優化放大率重點有三 jD$,.AVvz
1) 保持物鏡焦距 。 ity & v9
2) 保持目鏡焦距 。 C)[,4wt,
3) 調整二鏡間距,以保持(主光線出射角)和(主光線入射角)的比值。 j+i\bks
假如你有 Code V 10.7 版,可以執行以下程式 ,`'Qi%O
res telescope1 ,;EIh}
del z2 l.67++_
^EFLObj == (efy s1..3) h{)kQLuzT
^EFLEye == (efy s5..12) v> LIvi|]
^AngMag == (UCY SI-1)/(UCY S0) CuaVb1r
aut R6` WN
efy s1..3 = 200 SL Ws*aq
efy s5..12 = 40 r<9Iof4
@AngMag == (UCY SI-1)/(UCY S0) lEH65;Nh*
@AngMag = -5 l.q&D< _
dra; 9g9HlB&Ze
go !y\'EW3|G
wri "Before Optimization:" v"y-0$M
wri " EFL of the objective lens = " ^EFLObj %^?fMeI|Y
wri " EFL of the eyepiece = " ^EFLEye TJ10s%,V
wri " Angular magnification = " ^AngMag cq,S P&T~
wri wg9t)1k{e
wri "After Optimization:" vNyf64)
wri " EFL of the objective lens = " (efy s1..3) m]'#t)B_m
wri " EFL of the eyepiece = " (efy s5..12) cVXLKO
wri " Angular magnification = " (UCY SI-1)/(UCY S0) LoURC$lS