Ckp=d ?HTwTi5!) 作者在该领域做出了杰出的贡献。在第3版中,作者介绍了大量最新研究成果,并对光电子谱技术很多方面给出了有深刻见解的讨论。
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v;7u"9t ,8seoX^ O&uOm:/( 目录
AH+J:8k 1. Introduction and Basic Principles
tK*f8X+q 1.1 Historical Development
w93,N+es6 1.2 The Electron Mean Free Path
@UX`9]-P 1.3 Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Inverse Photoelectron Spectroscopy
z7o59& 1.4 Experimental Aspects
4(]k=c1< 1.5 Very High Resolution
Qd&j~cG@ 1.6 The Theory of Photoemission
B=7L+6 1.6.1 Core-Level Photoemission
c-F&4V 1.6.2 Valence-State Photoemission
nYHk~<a 1.6.3 Three-Step and One-Step Considerations
1{)x 1.7 Deviations from the Simple Theory of Photoemission
]Az >W*Y References
t$J-6dW K""04Ew*pV 2. Core Levels and Final States
2#!D" F 2.1 Core-Level Binding Energies in Atoms and Molecules
0ro+FJ r 2.1.1 The Equivalent-Core Approximation
jiat5 2.1.2 Chemical Shifts
R\^tr 2.2 Core-Level Binding Energies in Solids
tP9}:gu 2.2.1 The Born-Haber Cycle in Insulators
JT+P>\\];' 2.2.2 Theory of Binding Energies
c<=1,TB"-_ 2.2.3 Determination of Binding Energies and Chemical Shifts from Thermodynamic Data
lz>hP 2.3 Core Polarization
?QgWW 2.4 Final-State Multiplets in Rare-Earth Valence Bands
:n=+$Dq 2.5 Vibrational Side Bands
Kfh"XpWc$ 2.6 Core Levels of Adsorbed Molecules
BE!w_ 2.7 Quantitative Chemical Analysis from Core-Level Intensities
4{TUoI6ii References
(`&g qXW5_iX 3. Charge-Excitation Final States: Satellites
W$W7U|Z9y+ 3.1 Copper Dihalides; 3d Transition Metal Compounds
VCI G+Gz 3.1.1 Characterization of a Satellite
[M.Vu 3.1.2 Analysis of Charge-Transfer Satellites
N^)OlH 3.1.3 Non-local Screening
<q|19fH-5 3.2 The 6-eV Satellite in Nickel
iiu\_ a=0b 3.2.1 Resonance Photoemission
Q["}U7j 3.2.2 Satellites in Other Metals
R[b?kT-% 3.3 The Gunnarsson-Sch6nhammer Theory
OP@PB| 3.4 Photoemission Signals and Narrow Bands in Metals
j_j#0 References
xGqZ8v`v # 8A|-u=3 4. Continuous Satellites and Plasmon Satellites: XPS Photoemission in Nearly Free Electron Systems
d%<Uh(+: 4.1 Theory
TSOt$7- 4.1.1 General
4H'9y3dk 4.1.2 Core-Line Shape
*N 't ; 4.1.3 Intrinsic Plasmons
J;qH w[6 4.1.4 Fxtrinsic FAectron Scattering: Plasmons and Background
JSM{|HJxh 4.1.5 The Total Photoelectron Spectrum
_+GCd8d 4.2 Experimental Results
4.2.1 The Core Line Without Plasmons
hod|o1C& 4.2.2 Core-Level Spectra Including Plasmoas
fgNEq 4.2.3 Valence-Band Spectra of the Simple Metals
GYBM]mW^ W 4.2.4 Simple Metals: A General Comment
=T1i(M# 4.3 The Background Correction
{2,V3*NF References
U7OW)tUf l)?c3 5. Valence Orbitals in Simple Molecules and Insulating Solids
wFh{\ 5.1 UPS Spectra of Monatomic Gases
h5~tsd}OU 5.2 Photoelectron Spectra of Diatomic Molecules
A&z 5.3 Binding Energy of the H2 Molecule
@>BFhH 5.4 Hydrides Isoelectronic with Noble Gases
'1d-N[ Neon (Ne)
SQ@@79A Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
%f@]- Water (H2O)
9%4rO\q Ammonia (NH3)
>4;A(s` Methane (CH4)
>LjvMj ] 5.5 Spectra of the Alkali HMides
.; :[sv) 5.6 Transition Metal Dihalides
[Ga9^e$Zv 5.7 Hydrocarbons
h5F1mr1Sa 5.7.1 Guidelines for the Interpretation of Spectra from Free Molecules
='~C$% 5.7.2 Linear Polymers
JMoWA0f 5.8 Insulating Solids with Valence d Electrons
=!7yX;| 5.8.1 The NiO Problem
