Boyd,Nonlinear Optics.3rd.Ed(Academic.Press,.2008).620s.(全新2008年第三版,清晰pdf,共620页) dZ#&YG)?e
Nonlinear Optics简介: C%d_@*82
It has been a great pleasure for me to have prepared the latest edition of mybook on nonlinear optics. My intrigue in the subject matter of this book is asstrong as it was when the first edition was published in 1992.The principal changes present in the third edition are as follows: (1) Thebook has been entirely rewritten using the SI system of units. I personallyprefer the elegance of the gaussian system of units, which was used in the firsttwo editions, but I realize that most readers would prefer the SI system, andthe change was made for this reason. (2) In addition, a large number of minorchanges have been made throughout the text to clarify the intended meaningand to make the arguments easier to follow. I am indebted to the countlesscomments received from students and colleagues both in Rochester and fromaround the world that have allowed me to improve the writing in this manner.(3) Moreover, several sections that treat entirely new material have beenadded. Applications of harmonic generation, including applications within theields of microscopy and biophotonics, are treated in Subsection 2.7.1. Electromagneticallyinduced transparency is treated in Section 3.8. Some brief butcrucial comments regarding limitations to the maximum size of the intensityinducedefractive-index change are made in Section 4.7. The use of nonlinearoptical methods for inducing unusual values of the group velocity of light arediscussed briefly in Section 3.8 and in Subsection 6.6.2. Spectroscopy basedon coherent anti–Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is discussed in Section10.5. In addition, the appendix has been expanded to include brief descriptionsof both the SI and gaussian systems of units and procedures for conversionbetween them. }KUd7[s