透镜 ch,| 1}bi 0o68rF5^s
F RH&B5w >C2HC6O3 然后添加了默认公差分析,基本没变
/e 5\ 9 >rRf9wO1l
1~qm+nET\ k46gY7y,9 然后运行分析的结果如下:
iK x+6v vw
rRZ"2 Analysis of Tolerances
Gc5VQ^] u_'nOle
K File : E:\光学设计资料\zemax练习\f500.ZMX
eti9nPjG Title:
>\ Date : TUE JUN 21 2011
rdI]\UH 2NR7V*A Units are Millimeters.
?Y!U*& 7 All changes are computed using linear differences.
p+D=}O ;F,qS0lzE Paraxial Focus compensation only.
[4n'LcE k|ip?O WARNING: Solves should be removed prior to tolerancing.
{"4<To]z /W9
&Ke Mnemonics:
%AgA -pBp TFRN: Tolerance on curvature in fringes.
9UmBm#" TTHI: Tolerance on thickness.
;vUxO<cKFq TSDX: Tolerance on surface decentering in x.
z+6QZQk TSDY: Tolerance on surface decentering in y.
@KRcp^b TSTX: Tolerance on surface tilt in x (degrees).
EP#B TSTY: Tolerance on surface tilt in y (degrees).
yam}x*O\xn TIRR: Tolerance on irregularity (fringes).
$F1_^A[ TIND: Tolerance on Nd index of refraction.
: ~'Z(-a TEDX: Tolerance on element decentering in x.
#`58F . TEDY: Tolerance on element decentering in y.
Z3n~&! TETX: Tolerance on element tilt in x (degrees).
7%op zdS# TETY: Tolerance on element tilt in y (degrees).
jC q4k`)?k9 WARNING: RAY AIMING IS OFF. Very loose tolerances may not be computed accurately.
w7ZG oh( zkG>u,B} WARNING: Boundary constraints on compensators will be ignored.
=f4<({9 |<2
*v-a Criterion : Geometric
MTF average S&T at 30.0000 cycles per mm
|Pf(J;'[ Mode : Sensitivities
2|s<[V3rP- Sampling : 2
zze z~bv7: Nominal Criterion : 0.54403234
]F_r6 *< Test Wavelength : 0.6328
w#<^RKk Z{#"-UG 59K} Fields: XY Symmetric Angle in degrees
QD}1?)} # X-Field Y-Field Weight VDX VDY VCX VCY
#xo 1 0.000E+000 0.000E+000 1.000E+000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(qj,GmcS ;fkSrdj Sensitivity Analysis:
W{\EE[XhCf 'FqEB]gu |----------------- Minimum ----------------| |----------------- Maximum ----------------|
tU(y~)] Type Value Criterion Change Value Criterion Change
SLg+H Fringe tolerance on surface 1
4G[u TFRN 1 -1.00000000 0.54257256 -0.00145977 1.00000000 0.54548607 0.00145374
[tOuNj: Change in Focus :
-0.000000 0.000000
drs-mt8 Fringe tolerance on surface 2
h$|3dz N TFRN 2 -1.00000000 0.54177471 -0.00225762 1.00000000 0.54627463 0.00224230
}!=gP.Zu^ Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
j;G[%gi6{ Fringe tolerance on surface 3
TFRN 3 -1.00000000 0.54779866 0.00376632 1.00000000 0.54022572 -0.00380662
[Ek42% Change in Focus : -0.000000 0.000000
DQMPAj. Thickness tolerance on surface 1
_2#zeT5 TTHI 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54321462 -0.00081772 0.20000000 0.54484759 0.00081525
OZa88& Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
PE|PwqX Thickness tolerance on surface 2
%`eJ66T TTHI 2 3 -0.20000000 0.54478712 0.00075478 0.20000000 0.54327558 -0.00075675
P Change in Focus : 0.000000 -0.000000
KS?mw`Nr Decenter X tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3
%mJ~F*Dy TEDX 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005 0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005
q;ZLaX\bFl Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
CJv>/#$/F Decenter Y tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3
Q%I#{+OT TEDY 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005 0.20000000 0.54401464 -1.7700E-005
Ma>:_0I5 Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
T!1SMo^ Tilt X tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3 (degrees)
8.[&wyU TETX 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314 0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314
))p$vU3 Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
i,([YsRuou Tilt Y tolerance on surfaces 1 through 3 (degrees)
u]P03B TETY 1 3 -0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314 0.20000000 0.54897548 0.00494314
_yNT=#/ Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
luibB&p1 Decenter X tolerance on surface 1
zuk" TSDX 1 -0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671 0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671
Ut]2` 8- Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
sRi?]9JIl Decenter Y tolerance on surface 1
TF%3uH TSDY 1 -0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671 0.20000000 0.53999563 -0.00403671
A*a7\id!y Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
8W;xi:CC Tilt X tolerance on surface (degrees) 1
