OptiLayer 讲座报告(英文) '{e9Vh<x
共24节 +>v3&[lGv
L01 "4`i]vy8
Contents ]VuB2L[D
1. Matrix calculation method Nn`l+WA3
2. Design transformations w+,Kpb<x[0
3. Oblique light incidence 7FQ&LF46
4. Design formulas .?<M$38fv
5. OptiLayer thin film software gL)l)}#
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Contents ?W6qwm,?L
1. Optical coating model [:vH_(|
2. Schroeder’s approximation for the amplitude wW.V>$q
reflection coefficient of inhomogeneous layer H<Ne\zAv
3. Taking into account bulk inhomogeneity in !]^,!7x,8j
multilayers r)4GH%+?fv
4. Large scale and small scale interface roughness XBvJc'(s
5. Taking into account interface roughness in multilayers ]npsclvJ