9 '2= 《现代经典光学》作者为牛津
大学物理系的Geoffrey Brooker。
i Td-n9 《牛津大学研究生教材系列》介绍了物理学的主要领域的知识和柑关应用,旨在引导读者进入相关领域的前沿。丛书坚持深入浅出的写作风格,用丰富的示例、图表、总结加深读者埘内容的理解。书中附有习题供读者练习。
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EKcC+g ~_ *H)| 1 Electromagnetism and basic optics
|if'_x1V 1.1 Introduction
jmkRP"ZnA 1.2 The Maxwell eqiations
3H1Pp*PH 1.3 Linear isotropic media
y7CWBTH0> 1.4 Plane electromagnetic waves
8ou e-:/a 1.5 Energy flow
HDyQzCG, 1.6 Scalar wave amplitudes
g93I+ 1.7 Dispersive media
N g58/}zO 1.8 Electrical transmission lines
6dF$?I& 1.9 Elementary(ray)optics
|}Q( F+cL 1.9.1 The thin lens
W&<g} N+ 1.9.2 Sign conventions
GA.BI"l 1.9.3 Refraction at a spherical surface
]x1p!TSU 1.9.4 The thick lens
dY1J<L}") 1.10 Rays and waves
/^J2B8y Problems
rxQ<4 u0xQ;BQ 2 Fourier series and Fourier transforms
]22C)< 2.1 Introduction
EY]a6@; 2.2 Fourier series:spectrum of a periodic waveform
]Ft 2.3 Fourier series:a mathematical reshape
qB+n6y% 2.4 The Fourier transform:spectrum of a non-periodic waveform
pqJ)G;%9 2.5 The analytic signal
#EvRC 2.6 The Dirac δ-function
P2Onkl 2.7 Frequency and angular frequency
CQ<8P86gt 2.8 The power spectrum
VO9XkA7 2.9 Examples of Fourier transforms
8zAg;b[ 2.9.1 A single rectangular pulse
JfkTw~'R 2.9.2 The double pulse
jA,|JgN|n 2.9.3 A δ-function pulse
Gt1&"Z 2.9.4 A regular array of δ-functions
z4g+2f7h-X 2.9.5 A random array of δ-functions
Fqo&3+J4 2.9.6 An infinite sinewave
0F^]A"kF 2.10 Convolution and the convolution theorem
7ZQ'h3K 2.11 Examples of convoltion
Hr6wgYPi 2.12 Sign choices with Fourier transforms
}hCaNQ&jH problems
y5_XHi@u~o r
^MiRa 3 Diffraction
xo(k?+P>. 3.1 Introduction