Ghost Trace Data File : C:\Program Files\ZEMAX - Beta\Samples\Sequential\Objectives\Cooke 40 degree field.zmx T[=XGAJ Title: A SIMPLE COOKE TRIPLET. Units are Millimeters. Wavelength: 0.550000 μm DU7kZ Type: Double Bounces J,fXXi)J The '****' denotes a possible internal focus oy'Q#! RMS is the RMS spot radius on axis at the primary wavelength. E0c5c RMS values of 0.00 indicate that an accurate RMS [Bp[=\ could not be computed, usually due to ray errors. This analysis may be inaccurate if the system is %HuQc^ non-rotationally symmetric or uses non-standard surfaces. Ghost reflection off surface 2 then 1. (GH002001.ZMX) [&rW+/ Surf Marginal F/# RMS :y'D] ,_ 1 5.0000E+000 5.737068 3.5355E+000 2I:vie 2 4.7160E+000 4.595701 3.3570E+000 0+O)~>v 1 4.3614E+000 0.990012 3.1277E+000 "w`f>]YLA 2 2.7155E+000 0.607262 1.9876E+000 &L-y1'i=j 3 -2.2309E+000 0.916280 2.6065E+000 !&C8y 4 -2.7766E+000 0.514753 0.0000E+000 :H<u@% 5 -7.3909E+000 0.888038 0.0000E+000 [^W4%S 6 -9.0530E+000 0.823473 0.0000E+000 ?x@B Ze 7 -3.4681E+001 0.823473 0.0000E+000 :Qu!0tY Marginal ray height : -34.6809 U<eVLfSij Chief ray height : -24.8107 :*1Gs, Distance to ghost pupil: -50.9613 TUZ-4{kV" Distance to ghost focus: -57.1176 )^)V yI`O Effective focal length : 8.2347