透镜 gNG r!3*)w C;(t/zh
"[:iXRu YIR
R=qpn 然后添加了默认公差分析,基本没变
J~(Wf%jM~ @|'5n
@]bPVG?d 67y Tvr@a 然后运行分析的结果如下:
a6kV!,.U !;_H$r0 Analysis of Tolerances
cwV]!=RtO BPr^D0P File : E:\光学设计资料\zemax练习\f500.ZMX
kF>o.uSV Title:
3Tq\BZ Date : TUE JUN 21 2011
P9T5L<5 S>.F_Jl Units are Millimeters.
)#F]G$51r All changes are computed using linear differences.
lD{Aa!\ >c-fI$] Paraxial Focus compensation only.
l]<L [Y,E- i_][PTH WARNING: Solves should be removed prior to tolerancing.
{647|j;e }h 3K@R
}KhjlPhx TFRN: Tolerance on curvature in fringes.
<W]g2>9o9 TTHI: Tolerance on thickness.
~afg)[( TSDX: Tolerance on surface decentering in x.
21RP=0Q: TSDY: Tolerance on surface decentering in y.
_V0R\k TSTX: Tolerance on surface tilt in x (degrees).
T;L>P[hNn TSTY: Tolerance on surface tilt in y (degrees).
qto|X@ TIRR: Tolerance on irregularity (fringes).
hp"L8w TIND: Tolerance on Nd index of refraction.
F+c TEDX: Tolerance on element decentering in x.
Nm):9YQ/ TEDY: Tolerance on element decentering in y.
fSDi-I TETX: Tolerance on element tilt in x (degrees).
2BCtJ`S` TETY: Tolerance on element tilt in y (degrees).
|y20Hi': flgRpXt WARNING: RAY AIMING IS OFF. Very loose tolerances may not be computed accurately.
dz>;<&2Z !.1%}4@Q] WARNING: Boundary constraints on compensators will be ignored.
|w}xl'>q (z$r :p Criterion : Geometric
MTF average S&T at 30.0000 cycles per mm
6WoAs)ZF Mode : Sensitivities
ny-7P;->8 Sampling : 2
n}xhW'3hU= Nominal Criterion : 0.54403234
c"!lwm3b Test Wavelength : 0.6328
t:LcNlN| %r)avI #y|V|nd Fields: XY Symmetric Angle in degrees
K\XyZ # X-Field Y-Field Weight VDX VDY VCX VCY
j]0^y}5f+s 1 0.000E+000 0.000E+000 1.000E+000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
'&;yT[ Hqh6:RuL Sensitivity Analysis:
fri0XxF ^w~23g. |----------------- Minimum ----------------| |----------------- Maximum ----------------|
vILy>QS) Type Value Criterion Change Value Criterion Change
,7,g%?_P Fringe tolerance on surface 1
%7`f{|. TFRN 1 -1.00000000 0.54257256 -0.00145977 1.00000000 0.54548607 0.00145374
drwgjLC+ Change in Focus :
-0.000000 0.000000
;d$qc<2uA Fringe tolerance on surface 2
:ug4g6;#H0 TFRN 2 -1.00000000 0.54177471 -0.00225762 1.00000000 0.54627463 0.00224230
p1c3Q$>i Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
1xf=_F0`& Fringe tolerance on surface 3
ENh!N4vbO TFRN 3 -1.00000000 0.54779866 0.00376632 1.00000000 0.54022572 -0.00380662
|_u8mV Change in Focus : -0.000000 0.000000
*]J dHO Thickness tolerance on surface 1
UueD(T;p TTHI 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54321462 -0.00081772 0.20000000 0.54484759 0.00081525
l!E7AKk8 Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
AGA`fRVx Thickness tolerance on surface 2
aj,)P3DJu TTHI 2 3 -0.20000000 0.54478712 0.00075478 0.20000000 0.54327558 -0.00075675
^BZkHAp Change in Focus : 0.000000 -0.000000
S'~o,`xy Decenter X tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3
')S;[= v TEDX 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005 0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005
ZWV|# c<G Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
T2?HRx Decenter Y tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3
t)oa pIeIe TEDY 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005 0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005
UkCnqNvx Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
EPW7+Ve Tilt X tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3 (degrees)
S~$'WA TETX 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314 0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314
t<:D@J]a Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
J` {6l Tilt Y tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3 (degrees)
nRhrWS TETY 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314 0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314
+kdySWF Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
wxLXh6|6%_ Decenter X tolerance on surface 1
+)nT|w45 TSDX 1 -0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671 0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671
Q4s&E\} Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
(UNtRz'=; Decenter Y tolerance on surface 1
>95TvJ TSDY 1 -0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671 0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671
2}}?'PwwT Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