^Wif!u/HM TSTX 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
xC[~Fyhp Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
3mk=ZWwv Tilt Y tolerance on surface (degrees) 1
|xp$OL"a TSTY 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
Q,D0kS P Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
';&0~ [R[ Decenter X tolerance on surface 2
Wgav>7!9 TSDX 2 -0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807 0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807
RzpC1nd Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
m5)EQE}gPp Decenter Y tolerance on surface 2
UOw~rK TSDY 2 -0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807 0.20000000 0.51705427 -0.02697807
jY rym- Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
P87ld._ Tilt X tolerance on surface (degrees) 2
L'13BRu` TSTX 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
d [)_sa Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
' Tilt Y tolerance on surface (degrees) 2
ax<g0=^R TSTY 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
}iD$4\ L Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
$4DFgvy$ Decenter X tolerance on surface 3
yQ8M >H#J TSDX 3 -0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195 0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195
Sl Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
3b+7^0frY# Decenter Y tolerance on surface 3
4g>1Gqv6 TSDY 3 -0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195 0.20000000 0.53419039 -0.00984195
&}>|5>cJu Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
/.7$`d Tilt X tolerance on surface (degrees) 3
Yr5iZ~V$ TSTX 3 -0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563 0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
C5>{Q:.`e' Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
xR*5q1j Tilt Y tolerance on surface (degrees) 3
{An8/"bv} TSTY 3 -0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563 0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
&1*4%N@' Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
`@4 2jG}* Irregularity of surface 1 in fringes
Sc% aJ1 TIRR 1 -0.20000000 0.50973587 -0.03429647 0.20000000 0.57333868 0.02930634
Uc\|X;nkRk Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
ooomi"u Irregularity of surface 2 in fringes
b;Hm\aK TIRR 2 -0.20000000 0.53400904 -0.01002330 0.20000000 0.55360281 0.00957047
6 lN?) <uQ Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
M_qP!+Y Irregularity of surface 3 in fringes
+]A+!8%Z TIRR 3 -0.20000000 0.58078982 0.03675748 0.20000000 0.49904394 -0.04498840
uG2Xkj Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
-"2 <h:# Index tolerance on surface 1
kSLSxfR TIND 1 -0.00100000 0.52606778 -0.01796456 0.00100000 0.56121811 0.01718578
J f\Qf Change in Focus : 0.000000 0.000000
8dr0 DF$c Index tolerance on surface 2
QI.0L" TIND 2 -0.00100000 0.55639086 0.01235852 0.00100000 0.53126361 -0.01276872
,@}W@GGP) Change in Focus : 0.000000 -0.000000
'Y hA UN,<6D3\b Worst offenders:
+F1]M2p] Type Value Criterion Change
3js)niT9u TSTY 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
OI'uH$y TSTY 2 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
bq c;.4$ TSTX 2 -0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
&W&7bZ$; TSTX 2 0.20000000 0.35349910 -0.19053324
yfPCGCOW? TSTY 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
bk/.<Rt TSTY 1 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
[P.@1mV TSTX 1 -0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
C*"Rd TSTX 1 0.20000000 0.42678383 -0.11724851
D:cZ} TSTY 3 -0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
`Mo~EHso. TSTY 3 0.20000000 0.42861670 -0.11541563
EZ:I$X &i4
(s%z# Estimated Performance Changes based upon Root-Sum-Square method:
6&g!ZE'G Nominal MTF : 0.54403234
WpZy](, Estimated change : -0.36299231
Q'FX:[@x-S Estimated MTF : 0.18104003
M\:"~XW :GN)7|: Compensator Statistics: OwNA N Change in back focus: #]?,gwvTf Minimum : -0.000000 F7k4C2r Maximum : 0.000000 .a 'ETNY:> Mean : -0.000000 $=\oJ-(!@S Standard Deviation : 0.000000 @/_XS4 x(C]O, Monte Carlo Analysis:
X !&"&n Number of trials: 20
H j>L>6> D]t~S1ycG7 Initial Statistics: Normal Distribution
7VEt4 |u?k-,uI9 Trial Criterion Change
OlD7-c2L] 1 0.42804416 -0.11598818
,U|u-.~ZU Change in Focus : -0.400171
o`<h=+a\ 2 0.54384387 -0.00018847
J,dG4.ht Change in Focus : 1.018470
Wh#_9); 3 0.44510003 -0.09893230