透镜 3oF45`3FV vYwYQG
'\l" hgYZOwQ 然后添加了默认公差分析,基本没变
dyz2.ZY~2 W#9BNKL
+ [iQLM?zo uw>Ba %5 然后运行分析的结果如下:
SE@LYeC}dE %aG5F}S2~ Analysis of Tolerances
k^3>Y%^1 *'Sd/%8{ File : E:\光学设计资料\zemax练习\f500.ZMX
}NHaCG[, Title:
-u6bAQ Date : TUE JUN 21 2011
Qf~vZtJ+J 1OGx>J6 Units are Millimeters.
cvn@/qBq*t All changes are computed using linear differences.
bn|I>e : %lTU Paraxial Focus compensation only.
a@_4PWzF: z`.<U{5 WARNING: Solves should be removed prior to tolerancing.
-I*bt !j9t*2m[ Mnemonics:
NW~N}5T TFRN: Tolerance on curvature in fringes.
7-bd9uVK TTHI: Tolerance on thickness.
|kyX3~ TSDX: Tolerance on surface decentering in x.
v [wb~uw\ TSDY: Tolerance on surface decentering in y.
>8~.wXyoC TSTX: Tolerance on surface tilt in x (degrees).
tqz3zIQ TSTY: Tolerance on surface tilt in y (degrees).
8}I$'x TIRR: Tolerance on irregularity (fringes).
qzYwt]GNS TIND: Tolerance on Nd index of refraction.
[;n9:Qxf TEDX: Tolerance on element decentering in x.
VACQ+ TEDY: Tolerance on element decentering in y.
lp.ldajN TETX: Tolerance on element tilt in x (degrees).
nD_GL TETY: Tolerance on element tilt in y (degrees).
F%@A6'c g#"zQv ON WARNING: RAY AIMING IS OFF. Very loose tolerances may not be computed accurately.
KoOz#,() vLv@&lMW WARNING: Boundary constraints on compensators will be ignored.
Xpr?Kgz 4`4kfiS$ Criterion : Geometric
MTF average S&T at 30.0000 cycles per mm
B{QBzx1L9c Mode : Sensitivities
JA %J$d Sampling : 2
Y@;CF Nominal Criterion : 0.54403234
8H%;WU9- Test Wavelength : 0.6328
p)KheLiZ D#_3^Kiawj 5#HW2"7 Fields: XY Symmetric Angle in degrees
"IZa!eUW # X-Field Y-Field Weight VDX VDY VCX VCY
0\X\izQ5 1 0.000E+000 0.000E+000 1.000E+000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
NxkGOAOE QVv#fy1"6 Sensitivity Analysis:
1$xNUsD2 ,1y@Z 5wy |----------------- Minimum ----------------| |----------------- Maximum ----------------|
;@mS^ik")$ Type Value Criterion Change Value Criterion Change
QJZK|* Fringe tolerance on surface 1
.iYJr;9`d TFRN 1 -1.00000000 0.54257256 -0.00145977 1.00000000 0.54548607 0.00145374
R4[N:~Z$| Change in Focus :
-0.000000 0.000000
AiwOc+R Fringe tolerance on surface 2
[@&m4 7 TFRN 2 -1.00000000 0.54177471 -0.00225762 1.00000000 0.54627463 0.00224230
OC_+("N Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
Fringe tolerance on surface 3
3OrczJ=[UF TFRN 3 -1.00000000 0.54779866 0.00376632 1.00000000 0.54022572 -0.00380662
h){0rX@:& Change in Focus : -0.000000 0.000000
/fKx}}g) Thickness tolerance on surface 1
C/q'=:H; TTHI 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54321462 -0.00081772 0.20000000 0.54484759 0.00081525
&xU[E!2H% Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
&yct!YOB2 Thickness tolerance on surface 2
R TTHI 2 3 -0.20000000 0.54478712 0.00075478 0.20000000 0.54327558 -0.00075675
+! ]zA4x Change in Focus : 0.000000 -0.000000
J!AgBF N4 Decenter X tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3
:,3C 0T3r TEDX 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005 0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005
3$jT*OyG# Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
Q0)#8Rcm Decenter Y tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3
~IY% TEDY 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005 0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005
B~'vCuE Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
|h KDvH Tilt X tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3 (degrees)
?U%qPv: TETX 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314 0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314
|'e^QpU5 Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
