激光原理(第4版)(Principles of Lasers Fourth Editon)作者:(意大利)斯威尔托(Orazio Svelto)
This new Fourth Edition of Principles of Lasers is so thoroughly updated and expanded that it is virtually a whole new book. But the text s essential mission remains the same: to provide a wide-ranging yet unified description of laser behavior, physics, technology, and current applications. Dr. Svelto emphasizes the physical rather than the mathematical aspects of lasers, and presents the subject in the simplest terms compatible with a correct physical understanding.
![]() Lists of Examples 1. Introductory Concepts 1.1 Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission, Absorption 1.2 The Laser Idea 1.3 Pumping Schemes 1.4 Properties of Laser Beams 1.5 Laser Types 2. Interface of Radiation with Atoms and Ions 3. Energy Levels, Radiative, and Nonradiative Transitions in Molecules and Semiconductors 4. Ray and Wave Propagation through Optical Media 5. Passive Optical Resonators 6. Pumping Process 7. Continuous Wave Laser Behavior 8. Transient Laser Behavior 9. Solid-State, Dye, and Semiconductors Lasers 10. Gas. Chemical, Free-Election, and X-Ray Lasers 11. Properties of Laser Beams 12. Laser Beam Transformation: Propagation, Amplification, Frequency Conversion, Pulse Compression, and Pulse Expansion Appendixes Answers to Selected Problems Index …… 市场价:¥99.00 优惠价:¥79.20 为您节省:19.80元 (80折) ![]() 关键词: 激光
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