Zcc6E2 5.8.2 Mort Insulation
*'Ch(c:rtH 5.8.3 The Metal-Insulator Transition;the Ratio of the Correlation Energy and the Bandwidth;Doping
bY#> 5.8.4Band Structures of Transition Metal Compounds
,#<"VU2 bC 5.9 High—Temperature Superconductors
<.Pr+g 5.9.1valence-Band Electronic Structure;Polycrystalline Samples
\i{=%[c 5.9.2 Dispersion Relations in High Temperature Superconductors;Single Crystals
tvP"t{C6, 5.9.3 The Superconducting Gap
&0M^UvO 5.9.4 Symmetry of the Order Parameter in the High-Temperature SuDerconductors
@L`t/OD 5.9.5 Core—Level Shifts
__)9JF 5.10 The Fermi Liquid and the Luttinger Liquid
Hq=RtW2 5.11 Adsorbed Molecules
(d_{+O" 5.11.1 Outline
D9JT)a 5.11.2 CO on Metal Surfaces
Ehg5u'cj References
KVJiCdg- r3#H]c 6.Photoemission of Valence Electrons froill Metallic Solids in the OHe-Electron Approximation
* ,,D%L 6.1 Theory of Photoemission:A Summary of the Three-Step Model
i 6.2 Discussion of the Photocurrent
0LxA+ 6.2.1 Kinematics of Internal Photoemission in a Polycrystalline Sample
0?k/vV4 6.2.2 Primary and Secondary Cones in the Photoemission from a Real Solid
qW),)i 6.2.3 Angle-Integrated and Angle-Resolved Data Collection
gg5`\} 6.3 Photoemission from the Semi—infinite Crystal:The Inverse LEED Formalism
X|X6^} 6.3.1 Band Structure Regime
HdLVXaD/ 6.3.2 XPS Regime
<jfi"SJu 6.3.3 Surface Emission
xEGI'lt 6.3.4 One-Step Calculations
[&6l=a 6.4 Thermal Effects
.I[uXd 6.5 Dipole Selection Rules for Direct Optical Transitions
Z|E( !"zE9 References
(eHvp B2VUH..am 7.Band Structtire and Angular-Resolved Photoelectron Spectra
l1a=r:WhH 7.1 Free-Electron Final—State Model
9J*m!-hOY 7.2 Methods Employing Calculated Band Structures
R|`}z"4C 7.3 Methods for the Absolute Determination of the Crystal Momentum
SxNs 7.3.1 Triangulation or Energy Coincidence Method
A 7.3.2 Bragg Plane Method: Variation of External Emission Angle at Fixed Photon Frequency (Disappearance/Appearance Angle Method
Bm1yBKjO 7.3.3 Bragg Plane Method: Variation of Photon Energy at Fixed Emission Angle (Symmetry Method)
KD=T04v 7.3.4 The Surface Emission Method and Electron Damping
s+9q: 7.3.5 The Very-Low-Energy Electron Diffraction Method
x-Yt@}6mvl 7.3.6 The Fermi Surface Method
Jt@7y"< 7.3.7 Intensities and Their Use in Band-Structure Determinations
Rax}r 7.3.8 Summary
WnU"&XZ 7.4 Experimental Band Structures
(:-=XR9A` 7.4.1 One- and Two-Dimensional Systems
's+ Fd~' 7.4.2 Three-Dimensional Solids: Metals and Semiconductors
Jy{A1i@4~s 7..4.3UPS Band Structures and XPS Density of States
a'rN&*P 7.5 A Comment
i e%ZX References
d2Bn`VI 0~Z2$`( 8.Surface States, Surface Effects
5,k&^CK} 8.1 Theoretical Considerations
b2duC 8.2 Experimental Results on Surface States
9-I;' 8.3 Quantum-Well States
3@_je)s 8.4 Surface Core-Level Shifts
"EDn;l-Q References
{C[<7ruF JmtU>2z\ 9.Inverse Photoelectron Spectroscopy
^3 F[^#" 9.1 Surface States
jI[:` 9.2 Bulk Band Structures
x/R|i%u-s 9.3 Adsorbed Molecules
+3!um References
wqK>=Ri_ r. =_=V/t 10. Spin-Polarized Photoelectron Spectroscopy
O\-cLI<h2 10.1 General Description
8S&` 10.2 Examples of Spin-Polarized Photoelectron Spectroscopy
mN!>BqvN 10.3 Magnetic Dichroism
<$K%u? References
1B}6 zJ &S]\)&Yt 11. Photoelectron Diffraction
1ki##v[ W8 11.1 Examples