Ultrafast Innovations 公司是专注于镜片镀膜以及色散控制的公司,其产品主要用于超快激光系统,极紫外光源应用,并提供定制服务。Ultrafast仅仅跟随当今科学界的最近研究动向,并且在超快激光、极紫外光源等领域具有非常丰富的经验。 UltraFast Innovations is a premium manufacturer of custom-made optics. Our products cover the spectrum from the UV-VIS-IR range all the way to the XUV-range. We are specialized in the design and manufacturing of optical elements tailor-made for ultrafast laser applications. We have design and manufacturing capabilities for dielectric optics for laser applications, as well as for metallic multilayer structures for x-ray applications. By providing an integral consulting approach to our customers, we are helping them to find the optics that exactly suits their requirements. 顶尖科仪为Ultrafast Innovations 公司中国区授权代理商,供应 提供 出售 求购 代理 分销 代理商 经销商。顶尖科仪 深圳办事处 刘先生 Tel 86614815 Mob 18938945201 QQ 121206359,Email: ygliu@psci.cn。更多相关产品:http://g1983111.cn.alibaba.com/。 超宽带色散镜 Ultrafast Innovations 的超宽带压缩镜款式多,特别是近红外区域,能实现高达1.5 倍频程的带宽。可以用于啁啾Ti:sapphire 放大器系统, 宽带振荡器或其他应用中脉冲宽度的压缩。用该系列镜片,最低已经获得了3fs 的脉冲宽度。 As examples, the dispersion and reflectivity curves of complementary mirror pairs for 500-1050nm, resp. 600-1400nm wavelength are shown. Solid lines depict the mirror design, whereas dashed lines show measured values. 高色散镜 高色散镜可用在飞秒放大器的压缩器中。全镜片的压缩器可以使激光系统的结构更为紧凑,产量高,稳定性高,能产生更短的脉冲宽度,因此几片高色散镜片完全可以代替棱镜压缩器。通过用高色散镜取代压缩棱镜,客户可以达到傅立叶极限,从而获得19fs 的输出。 正色散镜 该系列镜片都是通过特殊工艺生产用来确保最好的表面质量。可以用于啁啾脉冲放大系统的脉冲压缩,例如:在混合棱镜 / 镜片压缩系统。也可以根据色散指标要求和反射率要求进行定制。 三阶色散镜 产生和控制脉冲到低于30 飞秒,这就要求不仅仅补偿平均群延时色散,还要求补偿三阶色散。三阶色散镜专门针对高脉冲质量的短脉冲而设计的,提前检测并消除了脉冲旁瓣和其他的不利因素。 超高反射镜 受到当前膜层技术发展的限制,目前镜片头过率最高只能达到99.99%。通过特殊工艺优化的薄膜技术,可获得高密度的膜层。获得超过99.999% 的反射率,也就是损耗10ppm。 高透膜,分光镜和光谱滤波片 Ultrafast Innovations 提供光谱滤波片,双色分光镜和高透膜。这些镜片的截止波长是很灵活的。如果需要,我们可以制作很陡的谱线边缘,通常的窗口都是可能实现的。极窄吸收带的高透滤波片。超宽带高反射片。 极紫外镜片 极紫外镜片是阿秒脉冲产生和其他实验中的关键配件。实现多层极紫外和Soft-X 射线光谱范围膜层要求镀几十层百纳米量级厚度的膜,原子级的平滑表面和亚0.1 纳米的精度, 这对内部薄膜提出了很高的要求。当前可实现的中心能量范围是30-200eV。利用该系列产品已经实现了最短80 阿秒的脉冲宽度。 普通色散透镜/用户定制色散透镜 Custom dispersive optics 例如激光器泵浦窗口透镜,在紫外光波段具有超高的反射率,但同时只有很低的色散。 全色散镜压缩模组 All-dispersive mirror compressor unit 主要特点: Output pulses at the Fourier-limit. The mirrors in the ADMC are designed according to your target design curve. Output pulses free from angular chirp and pulse front tilt. Higher output power by increased throughput. Robustness and user-friendliness. Compact setup size. The FROG traces shown here are from a 1 kHz-CPA-system with ADMC (left) and prism compressor (right). The ADMC enabled the generation of bandwidth-limited 19 fs pulses with Gaussian beam profile. 极紫外/红外 脉冲延迟单元 XUV/IR-pulse delay unit 极紫外光谱仪、声谱仪 XUV spectrograph 特点: Flat-field grazing-incidence spectrograph Wavelength range from 5 to 80 nm Optional wavelength range 1 to 5 nm Three different geometry options Flexible choice of detectors: x-ray CCD-camera or MCP/fiber taper system Operating pressure <10-6 mbar Customizable according to user requirements 极紫外单色仪 XUV multilayer monochromator 极紫外多层单色仪,极紫外多阶单色仪,极紫外单色仪,深紫外单色仪,紫外单色仪 High-throughput scanning monochromator Several energy ranges available Automated switching between energy ranges Exit slit focusing Software control included Operating pressure <10-6 mbar Upgrade to UHV technology available Oil-free pump system Integrated beam diagnostics available Customizable according to user requirements 三阶自相关仪 third-order autocorrelator 用于激光脉冲对比度测试。 性能 Up to 11 orders of magnitude signal dynamics with only 100 uJ pulse energy. Discrimination of pre- and post-pulses. Scan range exceeding 600 ps in standard setup. Long-range version with 2 ns scanning range available. Easy to set up and align. Optimal suppression of background signal by non-collinear sequential third harmonic generation. Full software package allowing automatic scan of different positions at different resolutions. Post-processing software for viewing and analyzing the autocorrelation traces. 特点 Signal dynamics: 11 orders of magnitude Pulse energy for full dynamic range: 100 uJ Delay range: 650 ps (2 ns optional) Spectral range: customizable in a wide range Resolution optical / translation stage: 100 fs / 1 fs Footprint: 30x40 cm ![]() ![]() 分享到: