Dr. Frank Fenske received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics in 1974 and 1980, respectively. From 1974 to 1981 he worked on interface problems in MIS structures at the Academy of Sciences. Later he focused research on silicides and multilayer contact systems to silicon. Since 1991 he has been with the Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin (now Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin), where he is working on a variety of problems related to the physics and technology of silicon based thin film solar cells. Areas of special interest are properties of transparent conducting oxides and absorber films in close relation to their preparation conditions by physical vapour deposition tech-niques.
Prof. Dr. Michael Heuken, born Oberhausen, Germany, 17 Nov. 1961. Dipl.-Ing./Dr. Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering, Duisburg University, Germany in 1985/1989. Senior engineer, RWTH Aachen (IHT), in the field of metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy for electronic and optoelectronic devices. 1994 finished Habilitation in semiconductor technology and devices with a thesis on ZnSSe based optoelectronic devices. Since 1997 joined AIXTRON AG Aachen, Germany, presently as Vice President Corporate Research and Development. 1999, honored as Professor at RWTH Aachen. Author and co-author of more than 400 publications. President of DGKK from 2002 to 2005, Councilor of IOCG (International Organization of Crystal Growth) representing Germany, board member of EPIC (European Photonics Industry Consortium), board member of OptechNet e.V and member of VDE/ITG. Referee for international journals. Several granted patents in the field of MOVPE technology.
Dr. Alexander Lawerenz is head of the photovoltaics department at the CiS Re-search Institute for Microsensors and Photovoltaics in Erfurt, Germany. He studied physics at the Universities of Konstanz and Hamburg. In 2002 he achieved his PhD degree in Freiberg, Germany with a thesis on the interaction of dislocations and oxy-gen and their influence on carrier recombination in multicrystalline silicon. One year later he joined the CiS Forschungsinstitut working on the fields of mechanical and electrical properties of silicon wafers and on process engineering of silicon solar cells.
Prof Dr. Frank Richter is Professor of Solid State Physics at Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. After obtaining his PhD in 1974, he worked for 15 years at the Institute for Semiconductor Physics (IHP) in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, and did research in microelectronic technology, particularly silicon epitaxy and silicides for intereconnects and contacts. In 1989, he moved to Chemnitz University. Since then, his scientific interest has been directed towards plasma-assisted thin film deposition and surface engineering. Current activities are focused on in-situ characterization of pulsed plasmas, process modeling, and mechanical characterization of thin films. He has published more than 100 refereed articles in high-level international journals as well as book chapters. Prof. Frank Richter is presently the President of the German Vacuum Society and is an elected member of the Review Board of Condensed Matter Physics of the German Research Foundation.
Prof. Dr. Carsten Ronning is full professor and currently director of the Institute of Solid State Physics at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Germany. He studied physics at the Universities of Bremen and Konstanz, and completed his PhD thesis entitled “Diamond-like materials prepared via mass selected ion beam deposition” in 1996. After holding a post-doc position at the North-Carolina State University (USA), he performed intense research at the University of Göttingen on thin films, semicon-ductor physics as well as on semiconductor nanowires. His position today at the Uni-versity Jena includes the heading of a Photovoltaics group specialised on the prepa-ration of CdTe and CIGS thin film solar cells.
Dr. Johannes Struempfel is working as Chief Scientist at VON ARDENNE Com-pany in Dresden. This company which enjoys a long tradition is a leading manufac-turer for industrial vacuum coating equipments globally. Particularly focused on large area coatings deposited on glass, metal strips and webs VON ARDENNE applies PVD technologies for production using magnetron sputtering and high-rate electron beam evaporation. After his studies at Dresden Technical University, Dr. Struempfel was graduated as physicist. Since more than 35 years he is working at VON AR-DENNE in both Thin Film and Plasma Technologies. He is specialized in advanced developments of optical coatings for large area applications. In a very early stage he realized the control of highly productive reactive sputter processes for deposition of low and high index oxides. His particularly experiences are related to transparent conductive oxides TCO and cleaning of surfaces by plasma impact respectively. As an author of numerous papers and publications Dr. Struempfel is committed to sev-eral conference committees or boards within the international and German plasma community.
Prof. Dr. Dietrich R. T. Zahn Dietrich R. T. Zahn received a diploma in Physics from the RWTH Aachen in 1986 and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Wales Car-diff in 1988. After a post-doc period at the Technical University in Berlin, he became Professor of Semiconductor Physics at the Chemnitz University of Technology in 1993. His research focuses on the spectroscopic characterization of semiconductor interfaces and thin films, with particular emphasis on organic/inorganic hybrid sys-tems, low dimensional systems, e.g., quantum dot superlattices, as well as advanced interconnects in micro-/nanoelectronics. He is author or co-author of more than 400 related publications. Since 2006 he has been chairman of the Thin Film Division of the German Physical Society and Vice President for Research at the Chemnitz Uni-versity of Technology.
中德国际学术研讨会 (AVT2010) 第一轮通知 真空界的盛会
中德国际学术研讨会(AVT2010)——2010年真空技术在光电材料与器件中的应用 Application of Vacuum Technologies for photovoltaic systems, flat panels and solid-state lighting: Workshop of German and Shanghai Vacuum Societies 为了推进我国的真空科学与技术的进一步发展,加强与国际真空界,特别是与发达国家的真空界的交流和合作,中国真空网和上海市真空学会借助于德国真空学会理事长F. Richter教授,2009年5月在上海进行学术交流的机会,邀请F. Richter教授访问了中国真空网,并且就中德双方在真空领域的合作进行了深入和富有建设性的讨论。双方确定,利用2010年8月在北京召开第十八届国际真空大会,世界各国真空界的精英将赴中国参会的契机,举办以中德科学家为主的国际学术研讨会(简称AVT2010)。 经过中国真空网、上海市真空学会和德国真空学会半年多的精心筹划,决定以当前国际新材料、新器件的研究热点——真空技术在光电材料与器件中的应用为主题,于2010年8月下旬在上海举办中德学术国际研讨会(AVT2010)。 届时将邀请该领域的著名科学家和行业领军人物为大会作学术报告,与会者可以在第一时间获悉真空科技和光电材料与器件在国际上的最新动态和发展趋势,了解该领域的科学研究和工业应用的潜在的广阔前景,以指导和把握今后理论和应用研究的方向。 大会召开之际,正值2010年世博会在上海展览之时,这也是向国际同行、各界友人展示包括中国科学家在内的中国人民的良好的精神风貌和对各国朋友热情友好的态度的大好机会。因此,大会必将在学术交流、科研合作、高新技术的项目开发和与各国的友好往来诸方面取得丰硕的成果。 会议介绍 会议名称: 2010年真空技术在光电材料与器件中的应用 ——中德国际学术研讨会(AVT2010) Application of Vacuum Technologies for photovoltaic systems, flat panels and solid-state lighting: Workshop of German and Shanghai Vacuum Societies 会议期间: 2010年8月29~31日 会议地点: 上海华东师范大学科学会堂(上海市中山北路3663号) 主办单位: 中国真空网www.chinesevacuum.com CVC 德国真空学会 DVG 上海真空学会 SVS 承办单位: 华东师范大学 上海科学院 SAST 协办单位: 上海市电子学会 SIE 上海太阳能电池研究与发展中心 SCPV 大会议题及演讲人: 会议议题1: AR & passivation layers for Si-PV Dr. Alexander Lawerenz, CiS Research Institute Erfurt, Germany 会议议题2: CIGS and CdTe layers Prof. Dr. Karsten Ronning, Universität Jena, Germany 会议议题3: Si photovoltaics Dr. Frank Fenske, Helmholtz-Zentrum, Berlin, Germany 会议议题4: Industrial magnetron sputtering for thin film photovoltaics Dr. Johannes Strümpfel, Chief Scientist, von Ardenne Anlagentechnik, Dresden, Germany 会议议题5: Organic films for OLEDS and organic PV Prof. Dietrich R.T. Zahn, German Physical and German Vacuum Society, Germany 会议议题6: MOCVD of compound semiconductor and nitride films for LED Prof. Dr. Michael Heuken, Vice President Corporate R&D, Aixtron, Aachen, Germany 会议议题7: TCO films for PV and flat panels Prof. Dr. Frank Richter, Chemnitz Univ. of Technology, Germany 相约AVT2010 未来有你掌控 ² 打通企业发展“任、督”二脉 由中国真空网、德国真空学会及上海真空学会共同主办的AVT2010将以国际化的形式、产业最核心的内容探讨及全球化企业的参与,真正为中国真空行业光电材料与器件领域打通“任”、“督”二脉。 产业核心技术研讨谓之“任”,企业产业化运营谓之“督”。此次中德国际学术研讨会中,主办方不仅邀请了世界真空业界科技研发领军人物Frank Fenske、Alexander Lawerenz、Karsten Ronning、Dietrich R.T. Zahn、Johannes Strümpfe及Frank Richter等博士,更邀请了德国真空领域企业实干家Michael Heuken,相信他们的科技头脑必会带领您攀登行业更高峰;他们的产业化企业运营思维更将激发您事业无限大的绚烂火花。 ² 企业亮相精品展,政府领导采风 AVT2010会议期间将举办真空领域光电材料与器件的精品展。展会期间,国内真空行业政府相关领导也会莅临参观,各大企业更可自由展示企业风采! ² 沟通零距离,国际巨头激越你的头脑风暴 另外,会议还设有论文展示及口头报告程序,为业内投稿人提供展示自我和国际交流的平台。 主办方的影响力 ² 中国真空学会官方网站 ² 第十八届国际真空大会展览会唯一指定网络宣传媒体 ² 全球真空行业顶尖科技学会——德国真空学会 ² 国内真空行业活跃科技学会——上海真空学会 会议注册 会议(包含午餐、茶歇、晚宴和2010上海世博会门票) 2010年7月1日前 学生1600元 非学生2600元 2010年7月1日后 学生1800元 非学生2800元 缴款方式 请在2010年8月15日前将全部款项汇款至以下帐户: 1.国内账号 除现场注册交费外接受银行汇款,不接受其它汇款方式,手续费自理。银行汇款请汇至下列帐号 收款单位:上海市真空学会 帐号:1001261809014407965 开户行:022618—工行静安支行曹家渡分 汇款时请注明"AVT2010"。会务费发票在大会报到时统一开。 * 备注:缴付费用,请勿扣除邮资及手绩费等。 2.外汇账号 Payments for registration must be made in US dollars. Advance payments will be accepted through transfer to the following account: BENEFICIARY NAME: Shanghai Huifeng Vacuum Equipment Technique Co., Ltd. BENEFICIARY A/C NO .: 316560-00200613799 BENEFICIARY ADDRESS: 1604 Yanxing Mansion, No. 10, Lane 1306, Jiangning Rd., Shanghai 200060, China BANK’S NAME: BANK OF SHANGHAI BANK’S SWIFT CODE: BOSHCNSH Please indicate Registration Fees for AVT2010 and mention the name(s) and organization(s) of the participant(s). All bank charges must be covered by the transmitter. The receipt will be provided on-site at the conference. 联系方式 会务部 联系人:杨翠玉 (0)133 1187 8871 电话:021-62778259;62463311 传真:021-62463350 E-mail:webmaster@chinesevacuum.com 联系人:计华群 (0)189 3970 8871 电话:021-62463311; 传真:021-62463350 E-mail:qh@chinesevacuum.com 大会宣传网站www.chinesevacuum.com 欢迎查看详情 分享到:
hfvac 2010-03-30 12:51
robik 2010-03-31 21:19这个1600是门票?这么贵的说~~学生哪消费得起啊……
hfvac 2010-04-12 11:41此次会议汇集了国际最牛的行业人物作报告,会议使用语言为英文,值得一听的
hfvac 2010-04-12 11:42German and Chinese vacuum Societies joint workshop:
CVs of all invited speakers (in alphabetic order)
Dr. Frank Fenske received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics in 1974 and 1980, respectively. From 1974 to 1981 he worked on interface problems in MIS structures at the Academy of Sciences. Later he focused research on silicides and multilayer contact systems to silicon. Since 1991 he has been with the Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin (now Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin), where he is working on a variety of problems related to the physics and technology of silicon based thin film solar cells. Areas of special interest are properties of transparent conducting oxides and absorber films in close relation to their preparation conditions by physical vapour deposition techniques.
