序号 英文名 中文名 观察法 vPbmQh ex
1 Helianthus sunflower,typical herbaceous dicot stem t.s n.向日葵, 向日葵属的植物 phaco Hp!c\z;
2 Allium cepa, l,s,of root tips showing cell divisions in all stages n.葱属植物 phaco r p^Gk
3 Kidney of cat,t,s. through cortex and medulla n.猫肾, (动物可食用的)腰子 phaco
4 Liver of pig,t,s.showing liver cells and connective tissue n.猪肝脏 phaco 7(oX1hN
5 CEREBRUM OF MAMMAL T,S.OF CORTEX n.大脑,哺乳动物 phaco O)E8'Oe"Q
6 Textile fibres, mixed n.纺织品纤维, 构造, 纤维制品 phaco D3BT>zTGK
7 Crystals of Sodium Chloride n.[化] 氯化钠晶体 pol p2Fff4nQ
8 Diatoms,mixed species n.硅藻属 暗视场观察法 S"wn0B$"
9 Plastic foil Mounted dry 塑料薄片 pol eub2[,
10 Tilia,lime sections of wood 椴树属 phaco !uwZ%Uxz
11 Helianthus sunflower,typical herbaceous dicot stem t.s n.向日葵, 向日葵属的植物 phaco ;5(ptXX1W
12 Allium cepa, l,s,of root tips showing cell divisions in all stages n.葱属植物 phaco '**dD2
13 Skin of human finger tip n.皮, 皮肤 transmission >|S&@<
14 Parotid gland glandula parotis n. 〈解〉腮腺 transmission !QTfQ69Y0
15 CEREBRUM HUMAN n.大脑 fluorescence wQV[ZfU^h
16 Periphereal nerve n.体细胞胚神经, transmission 1!4-M$-
17 Spinal cord n.脊髓 transmission
18 Squamous epithelium.human mouth 扁平上皮, 鳞状上皮 transmission
19 Blood smear human glemsa stain 血涂片 transmission #-*#? -
20 Glant chromosomes sailvary gland larva chironomus n.[生物]染色体 transmission /\0rRT
21 Convallaria valley rhizme fluorescence X/l{E4Ex
22 Test of mouse spermatogenesis n.[生]精子 fluorescence 2iJ)K rw
23 Taste buds in the tongue of rabbit n.舌头, 舌状物, 语言, 说话方式, 口语 fluorescence