序号 英文名 中文名 观察法 20/P M9
1 Helianthus sunflower,typical herbaceous dicot stem t.s n.向日葵, 向日葵属的植物 phaco HTDyuqs
2 Allium cepa, l,s,of root tips showing cell divisions in all stages n.葱属植物 phaco Q.9Ph
3 Kidney of cat,t,s. through cortex and medulla n.猫肾, (动物可食用的)腰子 phaco g]Xzio&w
4 Liver of pig,t,s.showing liver cells and connective tissue n.猪肝脏 phaco P 34LV+e
5 CEREBRUM OF MAMMAL T,S.OF CORTEX n.大脑,哺乳动物 phaco _b!;(~@p
6 Textile fibres, mixed n.纺织品纤维, 构造, 纤维制品 phaco JA?,0S
7 Crystals of Sodium Chloride n.[化] 氯化钠晶体 pol }RA3$%3
8 Diatoms,mixed species n.硅藻属 暗视场观察法 9 {O2B5u1
9 Plastic foil Mounted dry 塑料薄片 pol Y8J;+h9
10 Tilia,lime sections of wood 椴树属 phaco QN5yBa!Wz
11 Helianthus sunflower,typical herbaceous dicot stem t.s n.向日葵, 向日葵属的植物 phaco POqRHuFq
12 Allium cepa, l,s,of root tips showing cell divisions in all stages n.葱属植物 phaco oh7#cFZZ0
13 Skin of human finger tip n.皮, 皮肤 transmission hl6,#2$
14 Parotid gland glandula parotis n. 〈解〉腮腺 transmission z-KrQx2
15 CEREBRUM HUMAN n.大脑 fluorescence ><;l:RGK|
16 Periphereal nerve n.体细胞胚神经, transmission bK03S Vx
17 Spinal cord n.脊髓 transmission zG-_!FIn
18 Squamous epithelium.human mouth 扁平上皮, 鳞状上皮 transmission ="3a%\
19 Blood smear human glemsa stain 血涂片 transmission )(h&Q?
20 Glant chromosomes sailvary gland larva chironomus n.[生物]染色体 transmission r{K\(UT]!
21 Convallaria valley rhizme fluorescence v>#Cg\
22 Test of mouse spermatogenesis n.[生]精子 fluorescence ?%cn'=>ZI
23 Taste buds in the tongue of rabbit n.舌头, 舌状物, 语言, 说话方式, 口语 fluorescence