r7RIRg_ Tilt Y tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3 (degrees)
`Syl:rU~y@ TETY 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314 0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314
#%pI(,o= Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
Q1T$k$n Decenter X tolerance on surface 1
&9.C l;I TSDX 1 -0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671 0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671
nG3]{z Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
sSr&:BOsi Decenter Y tolerance on surface 1
C1V|0hu TSDY 1 -0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671 0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671
2+RUTOv/d Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
kYM~d07 V Tilt X tolerance on surface (degrees) 1
`jDTzhO~ TSTX 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
_jvxc'6 Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
o5u3Fjz3 Tilt Y tolerance on surface (degrees) 1
3#WT.4k TSTY 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
DMAIM|h Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
Bm:98? [ Decenter X tolerance on surface 2
X1:V<,}" TSDX 2 -0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807 0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807
0XOp3 Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
nB_?ckj, Decenter Y tolerance on surface 2
Hf%@3X TSDY 2 -0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807 0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807
mbKZJ{|4s Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
^8]NxV@l Tilt X tolerance on surface (degrees) 2
5A,K6f@:g TSTX 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
el&0}`K Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
%gInje Tilt Y tolerance on surface (degrees) 2
hE &xE; TSTY 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
Ve8=b0&Y#j Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
aJSO4W)P Decenter X tolerance on surface 3
zU,9T TSDX 3 -0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195 0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195
n#cC+>*>+ Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
>z. Decenter Y tolerance on surface 3
2ElJbN# TSDY 3 -0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195 0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195
xn?a. 3b' Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
FW;m\vu Tilt X tolerance on surface (degrees) 3
R$EW4]j TSTX 3 -0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563 0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
jxP;>K7O Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
zp6C3RG( Tilt Y tolerance on surface (degrees) 3
0!D4pvlt TSTY 3 -0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563 0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
{k(g]#pP Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
&]Q@7Nl7:l Irregularity of surface 1 in fringes
<c*FCblv TIRR 1 -0.20000000 0.50973587 -0.03429647 0.20000000 0.57333868 0.02930634
{WJ m Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
l\f*d6o Irregularity of surface 2 in fringes
Rg5 TIRR 2 -0.20000000 0.53400904 -0.01002330 0.20000000 0.55360281 0.00957047
*HU &4E\a Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
{5A2& Irregularity of surface 3 in fringes
x!hh"x TIRR 3 -0.20000000 0.58078982 0.03675748 0.20000000 0.49904394 -0.04498840
s^Dd Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
@MoKWfc Index tolerance on surface 1
IWk4&yHUAu TIND 1 -0.00100000 0.52606778 -0.01796456 0.00100000 0.56121811 0.01718578
(|F*vP' Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
e*sfPHt Index tolerance on surface 2
