@AngMag == (UCY SI-1)/(UCY S0) p>v$FiV2N
@AngMag = -5 ZbW17@b
dra; 98IJu
go <KL,G};0pm
On9A U:\
wri "Before Optimization:" PUMXOTu]
wri " EFL of the objective lens = " ^EFLObj k8&;lgO'
wri " EFL of the eyepiece = " ^EFLEye F rfM3x6UM
wri " Angular magnification = " ^AngMag P64PPbP
wri XpB_N{v9w
wri "After Optimization:" Tztu}t]N
wri " EFL of the objective lens = " (efy s1..3) _{YWXRC#
wri " EFL of the eyepiece = " (efy s5..12) l*(8i ^
wri " Angular magnification = " (UCY SI-1)/(UCY S0) 8mvy\l