uc=B,3 E3i4=!Y 市场价:¥68.00
dscgj5b1~ 优惠价:¥57.50 为您节省:10.50元 (85折)
+H.`MZ= #jk_5W 飞秒激光脉冲:原理及实验目录
rc{v$.o0 Preface
:%i Contributors
WM{=CD 1 Laser Basics
H. c7Nle C. Hirlimann
sRW<me; 1.1 Introduction
rZF*q2? 1.2 Stimulated Emission
OPi0~s 1.2.1 Absorption
=WLY 6)]A 1.2.2 Spontaneous Emission
Gq6*SaTk 1.2.3 Stimulated Emission
":]EU 1.3 Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission
?CZd Ol 1.4 Population Inversion
<[v[ci 1.4.1 TWO-Level System
AdmC&!nH 1.4.2 Optical Pumping
pI[uUu7O 1.4.3 Light Amplification
G6/m# 1.5 Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE)
ZoeD:xnh[ 1.5.1 Amplifier Decoupling
C}X\|J 1.6 The Optical Cavity
4W])}C % 1.6.1 The Fabry-Pérot Interferometer
!W\+#ez 1.6.2 Geometric Point of View
SKtr tm 1.6.3 Diffractive-Optics Point of View
5\v3;;A[ 1.6.4 Stability of a Two-Mirror Cavity
s.#`&Sd> 1.6.5 Longitudinal Modes
j+!v}*I![ 1.7 Here Comes the Laser!
G)YcJv7 1.8 Conclusion
@c#(.= 1.9 Problems
B1gR5p 0 Further Reading
@L`jk+Y0vF Historical References
,_P-$lB 2 Pulesd Optics
O<I- 3 Methods for the Generation of Ultuashcort Laser Pulses:Mode-Locking
7,MR*TO, 4 Further Methods for the Generation of Ultrashort Optical Pulses
@d_M@\r=j 5 Pulsed Semiconductor Lasers
Z,=1buSz_ 6 How to Manipulate and Change the Characteristics of Laser Pulese
wq{hF< 7 How to Measure the Characteristics of Laser Pulses
6LZCgdS{ 8 Spectroscopic Methods for Analysis of Sample Dynamics
GG 9 Coherent Effects in Femtosecond Spectroscopy:A Simple Picture Using the Bloch Equation
-4K5-|>O 10 Terahertz Femtosecond Pulese
}b}m3i1 11 Coherent Control in Atoms,Molecules and Solids
LP-o8c 12 Attosecond Pulses
uNyVf7u Index
_GPe<H 市场价:¥68.00
zqku e%^?- 优惠价:¥57.50 为您节省:10.50元 (85折)