f<GhkDPm>? TIND 2 -0.00100000 0.55639086 0.01235852 0.00100000 0.53126361 -0.01276872
Upx G@b Change in Focus : 0.000000 -0.000000
C:GK,?!Jn' V[mT<Lc Worst offenders:
C=-=_>Q,L< Type Value Criterion Change
N[?N5~jG TSTY 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
x-XD.qh7Hr TSTY 2 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
( B!uy` TSTX 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
c7 ?_46J TSTX 2 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
#+JG(^%B TSTY 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
_,kj:R. TSTY 1 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
CZ8KEBl TSTX 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
CJtcn_.F TSTX 1 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
MlcR"gl* TSTY 3 -0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
Nv$R\' 3 TSTY 3 0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
hC:n5]K r+' qd) Estimated Performance Changes based upon Root-Sum-Square method:
XFg9P}" Nominal MTF : 0.54403234
Ltv]pH}YN Estimated change : -0.36299231
Estimated MTF : 0.18104003
b T
_r:4JS Compensator Statistics: U] ~$g}!) Change in back focus: JELTo u Minimum : -0.000000 rUwZMli Maximum : 0.000000 t9nqu!); Mean : -0.000000 :v0U|\j8/V Standard Deviation : 0.000000 ,ZaRy$? s:?SF. Monte Carlo Analysis:
H-WJp<_ Number of trials: 20
`-.%^eIp ?U%QG5/> Initial Statistics: Normal Distribution
^/)^7\@ ~Io7] Trial Criterion Change
2$9odD<r 1 0.42804416 -0.11598818
Change in Focus : -0.400171
w2;eh]k 2 0.54384387 -0.00018847
bW$,?8( Change in Focus : 1.018470
iM AfJ-oN 3 0.44510003 -0.09893230
'g6\CZw(# Change in Focus : -0.601922
\4&fxe 4 0.18154684 -0.36248550
kh!FR u h Change in Focus : 0.920681
}bs+-K 5 0.28665820 -0.25737414
Az9?Ra;U Change in Focus : 1.253875
63^O|y\W8 6 0.21263372 -0.33139862
1=r#d-\tR Change in Focus : -0.903878
?TM,Q 7 0.40051424 -0.14351809
H[{F'c[e Change in Focus : -1.354815
UXeN 8 8 0.48754161 -0.05649072
v Change in Focus : 0.215922
d~5Y 9 0.40357468 -0.14045766
Bu#E9hJFvA Change in Focus : 0.281783
2 X.r%&!1M 10 0.26315315 -0.28087919
qcx 8 Change in Focus : -1.048393
+:8fC$vVfC 11 0.26120585 -0.28282649
*e<[SZzYZ Change in Focus : 1.017611
gGvz(R:y 12 0.24033815 -0.30369419
SlgN&{Bk Change in Focus : -0.109292
DD7h^-x 13 0.37164046 -0.17239188
T,7Y7c/3V Change in Focus : -0.692430
1uG"f<TsR 14 0.48597489 -0.05805744
7zA'ri3w Change in Focus : -0.662040
dOa+(fMe 15 0.21462327 -0.32940907
'ZT^PV\ Change in Focus : 1.611296
P 16 0.43378226 -0.11025008
-jW.TT h] Change in Focus : -0.640081
dpJ_r>NI 17 0.39321881 -0.15081353
8 Change in Focus : 0.914906
:a^t3s 18 0.20692530 -0.33710703
]|!OP Change in Focus : 0.801607
uvMy^_}L 19 0.51374068 -0.03029165
:imW\@u Change in Focus : 0.947293
N|1M1EBOu> 20 0.38013374 -0.16389860
e_#._Pi Change in Focus : 0.667010
9Kpa>< ,eOB(?Ku Number of traceable Monte Carlo files generated: 20
~{d$!`|a Z('Z Nominal 0.54403234
YHkn2]^#A Best 0.54384387 Trial 2
$RYa6"` Worst 0.18154684 Trial 4
~kQA7;`j$ Mean 0.35770970
Vc_'hz]Z Std Dev 0.11156454
ao%NK<Lt 5pj22 s Hx#;Z Compensator Statistics:
4\y/'`xm)6 Change in back focus:
BZ:H`M`n Minimum : -1.354815
+s(HOq)b Maximum : 1.611296
}0eF~>Df Mean : 0.161872
Lilr0|U+ Standard Deviation : 0.869664
LISM ngQ. nKS7Q1+ 90% > 0.20977951 Yb+yw_5 80% > 0.22748071 4~y(`\0?4 50% > 0.38667627 $AfM>+GQ`n 20% > 0.46553746 0C1pt5K 10% > 0.50064115 G]D+Sl4<7i g>Y|9Y End of Run.
*194{ ep 6,)[+Bl 这就有了些疑问,为什么我选择的补偿器是近轴焦点,而分析结果近轴焦点都不变化??应该是变得。另外最后的蒙特卡洛分析,只有10%的大于0.5(我用的是MTF作为评价方式),可是我设计的MTF如图
aAJU`=uq ?6Jx@ Sh 是大于0.6左右的,难道我按照这个默认的公差来加工的话,只有10%的才可能大于0.5?那太低了啊,请问这该怎么进行进一步处理。或者之前哪有问题
[p{#XwN txW{7[w+, 不吝赐教