OptiLayer 讲座报告(英文) F]=B'ZI
共24节 #@//7Bf%
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Contents $|<m9CW
1. Matrix calculation method !{%G0(Dv
2. Design transformations ]T<^{jG
3. Oblique light incidence Qi=*1QAkr
4. Design formulas S*t%RZ~a
5. OptiLayer thin film software AFm1t2,+;
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Contents 7TWNB{
1. Optical coating model <Oz66bTze
2. Schroeder’s approximation for the amplitude L\ j:
reflection coefficient of inhomogeneous layer 3LK%1+)4
3. Taking into account bulk inhomogeneity in 96Zd M=
multilayers h4`9Cfrq ,
4. Large scale and small scale interface roughness Zhi})d3l
5. Taking into account interface roughness in multilayers "4 k-dj