vAP{;Q0i Tilt X tolerance on surface (degrees) 1
XC15 K@K TSTX 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
O\;= V`z- Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
5=?i;P Tilt Y tolerance on surface (degrees) 1
.V6-(d TSTY 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
]Pn!nSg Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
cd;NpN Decenter X tolerance on surface 2
o7&4G$FX~ TSDX 2 -0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807 0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807
LE?u`i,e=+ Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
0BkV/v1Uc Decenter Y tolerance on surface 2
47 u@4"M TSDY 2 -0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807 0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807
c(-Mc6 Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
dTEJ=d40 Tilt X tolerance on surface (degrees) 2
fm1X1T . TSTX 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
2 8 Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
e{G_GycH Tilt Y tolerance on surface (degrees) 2
KiLvI,9y TSTY 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
ST1Ts5I Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
gvli %9n Decenter X tolerance on surface 3
c-XLI TSDX 3 -0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195 0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195
}\v^+scD Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
}wt%1v-10U Decenter Y tolerance on surface 3
^>~dlS TSDY 3 -0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195 0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195
`!\ivIi^ Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
d+z[\i Tilt X tolerance on surface (degrees) 3
^[h2% c$ TSTX 3 -0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563 0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
h\,5/ )Y Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
X<Za9 Tilt Y tolerance on surface (degrees) 3
^6 /j_G TSTY 3 -0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563 0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
<D /a l9 Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
[ET6(_=b Irregularity of surface 1 in fringes
G=M] 8+h TIRR 1 -0.20000000 0.50973587 -0.03429647 0.20000000 0.57333868 0.02930634
$CtCOwKZ Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
PNF4>) Irregularity of surface 2 in fringes
AfWl6a?T8: TIRR 2 -0.20000000 0.53400904 -0.01002330 0.20000000 0.55360281 0.00957047
Ph7pd Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
]H 2R Irregularity of surface 3 in fringes
993d/z|DX TIRR 3 -0.20000000 0.58078982 0.03675748 0.20000000 0.49904394 -0.04498840
}F{=#Kqn^ Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
vrcE]5(:s Index tolerance on surface 1
FuP}Kec TIND 1 -0.00100000 0.52606778 -0.01796456 0.00100000 0.56121811 0.01718578
y~#\#w{ Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
|paP<$ Index tolerance on surface 2
xcSR{IZ TIND 2 -0.00100000 0.55639086 0.01235852 0.00100000 0.53126361 -0.01276872
<GW R7rUH Change in Focus : 0.000000 -0.000000
LZWS^77 {Qtq7q. Worst offenders:
p?myuNd[ Type Value Criterion Change
hjY0w TSTY 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
%<U{K; TSTY 2 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
WEa>)@ TSTX 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
~"mj;5Id TSTX 2 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
>_Uj?F: TSTY 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
ko[TDh$T5 TSTY 1 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
PKtU:Eg TSTX 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
{vfq TSTX 1 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
)bW5yG! TSTY 3 -0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
sMi{"`37 TSTY 3 0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
vj3isI4lU \REc8nsLy Estimated Performance Changes based upon Root-Sum-Square method:
,RK3eQ Nominal MTF : 0.54403234
/_OOPt=G Estimated change : -0.36299231
)1_(>|@oi Estimated MTF : 0.18104003
{% F`%_{" k/#M<z Compensator Statistics: XV2=8#R Change in back focus: yisLypM* Minimum : -0.000000 Qq0O0U Maximum : 0.000000 {,f[r*{Y Mean : -0.000000 rbh[j@s@ Standard Deviation : 0.000000 IxP^i{/1? b7'F|h^ Monte Carlo Analysis:
5^F]tRz- Number of trials: 20
#{>uC&jD t{ H1u Initial Statistics: Normal Distribution
6$z'wy/* @^wpAQfd4 Trial Criterion Change
$I(}r3r 1 0.42804416 -0.11598818