Prof. Dr. Michael Heuken, born Oberhausen, Germany, 17 Nov. 1961. Dipl.-Ing./Dr. Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering, Duisburg University, Germany in 1985/1989. Senior engineer, RWTH Aachen (IHT), in the field of metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy for electronic and optoelectronic devices. 1994 finished Habilitation in semiconductor technology and devices with a thesis on ZnSSe based optoelectronic devices. Since 1997 joined AIXTRON AG Aachen, Germany, presently as Vice President Corporate Research and Development. 1999, honored as Professor at RWTH Aachen. Author and co-author of more than 400 publications. President of DGKK from 2002 to 2005, Councilor of IOCG (International Organization of Crystal Growth) representing Germany, board member of EPIC (European Photonics Industry Consortium), board member of OptechNet e.V and member of VDE/ITG. Referee for international journals. Several granted patents in the field of MOVPE technology.
Dr. Alexander Lawerenz is head of the photovoltaics department at the CiS Research Institute for Microsensors and Photovoltaics in Erfurt, Germany. He studied physics at the Universities of Konstanz and Hamburg. In 2002 he achieved his PhD degree in Freiberg, Germany with a thesis on the interaction of dislocations and oxygen and their influence on carrier recombination in multicrystalline silicon. One year later he joined the CiS Forschungsinstitut working on the fields of mechanical and electrical properties of silicon wafers and on process engineering of silicon solar cells.
Prof Dr. Frank Richter is Professor of Solid State Physics at Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. After obtaining his PhD in 1974, he worked for 15 years at the Institute for Semiconductor Physics (IHP) in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, and did research in microelectronic technology, particularly silicon epitaxy and silicides for intereconnects and contacts. In 1989, he moved to Chemnitz University. Since then, his scientific interest has been directed towards plasma-assisted thin film deposition and surface engineering. Current activities are focused on in-situ characterization of pulsed plasmas, process modeling, and mechanical characterization of thin films. He has published more than 100 refereed articles in high-level international journals as well as book chapters. Prof. Frank Richter is presently the President of the German Vacuum Society and is an elected member of the Review Board of Condensed Matter Physics of the German Research Foundation.
Prof. Dr. Carsten Ronning is full professor and currently director of the Institute of Solid State Physics at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Germany. He studied physics at the Universities of Bremen and Konstanz, and completed his PhD thesis entitled “Diamond-like materials prepared via mass selected ion beam deposition” in 1996. After holding a post-doc position at the North-Carolina State University (USA), he performed intense research at the University of Göttingen on thin films, semiconductor physics as well as on semiconductor nanowires. His position today at the University Jena includes the heading of a Photovoltaics group specialised on the preparation of CdTe and CIGS thin film solar cells.
Dr. Johannes Struempfel is working as Chief Scientist at VON ARDENNE Company in Dresden. This company which enjoys a long tradition is a leading manufacturer for industrial vacuum coating equipments globally. Particularly focused on large area coatings deposited on glass, metal strips and webs VON ARDENNE applies PVD technologies for production using magnetron sputtering and high-rate electron beam evaporation. After his studies at Dresden Technical University, Dr. Struempfel was graduated as physicist. Since more than 35 years he is working at VON ARDENNE in both Thin Film and Plasma Technologies. He is specialized in advanced developments of optical coatings for large area applications. In a very early stage he realized the control of highly productive reactive sputter processes for deposition of low and high index oxides. His particularly experiences are related to transparent conductive oxides TCO and cleaning of surfaces by plasma impact re-spectively. As an author of numerous papers and publications Dr. Struempfel is committed to several conference committees or boards within the international and German plasma community.
Prof. Dr. Dietrich R. T. Zahn Dietrich R. T. Zahn received a diploma in Physics from the RWTH Aachen in 1986 and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Wales Cardiff in 1988. After a post-doc period at the Technical University in Berlin, he became Professor of Semiconductor Physics at the Chemnitz University of Technology in 1993. His research focuses on the spectroscopic characterization of semiconductor interfaces and thin films, with particular emphasis on organic/inorganic hybrid systems, low dimensional systems, e.g., quantum dot superlattices, as well as advanced interconnects in micro-/nanoelectronics. He is author or co-author of more than 400 related publications. Since 2006 he has been chairman of the Thin Film Division of the German Physical Society and Vice President for Research at the Chemnitz University of Technology.
