rx'},[b]3 AynWs5|z= 作者在该领域做出了杰出的贡献。在第3版中,作者介绍了大量最新研究成果,并对光电子谱技术很多方面给出了有深刻见解的讨论。
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~*Ve>4 eg)=^b C;wN>HE 目录
. 1. Introduction and Basic Principles
.%3bXK+F 1.1 Historical Development
~.AUy%$_g+ 1.2 The Electron Mean Free Path
B8Jev\_ 1.3 Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Inverse Photoelectron Spectroscopy
W+a>*#* 1.4 Experimental Aspects
9+9}^B5@A 1.5 Very High Resolution
I'BoP 1.6 The Theory of Photoemission
BkA>':bUr 1.6.1 Core-Level Photoemission
ag14omM- 1.6.2 Valence-State Photoemission
J7emoD[ 1.6.3 Three-Step and One-Step Considerations
}Q`Kg8L 1.7 Deviations from the Simple Theory of Photoemission
LcE!e%3 References
;%]Q%7 Pp:(PoH 2. Core Levels and Final States
XV)ej>A-V 2.1 Core-Level Binding Energies in Atoms and Molecules
sqei(OXy 2.1.1 The Equivalent-Core Approximation
@= 6}w_ 2.1.2 Chemical Shifts
R8Lp8!F' 2.2 Core-Level Binding Energies in Solids
)#T(2A 2.2.1 The Born-Haber Cycle in Insulators
h -+vM9j 2.2.2 Theory of Binding Energies
[xk1}D 2.2.3 Determination of Binding Energies and Chemical Shifts from Thermodynamic Data
DM! vB+j+, 2.3 Core Polarization
bU=!~W5 2.4 Final-State Multiplets in Rare-Earth Valence Bands
QgEG%YqB 2.5 Vibrational Side Bands
zkI\ji 2.6 Core Levels of Adsorbed Molecules
?nB).fc 2.7 Quantitative Chemical Analysis from Core-Level Intensities
-&M9Yg|Se References
/%$'N$@f U[c,cdA 3. Charge-Excitation Final States: Satellites
'4 3.1 Copper Dihalides; 3d Transition Metal Compounds
E0>4Q\n{ 3.1.1 Characterization of a Satellite
-#Yg B5 3.1.2 Analysis of Charge-Transfer Satellites
zbx,qctYo$ 3.1.3 Non-local Screening
!a~>;+ 3.2 The 6-eV Satellite in Nickel
D^04b<O<x 3.2.1 Resonance Photoemission
QT9(s\u 3.2.2 Satellites in Other Metals
^g~Asz5] 3.3 The Gunnarsson-Sch6nhammer Theory
p44d&9 3.4 Photoemission Signals and Narrow Bands in Metals
~ra2Xyl References
@&S4j]rq \5k[ "8~ 4. Continuous Satellites and Plasmon Satellites: XPS Photoemission in Nearly Free Electron Systems
Y@TZReb 4.1 Theory
TPq5"mco 4.1.1 General
my[)/' 4.1.2 Core-Line Shape
$9+}$lpPd 4.1.3 Intrinsic Plasmons
-mO[;lO 4.1.4 Fxtrinsic FAectron Scattering: Plasmons and Background
/o.wCy,J< 4.1.5 The Total Photoelectron Spectrum
EW0H"YIC 4.2 Experimental Results
Mm:6+ 4.2.1 The Core Line Without Plasmons
' ,a'r.HJH 4.2.2 Core-Level Spectra Including Plasmoas
W.-[ceM 4.2.3 Valence-Band Spectra of the Simple Metals
P@lExF*D1: 4.2.4 Simple Metals: A General Comment
V~&P<=8;Wl 4.3 The Background Correction
;q6:*H/ References
(JocnM|U 4M6o+WV 5. Valence Orbitals in Simple Molecules and Insulating Solids
xFHc+m' m~ 5.1 UPS Spectra of Monatomic Gases
Dsm_T1X 5.2 Photoelectron Spectra of Diatomic Molecules
oS/<)>\Gv 5.3 Binding Energy of the H2 Molecule
z\oq b)a 5.4 Hydrides Isoelectronic with Noble Gases
)|XmF4R Neon (Ne)
l-XiQ#-{ Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
n9050&_S Water (H2O)
E&#AX: Ammonia (NH3)
{|^9y]VFu Methane (CH4)
]N:SB 5.5 Spectra of the Alkali HMides
u_E " 5.6 Transition Metal Dihalides
?M;2H{KG: 5.7 Hydrocarbons
AVOzx00U 5.7.1 Guidelines for the Interpretation of Spectra from Free Molecules
f%an<>j^w 5.7.2 Linear Polymers
bkceR>h% 5.8 Insulating Solids with Valence d Electrons
8,a&i:C 5.8.1 The NiO Problem
9 @!Og(l 5.8.2 Mort Insulation