Prof. Sun Zhuo, the professor of East China Normal University, and director of Engineering Research Center for Nanophotonics & Advaced Instruments, MOE, China; the co-founder of a few nanotechnology companies (Nanocs, Nanoking, Sunlights). Dr Sun is also the Director of LED chapter, Shanghai Optoelectronics Association; and Deputy Director of Shanghai Solid State Lighting Research Center. He was obtained Ph.D from Lanzhou University in 1995, then worked as a Research Fellow in Shanghai Jiaotong University (1995) and Nanyany Technological University (Singapore) (1996-2003), respectively. Dr. Sun's research interesting includes thin film/nanostructred materials processing and applications, vacuum/plasma systems, LED, FED, solar cells, etc. As a principal investigator, he has been responsible for a few key research projects on nanotechnology related to flat panel display, high efficiency light source, thin film solar cell, vacuum systems supported by Singapore and China. He has published over 200 articles in renowned international journals/conferences, and filed over 40 patents, and awarded as “Shanghai Sci&Tech Youth Creative Talent Award” and “Shanghai IT Youth Top 10”, etc. He is a member of Society of Information Display (SID), the Excutive Chair of “Asia Display 2007”, and has been awarded 2007 SID “Presidential Citation”. He is also the Excutive Chair of IEEE “International Nanoelectronics Conference 2008”.
Prof. Dr. Junhao Chu,
Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Expert of Semiconductor Physics and Devices
He is born at YiXin city in JiangSu province in March 1945, graduated from Physics Department in Shanghai Normal University in 1966, and got Master degree and PhD degree from Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, CAS in 1981 and 1984, respectively, elected as Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005.
He is professor in Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics in CAS, and Director of Research center for Solar cells in CAS, he is also Dean of School of Information Science and Technology in East China Normal University, and Chief Editor of Chinese Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. He had been the director of National Laboratory for Infrared Physics from 1993 to 2003. He has made a systematically investigation on the infrared opto-electronic materials and devices such as narrow gap semiconductors and ferroelectric thin films. He presented widely used expressions for energy band gap, absorption coefficient etc. for HgCdTe, set up a theoretical model to describe the two-dimensional electron subband structures in the MIS structure of narrow gap semiconductors. He found the properties of fundamental opto-electronic transitions, determined opto-electric territorial for HgCdTe materials and devices. He developed researches on the physics of ferroelectric thin film materials and devices, fabricated PZT and BST uncooled infrared detectors to realize thermal imaging. He has published more than 300 papers, and 3 books. He is also an author for Landolt-Boernstein “Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology”. He acquired the second class Awards of Natural Science in China (2005).
hfvac 2010-04-12 11:46大会荣誉主席 俞立中 华东师范大学校长
钮晓鸣 上海科学院院长
大会主席 Frank Richter Prof. Dr.,Chemnitz Univ. of Technology,
President of GVS, Germany
大会执行主席 孙卓 上海市真空学会理事长、纳光电集成与先进装备研究中心主任、华东师范大学教授
主席 侯建国 中国科学院院士、中国科技大学校长、中国真空学会理事长
成员 Frank Fenske
Alexander Lawerenz
Carsten Ronning
Dietrich R.T. Zahn
Michael Heuken
Johannes Struempfel
褚君浩 中国科学院院士、上海太阳能电池研发中心主任
许宁生 中国科学院院士、中山大学副校长、中国真空学会副理事长
荣誉主席 陈群 华东师范大学副校长
张文军 上海交通大学副校长、上海市电子学会理事长
主席 惠进德 中国真空学会常务理事、中国真空网站长、上海惠丰石油化工有限公司董事长
成员 陈国荣 复旦大学教授、上海真空学会常务理事
龙沪强 上海交通大学教授、上海市电子学会办公室主任
严学俭 复旦大学教授、中国真空网顾问
大会秘书 (会务)杨翠玉 中国真空网副站长
计华群 中国真空网企划
(会议)潘丽坤 华东师范大学副教授
陈晓红 华东师范大学副研究员
jjheman 2010-06-24 11:37